Complete Lease Edit
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Edit Leases
Run the Complete Lease Edit function to have the system check documents from the Contracts, Mineral, Surface, and Wells modules for errors and omissions (such as inactive BAs appearing on active documents) and to notify you in the event that any errors or omissions exist.
To run the Complete Lease Edit function:
1. Ensure that all CS Land modules are closed.
2. From the User Processes menu, select Complete Lease Edit and choose the module that you want to edit.
3. If user locks exist, the system displays a message to this effect. Remove all existing user locks before continuing. Once all user locks have been removed, the Complete Document Edit window appears.
4. In the Complete Document Edit window, specify the documents that you want to edit as follows:
Active Only Check the Active Only check box if you want the system to edit active documents only.
Retrieve Click on the Retrieve button to have the system retrieve all of the documents in the database for the module you are editing.
Import Click on the Import button to import a previously saved list of documents to edit.
Forced Update Check the Forced Update check box if you want to make it necessary for a particular user to correct errors and omissions as they are found by the system.
5. Select the Edit button to have the system begin the editing process.
6. Optionally, select the Print button to print the list of edited documents.
7. Select the Close button to close the Complete Document Edit window.
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