Review Wells
Use the Well Asset Utility Review window to Accept, Ignore, or defer decisions on the New and Update wells.
Tip: If you have a large list to review you can perform the Validate and Update steps periodically so that wells are added to the CS Well module
Note: Before reviewing the wells you can run the Error Summary step to see what code table values are missing on Updated Wells. New wells in pending status are not included in the Error Summary Report because the code may not be required if the well is not accepted.
New Wells
5 Categories are shown:
Legal / Zone Match
Operator Match
Licence Match
Unit Match
Other Match
Note: A well will only appear under one Category. For example an Operator Match well will not appear in the Operator Match folder if it appears in the Legal\Zone Match folder.
Within each category are three status folders:
Accepted: Wells where all fields have been accepted.
Pending: Wells that have not been accepted or ignored. Wells will appear initially under Pending and are changed through the Review window as you selected/deselect update fields.
Ignore: Wells that have been ignored during a previous review. Note: The Ignore Wells functionality only ignores wells from being added. You cannot use the ignore wells for Update Wells
Wells can be in the accepted and pending status folders at the same time. This is determined by the individual columns.
On initial review all non-operated well fields will be accepted.
Operated and Operator changes will be set to Accepted or Pending status depending on customer preference in the Control Table setup.
When selecting an individual well, the right panels of the window will display basic information from CS Land about the specific well as well as all the columns selected for updating.
These columns are first sorted by Pending / Accepted status (Pending first) then by well table and column.
Double click on the well UWI to invoke the standard CS Land Well browse.
There are 2 control buttons available to Accept or Ignore New Wells.
Accept: Click this to add well to the well module. As Pending updates are accepted these will change from the Pending folder to the Accepted folder. By selecting the Refresh List button at the bottom of the screen, you will see the category numbers change.
Ignore: Click this to ignore the well. The well will be placed into the Ignore Well table. User will be prompted to enter reason and a review date. Link to ignore configuration
New Wells are put into the pending folder under the following categories:
Legal / Zone Match
These are wells where a match is made between the UWI and mineral legal description, and also a match from the Producing zone to the mineral rights held.
You can:
Accept the well - the well gets loaded into the well module when the update step is run
Accept the well and relate the well to a mineral sub- The well is loaded to the well module and related to the mineral sub when the update step is run
Ignore the well - well will be put into the ignore tab of the utility when the update step is run. The well will not appear on any future well utility runs and will never be loaded to the CS land well module
Do nothing - When the update step is run the well will not get added to the well module and the well will remain in the pending folder. The well will likely show up the next time the extract step is run.
Tip: If a well is related to a lease sub using the asset utility then the user should go to the mineral sub and add the substance allocation percentage
Tip: If you have a large list to review you can perform the Validate and Update steps periodically so that wells are added to the CS Well module
Note: If the well is added to the well module but not related using the asset utility it should appear on the Well-Mineral DLS Legal/Rights verification report
Operator (Licensee) Match
New wells that are licensed by the client but do not match legal description and producing zone.
You can:
Accept the well - the well gets loaded into the well module when the update step is run
Ignore the well - well will be put into the ignore tab of the utility when the update step is run. The well will not appear on any future well utility runs and will never be loaded to the CS land well module
Do nothing - When the update step is run the well will not get added to the well module and the well will remain in the pending folder. The well will likely show up the next time the extract step is run.
Licence Match
Matches licence code. These are specific to multi event wells and do not match legal description and producing zone or Operator.
You can:
Accept the well- the well gets loaded into the well module when the update step is run
Ignore the well- well will be put into the ignore tab of the utility when the update step is run. The well will not appear on any future well utility runs and will never be loaded to the CS land well module
Do nothing- When the update step is run the well will not get added to the well module and the well will remain in the pending folder. The well will likely show up the next time the extract step is run.
Unit Match
Matches the Government Unit code with unit wells already existing in the well module
You can:
Accept the well- the well gets loaded into the well module when the update step is run
Ignore the well- well will be put into the ignore tab of the utility when the update step is run. The well will not appear on any future well utility runs and will never be loaded to the CS land well module
Do nothing- When the update step is run the well will not get added to the well module and the well will remain in the pending folder. The well will likely show up the next time the extract step is run.
Note: Clicking on the Refresh list button will move pending wells that have been accepted or ignored into the accepted and ignored folders. A validation of data is not done
Note: New wells will get moved to the accepted or ignored folder after the Validate step is run. The wells will be added and linked after the Update step is run.
Update Wells
The folders and screens work differently for Update Wells than for New Wells. The Accept and Ignore control buttons are only used on New Wells.
Each category has two folders:
Accepted: Most wells will automatically go to the accepted folder because the fields being updated have been flag as no review required
Pending: Wells that are Operated and the field being updated requires manual review will go into the pending folder. Below is an example of a well in the Pending folder. In this Example Surface location is a manual review field so the Accept box is not automatically checked. If the Accept box is manually checked, then the well will get updated once the update step is done
Current well operated by the client
Non-operated wells existing in the well module.
Operator (Licensee) Changing
Shows wells where the current Licensee in the well module is being changed
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