Well Asset Utility FAQ
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How do I fix code table issues in the Error Summary Report?
Example 1: well_licensee: “Value not in BA_TABLE or Inactive”
Add the Industry well_licensee code to the Translate table and reference it to the Qbyte CS Land Business Associate (BA) code by following the steps below:
Find the BA ID in Qbyte CS Land that corresponds with the Industry code.
Click the Admin button while you are in the Asset Wells Utility.
Click the Translate button.
Click Add.
Add a row where:
Column name is well_licensee.
Old Value is the industry value specified on the error report.
New Value is the Qbyte CS Land Business Associate (BA) code.
Save the update.
The error will be removed from the Error Summary Report after the Validation step is run.
Example 2: govt_unit_code: “Value not in T_UNIT or Inactive”
This code can be added to the Qbyte CS Land Validation tables' Unit Code. To add this code to the Validation tables, follow the steps below:
Click the Tables icon.
Select Unit Code.
Click on Add.
Enter Code in the code column.
Enter Unit Name in the Description and Save.
The error will be removed from the Error Summary Report after the Validation step is run.
How do I Know if a Code Should be Added to the Translate Table in the Well Asset utility or to a Qbyte CS Land Code Table?
The Translate table is used to cross-reference the industry source code to the corresponding Qbyte CS Land table. The tables below should be added to the Translate table.
Industry source Direction_drilled = Qbyte CS Land table Well Direction
Industry source Well_licensee = Qbyte CS Land table Associates
Industry source Well_status = Qbyte CS Land table Well Status
Industry source Well_type = Qbyte CS Land table Well Types
Note: There is a setting in Load Rules to automatically load Field and Pool codes into the Qbyte CS Land tables.
Qbyte CS Land codes can be used for the following codes:
Industry source Field = Qbyte CS Land table Field
Industry source Govt_unit_code = Qbyte CS Land table Unit Code
Industry source Pool = Qbyte CS Land table Pool
Industry source Producing_zone = Qbyte CS Land table Formation
Industry source Total_depth_zone = Qbyte CS Land table Formation
Industry source Target_zone = Qbyte CS Land table Formation
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