Crown Rental Reconciliation
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The Crown Reconciliation process allows you to load rental data you have downloaded from the Alberta Energy ETS website into CS Land reconciliation tables and reconcile it against CS Land rental data. The reconciliation process is comprised of three parts:
Downloading the ARD file from the Alberta Energy ETS website
Uploading the ARD file into CS Land tables
Running the Alberta Energy Rental Reconciliation reports
Downloading the ARD File
The procedure for downloading the ARD file from the Alberta Energy ETS website is as follows:
1. Navigate to the Alberta Energy ETS website and choose Request Status.
2. Enter a start and end date.
3. Click on Form and choose either Mineral Leases or Surface leases.
4. Find the data file you are looking for.
Note: Files are based on a specific format: <filename.code.timing.txt>
Filename: client name given to ETS
Code: Mineral = S, Surface = P
AVDATA: File downloaded in advance of rental period. For example, for March rentals, file can be downloaded on January 2.
MSDATA: Final Crown file is downloaded. This file is what the Crown will expect for rental payment, unless a supplementary request has been made. For March rentals, file can be downloaded on February 1.
The ARD file is in ASCII format.
5. Open the data file and click on Save As.
6. Select the path that has been set up for reconciliation.
Note: The path name can be found in the Rental Interface Table (CRRFILELOC). The path name cannot be longer than 40 characters.
Note: If Qbyte CS Land is setup as P2 Hosted, the path name needs to begin as follows indicating the drive letter: \\CLIENT\K$\....
7. Change the file name to replace the underscore (_) with a dot (.). Everything before the dot can be replaced with more identifiable data, for example:
Running reconciliation for September 2006
Note: The extension txt is mandatory. CS Land will only pick up the files with this extension.
Uploading the ARD File
The procedure for uploading the ARD file into CS Land is as follows:
1. From the User Processes menu, select Crown Rental Reconciliation.
2. In the window that appears, select the Owner Company from the drop-down list (if applicable).
3. Click OK. The system displays the Rental Data Upload window, which lists the files available for upload.
4. Highlight the file(s) you wish to upload and click on Process Files). The system loads the files into the CS Land rental reconciliation tables: Mineral: cs_l_rental_recon and Surfaces: cs_s_rental_recon. The system will match the Crown lease number with the corresponding mineral/surface lease using L/S_base.lessor_number and will populate the appropriate reconciliation table with the CS Land file number. If no match is found, the file does not exist in CS Land or the Crown lease number in CS Land is wrong.
Note: To select multiple files, ctrl/click on each record.
Running the Alberta Energy Rental Reconciliation Reports
The CS Land Reports Module contains a total of six Alberta Energy Rental Reconciliation reports that you can run for both Mineral and Surface rentals. These reports provide the results of various reconciliations of Alberta Energy rental data against CS Land rental data. The available reports are as follows:
Alberta Energy Mineral Files | Alberta Energy Surface Files |
Different Rental Amounts | Different Rental Amounts |
Different Rental Dates | Different Rental Dates |
Different Rental Payors | Different Rental Payors |
Exact Rental Match | Exact Rental Match |
Missing Crown Files | Missing Crown Files |
Missing from CS Land | Missing from CS Land |
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