Wells Asset Utility
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- 1 Overview
- 2 Prerequisites
- 3 Steps to Run Asset Utilities for Wells
- 4 Reports
- 4.1 Error Summary
- 4.2 Well Errors
- 4.3 New Wells Added
- 4.4 Well Updates
- 4.5 CS Wells not in Public Data
- 4.6 Run Statistics
- 4.7 Well Audit Report
- 5 FAQ
- 6 Setup and Configuration
- 6.1 Server INI - Public Data Provider/Link
- 6.2 Security Access
- 6.3 Well Utility Admin
- 6.3.1 Control Table
- 6.3.2 Exclude Units Tab
- 6.3.3 Ignore Wells Tab
- 6.3.4 Translate Tab
- 6.3.5 Source Operator Tab
- 6.3.6 Load Rules Tab
The Asset Well Utility uses industry data (from IHS or gDC data hub) to:
propose new wells to add to the Qbyte CS Land Well module. New wells must be reviewed and approved prior to being added to the Well module, with an ability to automatically relate wells to the relevant Mineral lease subs when using the Review screen.
proposes changes to existing wells in the Qbyte CS Land Well module. The configuration is flexible so each customer determines which fields should be updated.
After the required setup and implementation has been completed, with help from P2, the utility steps can be run.
To implement and use Asset Utilities for Wells, the following must all ready be in place:
Structured Rights for Mineral.
Access to public data, either the IHS or gDC data hub. Customers arrange this data hub access directly with their data provider of choice. Note: Access to mapping tools (Accumap or geoSCOUT) is different than direct data hub access and does not guarantee the right access, so you will need to confirm.
Steps to Run Asset Utilities for Wells
Asset Utilities are found in Qbyte CS Land under User Processes > Asset Utilities > Wells. If you do not see this menu option, check with your System Administrator as you may not have the correct security roles.
For the best results, it is recommended the Asset Utilities steps are run in the following order:
Accessing Asset Well Utility | Access under menu option User Processes → Asset Utilities → Wells |
Run Extract Public Data | Well data is downloaded from the industry source (IHS or gDC) and is compared to existing wells. New wells are also found. This step can take a while depending on your company size. The Extract can be skipped if the review of the wells has not been completed from the last time the extract was run. Do not run this step if you have accepted wells but have not done the Update step as the wells will be moved back to the pending New Well folder if the public data is run again. Validate is automatically run along with the Extract step. |
Run Error Summary | The Error Summary will list all (New and Updated Wells) distinct errors.
Run Validate Step | This step will verify the public data to the Translate and CS Land validation code tables. Running the Validate step moves any accepted new wells and accepted update wells into the accepted folders. If Code table or errors on new wells will appear in the error summary when the new wells are in the accepted folder
Review Wells | Open up the Update and New Well Lists to accept or ignore the well updates. |
Run Validate Step | Running the Validate step at this point, will move any accepted new wells and accepted update wells into the accepted folders and capture any errors on any new wells or updated fields that were previously set to Pending. If Code table or errors exist on new wells they will appear in the error summary when the new wells are in the accepted folder.
Run Update | The Update will update the CS Land Well module for Wells with no errors. Normally, this step would not be run until after you have reviewed your Updates and/or New Wells in the Review process. The Update step will:
Run Reports | At a minimum, it is recommend to run these two reports at the end of the process. Additional reports are available and listed below.
Save report as a PDF or XPS and save to an Excel file for future (audits) reference. Hint: Add a date stamp to the file name “ddmmmyyy” to easily identify the specific run in the future if required. |
There are additional optional reports that can be run:
Error Summary
Shows code table or other errors that will prevent a well from being updated or added. A distinct list of errors found in the current Validate and Translate process. This report can be accessed by clicking the Error Summary button in the utility process or under the Select Reports button > Error Summary Report. By default, this report is sorted by Column.
Well Errors
This report provides a detailed list of the Wells where the translation errors exist in the current process. By default, the report is sorted by UWI and New/Update.
New Wells Added
Shows details for the new wells that were selected and added in the process. It is recommended to always save this report (PDF and Excel) for every update run. By default, the report is sorted by adding time and UWI, with other sort options available.
Well Updates
Shows the changes - the old value and new value for wells that were processed in the current update. It is recommended to always save this report (PDF and Excel) for every update run. By default, the report is sorted by UWI.
CS Wells not in Public Data
Shows wells that are not in public data but are in the CS Land Well module. By default, the report sorts by File Number, with other sort options available.
Run Statistics
Generally, this report is run by or requested by P2 to show the log file for the various steps run in the Well Asset Utility process to help diagnose an issue. By default, the report sorts by Run Number.
