Rental Distribution
This step is mandatory for customers using the Rental Interface and is run automatically when a new process is created. Rental Distribution is the first step in the rental process that determines the allocation of rental dollars among cost centers. Rental Distribution is handled as follows:
Allocation is typically based on pre-defined rules. The selected rule is configured in the System Table.
Fields are updated in the Rent Dist tab for each Mineral or Surface lease included in the rental run based on the latest well information on the lease.
If required, distribution exceptions are manually entered on the Rent Dist tab of the Mineral or Surface lease. Note: these exceptions will be overwritten by the Rental Distribution step unless the Override Flag in Rent Dist is set to Yes.
1. The Rental Process opens with the Rental Distribution report displayed. For clients that do not have an automated Rental Distribution, leases may be missing from this report if they do not have a rental distribution, i.e. there is no information on the Rent Dist tab of the lease. These leases will be identified in the Selection step (next step) as 'Missing Distribution(s)'.
2. Review report for potential errors. If there are errors on the report, you will need to correct the errors and then rerun the distribution step before proceeding to the next step.
For example, if using one of the automated CS Rental Distribution methods, you may see a warning such as **NO WELL** or **DEFAULT CC**. This means that the correct cost center could not be found.
Correct cost center and/or AFE data on the Area table, the Rent Dist tab of the lease, the Cost Centre on the related well, or by adding a well, if appropriate.
Look at the mineral file related wells tab find out which wells do not have a cost centre, add the cost centre into cost centre module, and update the well with the cost centre.
Another error could be the mineral file has no related active wells, so the file is deemed non-producing and there is no cost centre associated with the area code in the area table. In this case same thing determine the cost centre, add it into the cost centre module, update the area table.
3. Optionally, File > Print > pdf > click OK and wait for the print process to popup the Save As window > Save
4. Close the report by using the red X in the top right corner to return to the underlying Process Steps.
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