Mass Update
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You can use the Mass Update function to add specific text, such as a remark or obligation, to a group of selected files. The Mass Update function is especially useful when you make large-scale changes to your data, such as when adding a remark to a selection of leases to indicate a change in ownership.
Accessing the Mass Update Function
1. Ensure that all CS Land modules are closed.
2. From the User Processes menu, select Mass Update. The system displays a list of all the Mass Update records that have already been set up in the Select Mass Update window.
Creating a Mass Update Record
To create a new Mass Update record:
1. Select Add Mass Update. The Process Mass Update window appears.
2. Select the General tab and enter the appropriate Description
3. Select the Selection tab and add documents for Mass update.
4. Optionally, select Print Selection to print out a report of the files in your Mass Update.
5. Select OK to save the Mass Update record. The system closes the Process Mass Update window.
Updating an Existing Mass Update Record
To updating an existing Mass Update record:
1. Highlight the Mass Update record in question and select Update.
2. The system displays the Mass Update Change window.
3. You can update General Tab or Selection Tab
Run a Mass Update - General
Run a Mass Update - Third Party Maintenance Tab
Run a Mass Update - Service Fees
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