Business Associates
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The Associate module enables you to maintain a central database of the business associates you use in your work. A business associate can be a vendor, a customer, a partner, and so on. All Qbyte CS Land modules refer to the Associate module to verify that the associate codes you enter in Qbyte CS Land are valid.
You enter business associate codes in fields throughout the system to identify individuals, businesses, and organizations. These can include: working interest partners, lessors, depositories, payors, invoicing companies, operators, name cross-references, original parties, and so on. You can select documents based on specific associate parameters, and you can filter some reports by the associate code.
Field Definitions
*Mandatory Information
Field | Description |
Alternate* | Typically the same six digits as entered for the Code. |
Short Name* |
Status* | Note: The Business Associate cannot be made 'Inactive' if it has been used on any file (Active or Inactive). |
Name* | |
Address | |
Contact | |
Telephone | |
Currency | Enter the currency of which the rental dollars should be paid in, if other than Canadian. |
Fax | |
WTax Country | If the BA resides outside of Canada, select from the drop-down box to indicate which country they reside in. |
GST Reg Num | |
Mail Flags |
Note: You can assign any code that you want as a mail flag. You can use mail flags to generate lists of associates for specific purposes, such as printing mailing labels for lessors only. |
Bank Fee* | Indicate the Associate’s bank fee, if applicable |
Min. Cheq Amt* | Indicates the minimum dollar amount necessary for the system to generate cheques payables to the associate. |
Comb. Lse Rent* | Use No instead of the default Yes if you want to issue separate cheques to the Associate when the Associate incurs more than one lease rental payment during the same lease cycle. |
Add a New Business Associate
1. From within the main Qbyte CS Land toolbar, select the Associates icon.
2. Select the New button
3. Enter the Primary Code, (six digits) and select OK.
Note: It is recommended that you use the next sequential number. To find this, double-click the column entitled Code in the BA Select window, which will display the last number used.
4. Enter the appropriate information into the Business Associate window and select OK.
Note: If a Rental Interface exists you most likely will not be able to add or update a BA in Qbyte CS Land. The BAs will be added/updated in Accounting and the information triggered into Qbyte CS Land. You will be able to browse a BA.
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