Creating a New DOI
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The DOI Window is used to create an 'owned' DOI on a file. The window (pictured above) popups when the:
Add DOI button is clicked on the DOI tab in Contracts, Unit, or Facility, Well, Facilities or Pipelines
Edit DOI button is clicked on an AMI or AOE Detail window in the AMI/AOE tab of AMIs
Add Curr or Add Ref button is clicked from the W.I. tab of Mineral or Add Rent button on the W.I. tab in Mineral or Surface
The appearance of this tab changes slightly from module to module, as noted below.
*Mandatory Information
Occ | Numeric value can be entered if you wish DOI Types to have a specific order. |
DOI Type* | Select from drop down list. Code must exist in the DOI Types Validation Table. |
Description | Auto populates based on the DOI Type selected. |
Effective Date |
Update Date | Enter the date the DOI is being updated. |
DOI ID | The system automatically generates the DOI ID and it cannot be updated. |
Amend Link | Displays Yes if specific DOI type has been linked to an Amendment. Displays No if specific DOI Type has not been linked to any Amendment. |
Comments |
Occ | Upon initial Input/Insert the system automatically assigns an Occurrence (Occ) Number based on the chronological order in which the information was added. Note: The Occurrence (Occ) Number can be re-numbered at any time (if required) to change the display order of the rows. |
Partner* | Enter DOI partner. Note: A DOI partner can be added only once to a DOI. The exception is when a partner acquires an additional interest and one portion is in Penalty or held in Trust. |
Percent* | Enter the Partner’s percentage in DOI Type. The total of all DOI partner percentages must equal 100%. |
Penalty | This field is available only if the DOI is created on a Contract, Unit, or Facility. If a partner is in penalty, click in this box to open the Penalty Window. |
Partner Type | Optionally, enter in a Partner Type. |
Trustee | Optionally, if a partner is held in Trust, enter the Trustee. |
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