Code Change
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Run the Code Change function to search documents for occurrences of a specific associate and replace these with another associate code that you specify.
Note: If you are running the Code Change to a new Owner Company, be sure to add the new Owner Company into the Owner Company code table BEFORE running the code change, otherwise your nets may be 0.
Accessing the Code Change Function
1. Ensure that all CS Land modules are closed.
2. From the User Processes menu, select Code Change. The system displays a list of all the code change records that have already been set up in the Select Code Change window. The list includes both code change records that have already been run as well as those that have not.
Creating a New Code Change Record
To create a new code change record:
1. Once you have opened the Select Code Change window, select Add Code Change. The Process Code Change window appears.
2. Select the General tab and enter the appropriate information in the fields provided, as described below.
Description: Enter a description of the code change record indicating the purpose of the code change.
Code From: Enter the associate code that you want to replace.
Code To: Enter the associate code with which you want to replace the original associate code.
3. Select OK to save the code change record. The system closes the Process Code Change window.
Updating an Existing Code Change Record
To updating an existing Code Change record
1. Once you have opened the Select Code Change window, highlight the code change record in question and select Update.
2. If the code change has not yet been run for that record, the system displays the Process Code Change window, and you can update General tab information.
3. If the code change has been run, the system displays the Process Mass Update window. You can only update Description field.
Run a Code Change / Mass Update
You can run a code change at the time you create a Code Change record, or at a later date. Once you run a code change record, the system updates the Changed column in the Select Code Change window to Yes to indicate that the code change has been run. Once you run a code change you cannot update or re-run the same code change record.
You cannot run a code change if files are in use. Before you can run a code change, ensure that there are no other users logged on to the system.
You must remove all user locks that exist on any documents included in the code change selection list before running the code change.
Before the system runs the code change, it places global locks on all of the documents included in the code change so that no one can access them during the code change. If the code change is not completed, the global locks remains and must be removed before you can access the files. See Remove Global Locks for more information about global locks.
If the code change has not yet been run (Code Change)
1. Once you have opened the Select Code Change window, highlight the code change record in question and select Update.
Note: If the Code Change record you want does not appear in the list you must add it. See Creating a New Code Change Record (above) for more information
2. If the code change has not yet been run, selecting the Global Run button allows you to run a code change on all of the documents containing the code specified in the Code From field of a code change record.
3. Select Global Run and then Yes at the system prompt "Do you wish to continue?"
4. In the Filter Options window that appears, select the file status of the documents you want to change
5. Select OK and then confirm the system prompt to begin the code change run.
6. Select Print Selection button on Process window to print a list of all the documents included in a code change record.
If the code change has been run (Mass Update)
1. Once you have opened the Select Code Change window, highlight the code change record in question and select Update.
2. If the code change has been run, the system displays the Process Mass Update window. This window allows you to edit the Description field only and, instead of the Global Run button, a Mass Update button appears.
3. Select Mass Update Button to add specific text, such as a remark or obligation, to the files included in Global Code Change. For more info how to run Mass Update go to Run a Mass update.
Company Code Change Notifications
After you run a code change, the system sends automatic e-mail messages to users in the system that require information about the code change details. You can set up code change notifications in the Notification Table.
If you have set up code change e-mail notifications in the Notification Table, the system displays the Mail Attachment window, where you can save the Company Code Change report as a .PSR (PowerSoft) file and attach it to the e-mail.
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