Division of Interest (DOI) / Working Interest (W.I.) Overview

Division of Interest (DOI) / Working Interest (W.I.) Overview

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Within Qbyte CS Land there are different ways to describe a Division of Interest (DOI) or Working Interest (W.I.). 

Contract Driven DOI’s

Are created, maintained, and reside on the Contract Governing Agreement.  Governing Agreements govern the operations on Mineral Lease(s), Surface and/or Well(s).  The Contract may be Related to the Mineral, Surface, Well, etc. Once related, the DOI can then be Linked to the related file. When changes occur, like Company A sold a portion of their interest to Company B, these changes are made under the Contract Governing Agreement and these changes then automatically flow through to all the Linked files.

Contract Driven Royalties

DOI’s can also be Linked to Mineral Lease Royalties such as LOR/CSS, and Contract created Royalties such as GOR, ORR, NCI, NPI, and GRT.

Lease Owned / Stand-alone DOI’s

Can be entered on any files where a DOI or WI tab is available. These DOI’s must be updated manually if any changes are required.

Contract DOI

Contract, AMI, Unit (Tract Interest), and Facility categories have a DOI tab that allows for multiple active / unique DOI Types.  When a DOI is created on and for Contracts, whether they are for Joint Interest (E.g., JOA’s, Pooling, Farmout/Farmin) or Joint Venture Agreements (E.g., Unit, Facility), they are known as Governing DOI’s, Contract driven DOI’s, or Contract Owned DOI’s.

Creating a New DOI

Copy an Existing DOI

Creating Amendment DOI Links

View Expired DOI's

Future Dated DOI Setup / Future Dated DOI Update

Mineral WI

In Mineral, there is a W.I. tab and resides at the Sub level. Mineral is the only module with multiple DOI’s / Account Groups. The three (3) DOI decks in the Minerals module handle the different DOI situations such as Penalty, Payout, and Non-Crossed Conveyed Pooling.

  • CURR DOI (Current) - Represents the DOI that is governing the Mineral at the present.  This can be a Lease Owned/Stand Alone DOI or a Contract Driven DOI. A CURR DOI must be entered first, as this data is used for validation, invoicing, and reporting.

  • REF DOI (Reference) - Is used to display an “After” DOI, for example Company A elected to go penalty on lands/operations leaving the CURR DOI as P2 100% and the REF DOI as P2 75% and Company A 25%.

  • RENT DOI (Rental) - Only needs to be populated when the Rentals are to be paid by different partners from what the CURR DOI indicates.  E.g.  P2 enters a Non-Cross Conveyed Pooling with Company A, the CURR DOI would represent the Pooled Interest of P2 50% and Company A 50%, and the RENT DOI on P2’s Mineral Lease Sub would be P2 100%.  If your company’s business process is to add Company A’s lease to your database for acreage calculations, then their Mineral Lease Sub’s CURR DOI would represent the Pooled Interest of P2 50% and Company A 50%, and the RENT DOI would be Company A 100%.

Mineral Working Interest Summary Window

Link a Current DOI or Reference DOI or Rental DOI to a Contract-Owned DOI

Add Lease-Owned DOI

Expiring a DOI

View DOI History

Unlinking DOI

Linking a Royalty DOI

Surface WI

Surface, Easement, Third Party, and Wells only have one active DOI at a time.

  • Surface can have a W.I. tab with only one DOI deck for RENT, OR if billing rental partner invoices via JVB then the W.I. tab is not visible. If using the WI tab, the DOI can be a Lease Owned/Stand Alone DOI or a Contract Driven DOI.

  • Easement will have a W.I. tab with only one DOI deck for CURR, for Lease Owned/Stand Alone DOI or a Contract Driven DOI.

  • Third Party will have a W.I. tab (optional) for CURR DOI. If your company chooses not to enter a DOI into the W.I. tab, it can be simply ignored, or your System Administrator can remove the W.I. tab from being displayed.

Surface Working Interest Summary Window

Link a Rental DOI to a Contract-Owned DOI

Add Lease-Owned DOI

Expiring a DOI

View DOI History

Unlinking DOI

Well DOI

Wells have a DOI tab, similar to Contracts where multiple DOI’s can be created and maintained.  It is recommended that users only have one DOI on the well as a well can only be governed by one DOI at a time.

Link Well to Contract or Lease-Owned DOIs

Delete Well DOI Link

Facilities & Pipelines DOI 

Facilities & Pipelines, have a DOI tab, similar to Wells and Contracts where multiple DOI’s can be created and maintained.

User Processes

Code Change (User Process to mass update partner BA)

Linked DOI Updates (User Process)

Validation Table – DOI Types

DOI Types describe the type of Interest you have in any given situation and are maintained in the Validation Table – DOI Types.  Common DOI Types:

WI = Working Interest                                                                                          POOL = Pooled Interest
ROY = Royalty Interest                                                                                         UNIT = Unit Interest
BPEN = Before Penalty                                                                                         APEN = After Penalty
BPO = Before Penalty Payout                                                                             APO = After Penalty Payout
FI = Farmin Interest                                                                                              FO = Farmout Interest
PDBY = Paid By                                                                                                     PDTO = Paid To
RENT = Rental interest

Note: PAIDBY and PAIDTO = are reserved DOI Types for use by the application.

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