File Terminator
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File Terminator is designed to provide clients with an efficient method for inactivating large volumes of files (where the entire file is being disposed of i.e. all active subs), due to a disposition based on a Document- or Exchange-type project.
File Terminator also provides the ability to add a related Purchase & Sale Contract(s), create a Disposition record for the Mineral files and apply Mass Updates for Amendments, Remarks etc., if a client so desires, to a Termination Project once the termination process has been run.
Import a document into File Terminator
Before terminating any files, you must import a Document- or Exchange-type project containing the files you wish to terminate into File Terminator. To do so:
1. Create a Document- or Exchange-type project, for more information about how to create a project go to Project Creation, Access, and Maintenance
2. Once you have created your project, highlight it from within the Select CS Project window and select Export to File Terminator. Your project will be exported into File Terminator.
3. Select OK to exit the Select CS Project window.
For Document Type projects: When you export your project into File Terminator it will only bring in the active subs on the Mineral and Contract files in your project, in addition to the base file record.
For Exchange-type projects: Exchange-type projects are sub-level projects and, therefore, CS Project may contain active and inactive subs. When you export your project into File Terminator it will only bring in the active subs on the Mineral and Contract files in your project, in addition to the base file record.
Updating File Terminator Record
To updating an existing File Terminator record
1. Once you have opened the Select File Terminator window, highlight the File Terminator record in question and select Terminate.
2. The system displays the Process Mass Termination window.
3. You can update/ insert information to General tab.
Running File Terminator
If the File Termination has not yet been run (File Terminator)
1. Select File Terminator from the User Processes menu. The system displays the Select Mass Termination window.
2. Find the project you imported, highlight it and select Terminate. The system displays the Process Mass Termination window.
3. Enter the Termination Date this the File Status Date, which will be updated
4. Select the appropriate Termination Types by module.
5. Optionally, select Print Selection to print out a report of the files in your Termination Project.
6. Use the Selection tab to display the list of the files in your Termination Project Base and Sub records.
7. Select Verify only to verify all the files in your project for DOI and Royalty link errors and missing Subs. The verifications are as follows:
If a Contract is in the project and there are active Mineral, Surface or Well DOI links and these files are not in your project, an error is returned.
If a Contract is in the project and there are active Mineral Royalty links and the Mineral file is not in the project, an error is returned.
If your project is an Exchange-type project and you have a Mineral file or Contract file and have not included all active subs in the project, an error is returned.
8. The system displays a text file report, listing any errors that were found. Print and/or save this report for error corrections and audit.
Note: Errors need to be corrected before any files can, or will, be terminated in the Verify/Terminate process. To correct errors you will need to analyze the specific error to determinate which file should be added to or deleted from the project. You will then need to re-open CS Project and update your project before re-exporting it into File Terminator.
9. Export the corrected project exported into File Terminator, now you can re-run the above Verify Only process to ensure that there are no outstanding errors.
10. Select Verify/Terminate to rerun the verification process and, assuming there are no further project errors, run the termination process.
11. At the system prompt Yes to continue with the inactivation.
Note: Records are terminated in the following hierarchy by module: Well, Surface, Mineral, Contract.
12. The system runs the termination and in doing so:
Sets the file status to the termination type (inactive file status code) selected for each module in the General tab
Sets the file status date to the termination date selected in the General tab
Creates a log record for each file in the appropriate log table
Sets the BA_Xref record AI_Flag to I
Creates a lease-owned copy of the Contract Royalty on the Mineral Sub, if there were any linked Royalties on the Mineral file Sub(s), and deletes the original link (same validation as in Mineral Maintenance)
13. Once the termination is complete, print or save your text file report. Note: Once the termination process has been run, the system will not allow you to go back in and modify the original CS Project.
If the File Terminator process has been run, optionally apply Mass Updates
1. Select File Terminator from the User Processes menu. The system displays the Select Mass Termination window.
2. Find the project you imported, highlight it and select Terminate.
3. If the File Termination has been run, the Mass Update button will be available on selection tab.
4. Once you update General tab, go to Selection tab and select Mass Update Button to add specific text, such as a remark or obligation, to the files included in File Terminator. For more info how to run Mass Update go to Run a Mass update.
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