Configure Cheque/Invoice Details
If integrated with Qbyte Financial, CS Land has the ability to apply standard content (footnotes) to Rental cheques and/or invoices (Rental Period, File Number, Area, etc.).
Alternatively, customers can configure the appearance of the details (or footnotes) that appear on cheque stubs or invoices. Components of the existing detail can be selected or deselected and displayed in the order desired by the client.
Please contact P2 CS Land Support if you wish to have your Cheque and/or Invoice details configured in this manner. Additionally, setup is required on the Qbyte Financial side, please also contact P2 Qbyte Financial support.
Mineral and Surface Lease details for invoices and cheques are maintained in the Rental Interface table.
Cheque Detail Code | Invoice Detail Code | |
There are 3 options available.
Option 1: If Cheque or Invoice details are not required, enter a value of ‘DISABLED’ in the value column.
Option 2: Enable Standard Cheque/Invoice Details. In the Rental Interface table, enter a value of ‘ENABLED’ in the value column for the given cheque or invoice code.
Below is an example of the standard output:
Mineral Rentals | Surface Rentals | |
Header | M-00017 A Mineral Lse: 44296 | File No. S-00036; Surface Lease CR 9600308 |
Rental | Apr 27,2000 To Apr 26,2001; Total Rental: $4,170.00 (actually Sub Rental) | Rental Period: Jan 26,2014 To Jan 25,2015; Total Rental: $500.00 |
Area | Area: LAPP | Area: LAPP - LAPP |
Legal (multiple rows allowed) | NTS 94-H-10 BLK C UNIT 58 59 60 68 69 70 NTS 94-H-10 BLK D UNIT 51 61 | NTS 94-H-10 BLK E UNIT 23 |
Wells Legal (multiple rows allowed) | 191/12-08-013-32-W1 200/A-060-C/094-H-10 (Dependent upon configuration in t_system PRMINWELLS = Yes) | 200/C-023-E/094-H-10 |
Option 3: Configure which data elements should be included in the cheque or invoice details.
Add new configuration rows for any of the above details for Mineral and/or Surface Rentals by following the steps below:
1. In the Rental Interface Table, enter a Value of ‘CONFIGURE’ in the value column for the given invoice or cheque. See the table above to determine which code represents the cheque or invoice you wish to configure (Mineral Cheque, Surface Invoice, etc.).
2. Enter the Owner Company for which the configuration will apply from the Owner Company column.
3. Enter the Code to represent which detail you are configuring (i.e. Mineral Invoice, Surface Cheque etc.). The code consists of four parts:
a. Character 1: M for Mineral or S for Surface
b. Characters 2-4: CHQ for cheque detail or INV for invoice detail
c. Characters 5-6: FN (represents footnotes)
d. Character 7: Row Order (enter a number to represent which order this row will appear in the footnotes)
e. Character 8 (optional): A letter (A, B, C, etc.) that would be entered if the desired configuration detail for a line is more than the 40 characters which are available in the value column of the Rental Interface table. Add a new row and enter the remaining characters. These rows will be concatenated to one line on the output.
4. Enter the Value which will be the text which appears on the cheque stubs or invoices. For each row, use a combination of text encased in single quotes and the data fields listed below to build a ‘string’ for each line of the invoice/cheque details. These are the Value options:
Value | Data from Mineral Lease | Data from Surface Lease |
<FILE> | File Number Sub (separated by a space) | File Number |
<LESSORT> | Lessor Type | Lessor Type |
<LESSOR#> | Lessor Number | Lessor Number |
<AREAN> | Area (description) | Area (description) |
<RENTPER> | Rental Period | Rental Period |
<RENTTOTAL> | Lease Rental Amount for Sub | Lease Rental Amount for Lease |
<LEGAL> | Land Description | Land Description |
<RIGHTS> | Rights Held | N/A |
<LANDUSE> | N/A | Land Use |
<WELLS> | Well UWI (14 characters with slashes & dashes. Mineral wells are still dependent upon the PRMINWELLS configuration.) |
Below is an example of Mineral cheque configurations:
The output from the above configuration will appear as follows:
M-0001 A MINERAL LSE: 123453433 AREA: BANTRY
Aug 6,2015 to Aug 5,2016; RENTAL $ 896.00
TWP 50 RGE 25 W3M SEC N24
TWP 50 RGE 25 W3M SEC S25
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