Rentals Overview
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Mineral and Surface lease rental payments are made in CS Land using the Rental Process (accessed via the Rental icon in the Toolbar). The Rental Process for Mineral or Surface gathers the lease payments for a particular month where your Company is the payor of the lease. Leases with potential data issues are identified and can be fixed before moving forward or stop paid. As you move through the process steps, the transactions to pay the lessors and invoice the partners are created, as are reports. Multiple ways to tailor the process to meet your business needs are available.
Thirty-Minute Thursdays | Making Mineral and Surface lease rental payments is a critical process for every company. We will help you to understand many of the key configuration options available to you and will walk through step by step how to run the process in Qbyte CS Land. The most commonly asked questions (and issues) submitted to the Qbyte CS Land support desk will also be covered. |
Available Options for Rental Processes
The simplest way to run rentals in CS Land is to create a single rental process for each month/year for each of Mineral and Surface. Depending upon business requirements, more complex scenarios can be configured. Below are the options that are available.
If your company wants to to incorporate any of the following options, please contact P2 Support for help with updating your configuration.
Multiple Owner Companies - Create separate rental processes for individual company entities or combine payments for multiple companies into one process
Distribution Rules - Enter cost centers for lease rentals manually or automatically create the distribution of rental costs using existing related wells and their cost centres (four options available)
Split Rentals - Create separate Mineral and/or Surface Rental Processes for specific lessors (i.e. Alberta Crown, British Columbia Crown, etc.).
If split rentals is configured, Auto Debit can also be configured for the Alberta Crown split rental run.
Surface Invoices via JVB - Invoice Surface Rental via mail or through Joint Venture Billing (JIB)
Rental Interface - Enable the Rental Interface step in the rental process to send rental transactions to Qbyte Financial Management
Configure Acknowledgement Letters
Configure Attachments
Rentals Checklist
Below is an overview of each step. It is recommended that the reports generated at each step are saved for reference. Note: Prior to saving reports, the rental report paths must be setup in the ADMIN.INI.
Step | Description |
1. Rental Calendar | Generate and review the Rental Calendar for Mineral or Surface. |
Optional. Compare leases on the Crown invoice to leases in your rental process to identify and report any differences. | |
Rental Process Steps: 3.1 Rental Distribution: Mandatory for clients using a rental interface. Shows the distribution errors that need to be corrected before proceeding. Check leases with the Distribution Override Flag = 'Y' and those getting the 'No CC' error message. 3.2 Selection: Mandatory. Selects leases for inclusion in the rental process. 3.3 Stop Payments: Optional. Shows leases that have been excepted from the process based on Rental Status and provides the ability to exclude additional leases from further processing. 3.4 Add Approved Extension Payments: Configurable for Mineral Crown rentals only if Split Rentals has been setup. Allows inclusion of leases previously stop paid. 3.5 Pre Cheque Register: Mandatory. Preliminary report to verify which leases will be paid. 3.6 Approval Forms 3.7 Generate Cheques: Mandatory. Creates the appropriate payment transactions. 5 possible reports are generated:
Each report will show a print window popup will display the report name at the top of the window. Press OK on each pop up to go to the next. 3.8 Generate Invoices/Set Up JVB: Mandatory. Creates the appropriate invoice transactions and invoices. 3.9 Rental Interface: Configurable; facilitates the transfer of rental transactions to the Financial Accounting system. 3 reports are generated:
| |
This step is under User Processes and is used to download rental transaction details in preparation for upload into Qbyte Financial. VERY IMPORTANT: Only one rental run can be downloaded to accounting at a time. Only AFTER accounting has uploaded the file can you download the next rental run. | |
5. EnergyLink |
Other Rental Activities/Reports
Rerunning a Rental Process
Sometimes it is necessary to re-process a rental run due to errors in the process. To do so you must begin by re-running the Rental Distribution and Selection steps. The system forces you to re-run each of the steps in the order that they appear.
When you re-process a month, the system uses the data currently in the system. This may result in different payment or invoicing amounts than what was originally generated for the rental month.
When you re-process a month, the rental history record previously created is wiped out. A new rental history is created only as all of the rental steps are re-run.
Cheque and Invoice numbers will continue to increment, if not configured to start at 1 each month.
Rental History
View information about Payments made
On the Rent Hist tab at the base level of the lease. If configured, comments about those payment records can be added to the Rent Hist Comments tab, for example, if a cheque was not cashed. A separate tab (Rent Hist Manual) exists if you desire to track manual payments.
In Optix under Leases > Rental Focus > Lease Rental Payment Summary. For those clients that are integrated with Qbyte Financial, Payment Number, Payment Date, Payment Type, Payment Status, Cleared Date and Invoice Number are fields that are being pulled from FM. Payment Number is a drilldown to the FM Payment Details report and Invoice Number is a drilldown for the Invoice Details report.
Reports - review saved reports to review a completed process. It is generally NOT advisable to double click a step of a completed process as that will re-start the process from that step, potentially altering the data used in following steps.
Per Diem Reports
Purchase & Sale Activity - Per diem reports are available for Mineral and Surface to identify rentals owed between effective and closing date of a sale.
Rental Forecast Reports for Mineral and Surface
Identify upcoming rental payment amounts for a specific period, i.e. annually or quarterly.
Surface Rental Review Notices
Create rent review notice letters (or offer letters) specific to different lessor types. How to instructions.
Is it possible to split my Rental Processes between Crown and Freehold leases?
Why is my Rental Process Out-of-Balance?
Why has an Invoice Number been skipped in my Rental Process?
Are any changes required in CS Land for the Pre-Authorized Debit form of payment for Crown Rentals?
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