From/To Mass Updates

From/To Mass Updates

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Update Admin Company

Use the Admin Company Mass Update function to change the admin company name on all of your files at once. 

To update the admin company en mass:

1. Select From/To Mass Update>Admin Company from the User Processes menu. The system displays the Mass Code Update window for Admin Company.

2. In the From field, enter the name of the original admin company.

3. In the To field, enter the name of the new admin company.

4. Select Run to process the update.

5. Optionally, Select Cancel to abort the update.


Update Obligation Responsibility

Use the Oblig Responsibility Mass Update function to change one obligation responsibility code to another.

To update an obligation responsibility code:

1. Select From/To Mass Update>Oblig Responsibility from the User Processes menu. The system displays the Mass Code Update window for Obligation Responsibility.

2. In the From field, enter the original obligation code.

3. In the To field, enter the new obligation code.

4. Select Run to process the update.

5. Optionally, Select Cancel to abort the update.

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