Update Operators
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Use the Operator Updates function to update, en mass, the Operator code on records linked to a Contract sub on which there was a change of operator.
To Update the Operator on Documents Linked to a Particular Contract Sub:
1. Select Operator Update from the User Processes menu. The system displays the Operating Contract Update Operators window.
2. In the File Number field, enter the file number and sub for the Contract on which the operator changed. The system automatically displays the name and code of the operator appearing on the Contract sub selected.
3. Systematically select each of the Select Mineral, Select Surface, and Select Wells and Facilities and Pipelines buttons to have the system display a list of linked Mineral, Surface, and Wells and Facilities and Pipeline documents, respectively.
Note: If there are no documents of the kind indicated linked to the Contract sub in question, the system displays a message indicating that no links of that kind exist.
4. If you choose to update one or more of the documents in the list, check the Update check box beside the document.
5. Select Update/Retry to have the system perform the requested updates.
6. Optionally, Select Print to print a record of the requested updates.
7. When finished making all updates, Select Close to exit the Update Operators window
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