Run Extract Public Data
The Extract Public Data step to download well data from the industry source:
“Ignored Wells” are excluded.
Data fields are compared to existing wells for updates.
New Wells are found.
This step is like starting over: any accepted wells that have not been updated will be moved back to the pending New Well folder.
Skip this step if:
Review of the wells has not been completed from the last time the extract was run
Wells have been approved but have not done the “Update” step. If you do the Approved/Ignored updates will be lost.
This process executes various steps in a prescribed order. This message will always be shown:
If Yes selected, the process will:
Extract data from the public data hub
Determine new wells based on Legal (both DLS and NTS) from existing active mineral leases and place in table CS_WELL_ANALSIS
Determine new wells based on Source Operator/ Licence Number/ Zones/ source
Run Compare Process – This will compare all potential updates with CS to determine which columns are to be updated based on rules in the control table.
Set Sorted UWI on all selected wells to this point.
Run translate process.
Run Validation Step: It is validate columns that have been selected for update.
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