Acreage Reconciliation
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Run the Acreage Reconciliation function in order to:
Reconcile acreage changes with Acquisition and Disposition information entered in a Mineral Lease document and create an Acreage Reconciliation report
Find discrepancies between two Acreage Reconciliation reports and create the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy report.
Creating an Acreage Reconciliation Report
1. From the User Processes menu, select Acreage Reconciliation.
2. The system opens the Acreage Reconciliation window, which displays the Create Date Time, User, and Description for all of the acreage reconciliation reports that have already been created.
3. Select the Add button. The Create New Acreage window appears with the current time and date in the Date/Time field.
4. In the Description field, enter a meaningful description/name for the report.
5. Select Run. The system runs the reconciliation and, when finished, displays the Create Date Time, your User Name and the Description you entered in the Create New Acreage window in the main Acreage Reconciliation window.
Deleting an Entry from the Acreage Reconciliation Window
1. Highlight the report that you want to delete.
2. Select Delete. The system asks you to confirm that you want to delete the record.
View an Acreage Reconciliation Report
An Acreage Reconciliation report is created every time you run the Acreage Reconciliation function.
1. Open the main Acreage Reconciliation window and highlight the report you want to view.
2. Select Acreage Report. The Acreage Reconciliation Report Options window opens.
3. Select Run to run the report.
4. Select Print to print the report.
Note: By default, the system sorts the Acreage Reconciliation Report by file number and then by file sub. Additional Sort options are not available.
Running the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy Report
Running the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy report allows you to report on two acreage reconciliation runs at once with the intention of pinpointing existing discrepancies between them. Note, however, that the system only includes those files in which there is a discrepancy larger than the tolerance factor for the report.
1. Open the main Acreage Reconciliation window and highlight the two records for which you want to run the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy report.
Tip: To highlight more than one record, press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting on the records in question.
2. Select Acreage Reconciliation. The system displays the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy Report Options window.
Optionally, enter the Selection options for the report.
3. Enter the Print options for the report. By default, the system selects ‘Producing/NonProducing’ as the Acreage Category and ‘Acres’ as the unit in which to report.
4. Select Run to run the report.
Optionally, right click on the report and select Filter/Advanced to enter options by which to filter the report data.
5. Select Print to print the report.
Note: By default, the system sorts the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy report by file number and then by file sub. Additional Sort options are not available.
Note: If you find that you are getting discrepancies on files due to rounding issues from the acreage/hectare conversion rate, you can set your tolerance level higher to exclude these files.
To do so, change the System Table entry as follows:
Correcting Acreage Discrepancies via E-mail Notification
The files that appear on the Acreage Reconciliation Discrepancy report must be updated in order to correct the discrepancy values. In order to facilitate updating the necessary Mineral Lease files, you can have the system create a note in CS Notes for each record on the report. The user(s) to whom the note is assigned and other note properties are established in the General section of the Admin INI Setup window (Admin>Update Admin INI).
Note: The ability to create notes for discrepancy values must be enabled by a system administrator through the System table.
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