Well Audit Report
This Audit report shows ALL updates on records that were updates and flagged as Audit = Yes in the Control Table. By default, the report is sorted by File Number.
How do I fix code table issues in the Error Summary Report?
How do I Know if a Code Should be Added to the Translate Table in the Well Asset utility or to a Qbyte CS Land Code Table?
Setup and Configuration
Server INI - Public Data Provider/Link
In order for the Well Asset Utility to access industry data, the Admin Update Server Ini needs to be updated with the proper information.
Security Access
The user running the process must be given access to the processes USER.ASSETUTILITIES and USER.ASSETUTILITIES.WELLS. It is recommended to create a new security group i.e. WELLUTIL and add as a secondary group to applicable users.
Well Utility Admin
When the Well Utility window is open, click the Admin button to access the different Admin tabs. After the initial setup has been completed, the only time the Admin button is used is to add translation codes that are missing or if load rules need to be changed.
Note: It is recommended that any changes to the Control Table or Load Rules be discussed with the Qbyte CS Land help desk.
Control Table
The Control Table will list out all tables and columns that exist within Qbyte CS Land and if and how the column will get updated by the Asset Well Utility.
The grid below shows the functionality of the different columns.
Column | Values | Description | Comment |
Table | N/A | This will either be the CS W_DETAIL1 or W_DETAIL2 table | |
Column/Well Source Column | N/A | This is the column name in the W_DETAIL1 or W_DETAIL2 table. | Anything that is bold on the screen is a mandatory field. See chart below where mandatory are highlighted in green. All fields in the W_DETAIL tables are included even though some cannot be updated by the utility. |
Include | Yes, No | If Yes is selected then the field will be updated by the Asset Utility | If the chart below says Optional then the field is not mandatory and you can either select Yes or No. If the chart below says Mandatory then Yes must be selected. If the chart below says No, then No should be selected. The field cannot be updated by the utility, highlighted in yellow. Note: If Include = No and Preference = 'Use CS*', updates are still excluded. |
Translate | Yes, No | If Yes is selected, Translate table or CS code tables are used as a cross-reference to populate the correct code | Used to indicate whether or not to translate data in this column before putting the value into CS Land. Only columns flagged by Yes will be translated regardless of the entries in the translate table (N will ignore any entries in the translate table) Use the chart below to determine if Yes should be used. If there is a Yes* in the chart below then the Load Rules tab will determine if a translation of codes is done. Many of the industry source fields are dates, numbers, or text so a translation is not required. |
Update Preference | Use Source, Use CS or Manual Review | If include is Yes then this will indicate how the column will be updated. Mandatory non Industry fields would use CS as the source and default values are required | This flag is to indicate the user preference on any updates. If Use Source, it will always update CS Land with the source data or set to the Default. Note: non operated wells default to Use Source. If Use CS, it never updates and always uses the input from CS Land or set to the Default If Manual review is selected, it will show the proposed update and allow the user to Accept or bypass (default is bypass) |
Audit | Yes or No | Fields can be audited by selecting Yes | This flag is to indicate if an audit record is to be kept for this column. Reports can be used to show the old and new values for any audited fields |
Default Value | Null or has a value | See the grid below for Mandatory fields | Default values are used on new wells only and are used mainly for Mandatory fields if there is no data in the industry source. I.e. Admin Company, Area, Division, etc. But can be used on any column. There are fields that are mandatory that cannot be sourced from industry data so default values are required. This will show Use CS* as the Update preference in the chart below. Table defaults are setup by P2 but can be changed to meet client business requirements. |
Table | Column | Include | Translate | Update Preference | Default Value |
w_detail1 | abandoned_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | accounting_project | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | admin_company | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Default Required |
w_detail1 | area | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Default Required. Suggest WELLUTIL |
w_detail2 | bounds | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | bounds_direction | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest E |
w_detail1 | completion_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | confident_flag | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest N |
w_detail2 | contract_operator | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | direction_drilled | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest N |
w_detail1 | district | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | division | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Default Required. Suggest WELLUTIL |
w_detail2 | dsu | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | dsu_uom | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Suggest H |
w_detail2 | expiry_date | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | facility | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | field | Optional | Yes* | Use Source |
w_detail1 | file_status | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Suggest WELLUTIL |
w_detail1 | govern_agmt_oper | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | government_status | Optional | Yes | Use Source |
w_detail2 | govt_unit_code | Optional | Yes | Use Source |
