Extract Legal Data
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About Extract Legal Data
You can extract legal data stored in the Qbyte CS Land database, create a .CSV (comma-separated values) file and send it to a third-party mapping application such as AccuMap or geoSCOUT.
There are two ways to generate the required .CSV file:
In Qbyte Optix – Mineral Lease Legals can be exported; many filter options are available.
In Qbyte CS Land – Mineral Lease, AMI, AOE and Unit Legals can be exported.
Qbyte Optix
Sample Steps to Run
1. Select the Optix Reports tab → Leases → Mineral Leases → Mineral Lease Sub Data Extract.
2. Select the Mineral Lease Subs → Mineral Lease Sub Selection Method = Enter Mineral Lease Sub Criteria to display all available filter options.
For example:
Under Basic, select the All Active checkbox next to the Sub File Status field.
Under Projects, select the desired Project.
Under Advanced, select the Expiry Date (Mineral Lease) attribute, select Function "between" and enter the expiry date range.
If you are running the extract for the Mineral Lease Budget Expiry Calendar data, you may want to go under Advanced, select the Budget Recommendation Type, Select Function “equals” and choose the recommendation type you want to generate the CSV file for.
3. Select the Data Extract Attributes → Add Commonly Used Attributes and select Legal Data for Mapping to add required attributes to the selected list.
If you are running the extract for the Mineral Lease Budget Expiry Calendar data, you may want to also add the Budget Recommendation itself to the data extract attribute list. Use Search to find Budget Recommendation and then select the attribute via the checkbox. It will be added to the bottom of the selected list.
4. View the report
5. Select the Export to Excel → CSV. Save the .csv file to your desired location.
6. Save Report Criteria into your Favorites Folder so that you can easily rerun in the future. Remember to flag it as shared if you would like others to see/run this report.
7. If you are running the extract for the Mineral Lease Budget Expiry Calendar Report data, you may want to go back into the extract to create additional data extracts for each of the recommendation types that you are using.
Qbyte CS Land
To run the Extract Legal Data function:
1. From the User Processes menu, select Extract Legal Data and then choose either the Standard and geoSCOUT or Accumap extract format option.
Note: If you do not have access to this menu option, please contact your Administrator. They will need to give you permission to USER.EXTRACT-LEGAL.
Standard and geoSCOUT
1. If you select Standard and geoSCOUT, the system displays the Extract Legal Data window.
2. Choose one of the following file extract formats:
Standard plat file (Area Name, Area Code, DLS/NTS, Legal, File #, Sub, Owner Interest, Expiry Date, Extension Code, Extension Date)
geoSCOUT data file <Location> <LSD/Unit>
3. In the DLS: field, enter a file name for the DLS legal description file extract. You must include the file path in the file name. For example: c:\my documents\dls.txt (geoSCOUT files)
4. In the NTS: field, enter a file name for the NTS legal description file extract. You must include the file path in the file name. For example: c:\my documents\nts.txt (geoSCOUT files)
You do not have to generate both DLS and NTS files. You can generate a file extract for one or the other format, or both.
You can save the legal extract files directly to disk and send the disk to the mapping company you use. Or, you can save the files to your hard drive and email them as an attachment to the mapping company.
5. Select Start to begin the legal description data extraction.
6. Select Close to close the Extract Legal Data window.
1. If you select Accumap, the system displays the Extract Legal Data window.
2. Using the radio buttons at the top of the window, indicate which type of document: Mineral, AMI, AOE, or Unit that you want to extract.
3. In the File Name field, enter a file name for the DLS or NTS legal description file extract. You must include the file path in the file name. For example: c:\my documents\dls.csv
Use the Search button to allow for easier entry of the path.
The file extension must be .CSV.
You do not have to generate both DLS and NTS files. You can generate a file extract for one or the other format, or both.
You can save the legal extract files directly to disk and send the disk to the mapping company you use. Or, you can save the files to your hard drive and email them as an attachment to the mapping company.
4. Click Start to begin the legal description data extraction. You will receive a message indicating the Legal Extract File was created. Click Close.
5. Click Close to exit from the Extract Legal Data window.
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