Getting Started with Qbyte Financial
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This guide will assist you in setting up a computer to unlock all Qbyte Financial functionality inside and outside of the office network.
Web Browser Setup
Qbyte Financial is a web-based application which is accessed through a supported Internet browser. The supported browsers are Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Downloading either browser is free and can be done on both PC and Mac platforms.
IFS cannot offer assistance for non-supported internet browsers. Although Qbyte Financial may appear to be functioning inside a non-supported browser, compatibility errors may arise in certain areas of the application which IFS may not be able to resolve in unsupported browsers.
As supported browsers are rapidly updated, it is important to keep the Qbyte application version current. An upgrade may be required to fully overcome a software issue caused by a browser change. IFS recommends that all Qbyte applications be upgraded at least once per year to stay on current technological platforms.
IFS is not able to provide support for browser design changes affecting all releases of the application other than the current release.
Browser Configuration
For Qbyte Financial to function effectively and achieve optimal performance, some browser defaults must be changed.
Please refer to Browser Configuration for a guide as to how to configure each supported browser.
Microsoft Excel Setup
Qbyte Exchange requires the installation of the Qbyte Exchange Add-In published on the Microsoft Office Add-Ins Store. More information can be found on the Using Qbyte Exchange page.
Hosted Clients
Additional steps for clients accessing Qbyte Financial through the IFS Qbyte Hosted Portal should refer to the wiki guide Getting Started With IFS Hosted Qbyte Financial Environments.
Set Up User Defaults
When launching Qbyte Financial for the first time, IFS recommends that users enter a valid value for the first four User Defaults:
Accounting Period
Source Code
For remote printing of all Qbyte Financial output, the NOPRINT default should be set as the Printer default value. This default will use the desktop Windows default printer for all output instead of any dedicated printer which may not be accessible.
To use the NOPRINT option, it is necessary to have a PDF reading application installed so the file can open. It is recommended to use Adobe Reader. The installation of this application can be found at: Adobe - Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Oracle Client (Optional)
Oracle Client is used to establish a connection with the Qbyte Financial database. Oracle Client connections are typically set for advanced data querying. Previously, Oracle Client was used to connect spreadsheet uploads to Qbyte Financial, but this is no longer supported.
IFS recommends that customers consult with their internal IT department to set up Oracle Client as IFS no longer offers extensive troubleshooting for the Oracle Client configuration/setup.
Instructions for Installing Oracle Client can be found on the Qbyte Financial technical page.
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