Cost Centres
The Cost Centres Module allows you to maintain a master list of the Cost Centres used with in CS Land. All of the Cost Centre fields in the application will invoke a lookup window to this Cost Centres master list. By only being able to select Cost Centres from a master list, it will ensure consistency with in the CS Land and help to eliminate integration errors with financial systems.
The Cost Centres Module will be enabled in CS Land and users with the correct security role (SELECT.COSTCENTRES.UPDATE) will be allowed to maintain the Cost Centre master list.
If your company chooses, the CS Land Cost Centre master list can be automatically populated from Qbyte FM. Maintenance of the cost centre master list from within CS Land application would then be disabled. For additional information, refer to the Interface: Cost Centres from Qbyte FM to Qbyte CS Land
Adding a New Cost Centre to the Master List
1. Select the Cost Centres icon from within the main CS Land toolbar.
2. Select the New button.
3. Enter the Cost Centre Number, Name and Active Date and select Save.
Field Definitions
*Mandatory Information
Field | Description |
Cost Centre Number* | If using Cost Centre integration this field will be populated by Qbyte FM. Maximum length is 16 characters. |
Cost Centre Name* | For information purposes. If using Cost Centre integration this field will be populated by Qbyte FM. Maximum length is 40 characters. |
Active Date* | |
Term Date* | The date on which the cost Centre is terminated. If a Term Date is entered, the other three fields on the window will be greyed-out and unavailable for update. In order to update them, the Term Date must first be removed. Note: A Term Date cannot be entered if the Cost Centre has been used on any file (Active or Inactive). |
Note: If using integration these fields will be populated by Qbyte FM and pushed into CS Land.
Entering a Cost Centre from the Master List
To enter a Cost Centre anywhere in the CS Land application , double click on the field and the Cost Centre master list will open. Select a Cost Centre from the list and it will populate the field.
Alternatively, if the Cost Centre Number is known, you can enter it in the field manually.
Note: If the Cost Centre is manually entered, it must be an exact match to the cost Centre Number in the master list.
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