Wells Module
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Use the Well module to maintain all information related to a Well - status, type of well, operator, important dates, etc.
In addition to manually updating well information, these processes may also help to streamline well maintenance:
Asset Utilities for Wells - this process can be configured to use public data to update existing well data and propose new wells not currently found in your land database.
Qbyte Exchange - can be used to insert new wells or update existing wells via spreadsheet using the P2 add-in.
Tab Definitions
The following tabs are available (shown in alphabetical order). Your System Administrator can change which tabs are available and the order in which they are shown.
*Mandatory Information
Tab | Description |
The Well Base information tab summarizes all general or common information that pertains to the Well document. | |
When additional fields specific to your company's business are required within the module, configuration of Client Defined Fields enables customers to define a new tab with the new required fields. | |
The Licence tab summarizes information from the Well Licence document issued by the EUB, as well as zonal and depth information for the well. The information in the Licence tab identifies the well’s licence number and date, the lahee class, reserve and pool information, and information about drilling zones and depths for the well. You can also use the Licence tab to enter surface location information, metes and bounds, and drill spacing and kelly bushing information for new Well records, and to review all of this information in existing Well records. | |
Additional information that cannot be captured in specific fields on other tabs. | |
The Well DOI tab summarizes all division of interest (DOI) records set up in the Well record. Each DOI lists the parties that have a working interest percent in the well. | |
The Related tabs summarize all of the links that have been made between related agreements and assets. | |
Summarizes the tasks that must be completed to satisfy the Lease requirements |
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