w_detail2 | ground_elevation | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail1 | injection_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | kelly_bushing_elev | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | lahee_class | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | last_prod_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | lessor_type | No | No | Use CS* |
w_detail2 | licence_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | licence_number | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | metes | Mandatory | No | Use source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | metes_direction | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest N |
w_detail1 | on_production_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | payout_date | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | Penalty | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Suggest N |
w_detail2 | plug_back_depth | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | Pool | Optional | Yes* | Use Source |
w_detail2 | producing_zone | Mandatory | Yes | Manual Review | Suggest UNDEFINED |
w_detail2 | projected_depth | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | Reserve | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | rig_release_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | shutin_date | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | shutin_reason | No | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | spud_date | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail1 | status_date | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Suggest sysdate |
w_detail2 | surface_location | Optional | No | Use Source |
w_detail2 | target_zone | Optional | Yes | Use Source |
w_detail2 | total_depth | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | total_depth_zone | Optional | Yes | Use Source |
w_detail2 | true_vert_depth | Mandatory | No | Use Source | Suggest 0 |
w_detail2 | unit_of_measure | Mandatory | No | Use CS* | Suggest M |
w_detail1 | well_licensee | Mandatory | Yes | Manual Review | Suggest WELLUTIL |
w_detail1 | well_name | Mandatory | No | Manual Review | Suggest UNKNOWN |
w_detail1 | well_status | Mandatory | Yes | Manual Review | Default required. Suggest WELLUTIL |
w_detail1 | well_status_date | Mandatory | No | Manual Review | Suggest sysdate |
w_detail1 | well_type | Mandatory | Yes | Manual Review | Default required. Suggest WELLUTIL |
Exclude Units Tab
Enter unit codes into this table for new unit wells that are not to be populated in the Well module. This will exclude any new wells with the government unit code. When the code has been entered, the Well Asset Utility will no longer display the new unit wells for this unit in the New Wells folder.
An example of when the exclude unit functionality would be used is when a unit has been sold and you no longer want new unit wells added. Note: Unit code must exist in the CS Land Unit code table even if to be ignored. This will be a company by company business decision.
Ignore Wells Tab
Wells entered into this table will not come into the Utility process unless they are de-selected. Users can manually maintain this table to ignore wells from source for various reasons.
Note: The Ignore Wells functionality only ignores new wells from being added. You cannot use the ignore wells for Update Wells.
Also, Wells set to Ignore in the Review process will automatically be added to this table after the Update step is run.
UWI = Identifies the well to ignore
Reason = Add the reason the well is being ignored
Review Date = Enter the date to review this well. Maybe in a delay mode and may not have spudded, drilled, producing, etc.
Translate Tab
The Translate table is used to cross-reference the industry source code to the corresponding CS Land code. This table is setup initially by P2 during the implementation. Customers may need to add codes if errors are encountered when running the Utility process.
The tables below should be added to the Translate table (other codes can use the CS Land code tables):
Direction_drilled = CS Land Well Direction code table
Well_licensee = CS Land Business Associates
Well_status = CS Land Well Status code table
Well_type = CS Land Well Types code table
Optionally, CS Land codes can also be used for the following codes:
Field = CS Land Field code table
Govt_unit_code = CS Land Unit code table
Pool = CS land Pool code table
Producing_zone = CS Land Formation code table
Total_depth_zone = CS Land Formation code table
Target_zone = CS Land Formation code table
Note: There is a setting in Load Rules that will automatically load Field and Pool codes into the CS Land code tables. The Lahee_class field is not required in the Translate table because the field is a text field.
The Translate flag in the Control Table must be set to Yes before any translation is done on the source values.
Column = Enter the column name of the field to be modified. These are the column names found under the Control Table tab (must be in lower case)
Old Value = the source data value that needs to be cross referenced.
New Value = the CS Land code to be used instead of the source data value
Source Operator Tab
This table contains the “Licensed” vendor codes of the customer. Codes in this table will be considered operated wells. All other licensed codes will be considered non-operated. Codes in the table are from the third party source. This table is setup initially by P2 during the implementation.
Note: Prefix of "SRC" is added to front of Licensee, this is automatically added to Business Associate codes in the preliminary extract process to ensure all BA codes are translated. With the prefix, it is possible that codes could match from source to CS but mean entirely different business associates. Cross referencing the SRC codes to actual CS Land business associate codes will be done in the translation table.
Load Rules Tab
This tab can be used to:
Load Pools and Load Fields are generally checked to add ALL Pool and Field codes into the validation table automatically. It will also update the code Descriptions, when they are updated.
Inactive Files
Well status less than a certain date
Well Types and Well Status are generally left as Select All checked the first run. After that the customer can choose which to include. Note: EUB does not modify any abandoned status Wells.
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