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Division of Interest (DOI) / Working Interest (W.I.) Overview
The Working Interest Summary tab summarizes all parties that have a working interest in the Mineral or Surface Lease Sub document lands, and the working interest percentage that each party holds in the lands, You can record up to three different DOI types to specify the working interests in the Sub document lands, as follows:
Current DOI (Only in mineral module)
Reference DOI (Only in mineral module)
Rental DOI
You can use the Working Interest tab to set up DOIs directly in the Sub document (these are referred to as lease-owned or stand-alone DOIs), or you can link the Sub document to a DOI that already exists on an operating contract (these are referred to as contract-owned DOIs). Because the Current, Reference, and Rental DOIs are considered separate entities, you can set up any combination of lease-owned and contract-owned.
Mineral Working Interest Summary Window
You must set up at least one Current DOI in every Mineral Lease Sub document. Optionally, you can set up a Reference DOI and a Rental DOI. The system treats Current, Reference, and Rentals DOIs as separate entities. If you do not set up a Rental DOI, the system calculates the Sub document rental amounts using the working interest partners and percentages specified in the Current DOI.
Surface Working Interest Summary Window
You must set up at least a Current DOI in every Surface Lease Sub document
Note: If the Joint Venture Billing flag in the Surface Base Information window for the lease you are working in is set to ‘No’, you must set up at least one DOI in every Surface Lease document. The system calculates the document rental amounts using the working interest partners and percentages specified in the surface DOI.
Field Name | Definition |
Link to Contract | In these three fields you can enter the base and sub file numbers for up to three different operating contracts to which you want to link the Current, Reference, and Rental DOIs on your Mineral or Surface Lease Sub document. The Current, Reference, and Rental DOIs need not be linked to the same operating contract. |
Partner | This column displays the name of each working interest partner. |
Add/Edit Curr | This column displays the Current DOI working interest partners and percentages. |
Add/Edit Ref | This column displays the Reference DOI working interest partners and percentages. |
Add/Edit Rent | This column displays the Rental DOI working interest partners and percentages. |
Rental Amount | This column displays each working interest partner’s rental amount, based on the partner’s working interest percentage in the Rental DOI. If you do not specify a Rental DOI, the system calculates the partner rental amount from the partner’s working interest percentage in the Current DOI. |
To Link a Current DOI or Reference DOI or Rental DOI to a Contract-Owned DOI
1. Open the Mineral or Surface Lease Sub document.
2. Navigate to the Working Interest tab.
3. In the Link to Contracts field above the Add Curr, Add Ref, or Add Rent column, enter the file number and sub for the Contract document containing the DOI(s) or double-click the field to look for a document.
4. Select Link Curr/Ref/Rent to link the Sub document’s Current DOI to any of the DOIs set up on the operating contract.
5. The system displays the Mineral or Surface Linking WI pop-up window, and displays in the window a list of all DOIs that are set up on the operating contract:
• Optionally, select Detail to browse the working interest partners and percentages of the highlighted operating contract DOI.
5. Select WI and select the Select button.
To Add Lease-Owned DOI
1. Open the Mineral or Surface Lease Sub document
2. Navigate to the Working Interest tab
3. Select Add Curr/Ref/Rent, a DOI detail window will pop up.
4. Enter appropriate information into DOI detail window.
Expiring DOI
Expiring a DOI removes it from the Working Interest Summary window only. The system does not erase the history of expired DOIs.
You cannot expire future DOIs or the current DOIs to which they are linked.
You cannot expire Contract-linked DOIs – instead you would delete the link. Contract Driven DOI’s are Expired at the Contract level.
To expire a DOI:
1. Depending on the type of DOI you want to expire (Current, Reference, or Rental), click Edit Curr, Edit Ref, or Edit Rent, accordingly. The system displays the DOI maintenance window for that DOI type.
Tip: If you are in Surface Lease working interest, you will only have Rent interest
2. Click Expire DOI. The system displays a prompt to confirm the expiration of the DOI.
3. Confirm the system prompt. The system expires the DOI and removes the DOI record from the DOI Summary tab.
Unlinking DOI
If applicable, you must unlink any existing linked Current DOI or Reference DOI before you can add a lease owned DOI. To unlink a Contract-Owned DOI simple select Unlink.
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