Linking a Royalty DOI

Linking a Royalty DOI

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This page will explain how to link the two distinctive types of Royalties that are stored/displayed on the Mineral Lease Sub > Royalty tab:

  • Lessor Royalty (i.e. CSS, LOR, etc.) 

  • Contract Governed Royalty (i.e. GOR, NCI, NPI, ORR, etc.)

Lessor Royalty

The Lessor Royalty, which is either Crown (CSS) or a Freehold (LOR) can be added from the Mineral Lease Sub > Royalty tab by clicking on the Add Roy button:

After all of the Royalty Maintenance details have been entered as your document states, the Paidto and Paidby are specified typically via a link to data that has already been setup.  This makes for easier maintenance, if the source data is updated, the links will also be updated automatically.

Paidto Link

To specify where the partner / percentages will be automatically derived from, click the Paidto Link button. 

The Linking Paidto window will show all possible linking options for the specific lease.  The DOI Groups shown will depend on the data that has already been added to the Mineral Lease:

  • LESSOR and DEPOSITORY display if the information on the Lessor tab has been entered.

  • CURR, REF and RENT options will display if the information has been populated on the W.I. tab.

Select a DOI Type with a single click (Generally, Depository for the Lessor Royalty Paidto) and then click the Link button at the bottom to finalize the Link process and return to the previous window.

The Royalty details window will now have a visual indicator to show where to Paidto partner/percentage is coming from, in this case the Depository.  The Paidto partner and/or percentages will change automatically on this window if the Depository information is changed.

Paidby Link

Next, the PaidBy DOI should be created.  Typically, for Lessor Royalty the Paidby can be linked to the current (CURR) W.I.  Click the Paidby Link button.

The following pop-up window will appear.

  • Yes, the system will then link the PaidBy DOI to the DOI that is currently residing in the CURR DOI deck on the Mineral Lease W.I. tab.

  • No, the system will present a list of DOI types to choose from

The Royalty details window will now have a visual indicator to show where to Paidby partner/percentage is coming from, in this case the Current WI.  The Paidby partner and/or percentages will now change automatically on this window if the Current WI information is changed.

Contract Governed Royalty

Any Contract governed Royalty (i.e. GOR, NCI, NPI, ORR) can also be linked to from the Mineral Lease Sub.

Click the Link button on the Royalty tab.

Only the Royalties from Related Contracts will appear in the Linking Royalty pop-up window.

Note: If the Mineral Lease Sub has no Related Contracts with Royalties, the system will display an error message: "Royalties do not exist on Related Contracts".

  • Select the desired Roy Type

  • Click the Link button

  • Click Close 

The Royalty is now linked to the applicable Mineral Lease Sub.

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