Check For Unposted Vouchers

Check For Unposted Vouchers

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Qbyte Optix Report

Users can check to see if any vouchers remain in Unposted status by running a Voucher Summary report in Qbyte Optix.

To run a Voucher Summary report:

1. Launch Qbyte Optix from Qbyte Financial by clicking the Optix icon.

2. In Qbyte Optix, select the Reports tab.

3. Search for Voucher Summary in the search bar, or navigate to Financial → Vouchers → Voucher Summary.

4. Enter the following criteria:

  • In the Organizations widget, enter the Organization you are running month end for.

  • In the Reporting Periods widget, select the Accounting Period you are running month end for, and select the Accounting Inception To Date checkbox.

  • In the Vouchers widget, select Voucher Status = Unposted.

5. Click the View Report button to run the report.


The report will return a list of any unposted vouchers.


Qbyte Unposted Voucher Screen

An Approver can check to see if any vouchers remain in Unposted or Deferred status in the ACTS158 Post Vouchers screen in Qbyte Financial and post or zap vouchers.

To check for an unposted voucher:

1. In Qbyte Financial navigate to Vouchers → Post Vouchers.

2. In Query Data, input the Acct Period you are running month end for and input Voucher Status as U - UNPOSTED.

3. Page down to the Vouchers section to see a list of unposted vouchers.

4. Use D in Voucher Status to look for DEFERRED vouchers.

Actions to Clear Unposted or Deferred Vouchers

If any vouchers are returned as Unposted or Deferred, you can do one of three actions:

1. Post the vouchers that are listed in the Post Vouchers screen or on the Voucher Summary report.

2. Update the vouchers in the Enter Vouchers screen by modifying the Accounting Period on the unposted voucher. 

3. Zap the vouchers in the Zap Vouchers screen.

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