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Contract DOI
Create a Contract-Owned DOI
Select Add DOI. A new blank row will be provided at the top section to enter the DOI details and in the section below, the Partner details.
For more information about how to enter the DOI Detail window, see DOI Detail window.
Well DOI
Well DOI’s can either be
Well Owned (standalone) or
Linked to a related Mineral Lease or Contract (Contract driven). Contract driven DOI’s can come from any of the applicable Contract categories: Contract, Facility, Unit, or Tract.
Add a Well Owned DOI
Use the Add DOI button to add a new Well Owned DOI. A new blank row will be provided at the top section to enter the DOI details and in the section below, the Partner details.
For more information about how to enter the DOI Detail window, see DOI Detail window.
Expire a Well Owned DOI
Owned/standalone DOI’s cannot be deleted, they can be Expired in the Partner Detail window. History of expired DOIs is retained.
Cannot expire future DOIs or the current DOIs to which they are linked.
Cannot expire Contract-linked DOIs – Instead you would delete the link.
View Expired DOI
Create a Mineral Lease or Contract Linked DOI
Use the Link button to add a new Contract owned DOI. A popup will ask to Select Link: Mineral Leases or Contract. Depending on the selection, a list of available active DOI’s will display from the Related Mineral or Contracts (any category) on this file.
For a highlighted DOI Type:
The Browse button will display the Partner Details popup.
The Link button will add the DOI Type on the DOI tab.
Delete the Mineral Lease or Contract DOI Link
Select the Del Link button on the DOI tab.
View Expired DOI Links
Facilities and Pipeline DOI
DOI’s can either be Facilities/Pipelines Owned (standalone) or linked to a related Contract (Contract driven). Contract driven DOI’s can come from any of the applicable Contract categories: Contract, Facility, Unit, or Tract.
Note: Currently, Facilities and Pipelines have the DOI Types listed separately on the DOI tab from the popup to show the Partner details. This is different from Contracts and Wells which display DOI information all together on the DOI tab.
Facilities/Pipeline Owned DOI
For a highlighted Facilities/Pipelines Owned DOI Type:
Use Detail button to see Partner details popup window.
Owned/standalone DOI’s cannot be deleted, they can be Expired in the Partner Detail window. History of expired DOIs is retained.
Cannot expire future DOIs or the current DOIs to which they are linked.
Cannot expire Contract-linked DOIs – Instead you would delete the link.
Right click on the DOI Type to:
Include or Exclude Expired DOI’s in the list.
See the DOI Type Detail. This is where the history of the specific DOI Type can be viewed.
Add a Future DOI.
Use Add DOI button to add a new Facilities Owned DOI. The Partner Detail window will automatically popup, there will be a Copy option.
Facilities/Pipelines Contract Linked DOI
For a highlighted Contract Linked DOI Type:
Use the Browse button to see Partner details popup window
Use the Del Link button to remove the Contract linked DOI.
Right click on the DOI Type to:
Include or Exclude Expired DOI’s in the list.
See the DOI Type Detail. This is where the history of the specific DOI Type can be viewed.
Add a Future DOI.
Use the Link button to add a new Contract owned DOI. A list of available active Contract DOI’s will display from the Related Contracts (any category) on this file. The Browse button will display the Partner Details popup for the highlighted DOI Type.
*Mandatory Information
Effective Date* | This field defaults to today’s date. If desired, overwrite this date with the real effective date of the DOI, by entering a date between the lease effective date and today’s date. |
Expiry Date | Display only. A date will appear in this field only when a future-dated DOI exists. |
DOI ID | The system automatically generates the DOI ID. |
DOI Type* | Choose the type of DOI you want to create. You cannot set up two DOIs of the same type on a file. |
Comments | Enter any comments that you want to record about the DOI. |
Occ | Upon initial Input/Insert the system automatically assigns an Occurrence (Occ) Number based on the chronological order in which the information was added. Note: The Occurrence (Occ) Number can be re-numbered at any time (if required) to change the display order of the rows. |
Partner* | Enter DOI partner. Note: A DOI partner can be added only once to a DOI. The exception is when a partner acquires an additional interest, and one portion is in Penalty or held in Trust. |
Partner Percent* | Enter the Partner’s percentage in DOI Type. The total of all DOI partner percentages must equal 100%. |
Partner Type | Optionally, enter in a Partner Type. |
Trustee | Optionally, if a partner is held in Trust, enter the Trustee. |
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