Search Functionality of our Wiki Platform!
Please read the sections below to learn more about our Qbyte Financial Wiki Search functionality!
Searching Within a Page
If you are in a web browser and want to search text on a web page, pressing Ctrl + F will bring up a search box. Entering the word/phrase you want to search for in the Find box provides the ability to search for specific word(s) in the page you are on.
Quick Search
Our wikis have Quick Search, where you may type your search and receive immediate matches that can be selected from the drop-down list. The drop-down will appear after only two characters (or more) are entered!
Using Quick Search you can find what you are looking for without even having to navigate away from your current page!
The most relevant pages appear first in the results list.
If you cannot find what you are looking for right away using Quick Search, it is very easy to perform a Full Search.
Full Search
Simply type your search term(s) into the search bar and press the Enter key.
Additional Search Options available:
Matched Phrase Search | "royalty obligations" | Use double-quotes to search for content containing the phrase royalty obligations or a phrase where royalty and obligations are the major words. Note: Confluence will ignore common words including and, the, or, even if they are included within double-quotes. |
OR Search | royalty OR obligations | To search for content that contains one of the terms, use the OR operator in capital letters. |
AND Search | royalty AND obligations | To search for content that contains both of the terms, use the AND operator in capital letters. |
NOT Search | royalty NOT obligations | To search for content that contains one term but not the other, use the NOT operator in capital letters. |
Excluded Term Search | royalty obligation -factors | To search for content that contains royalty and obligation but not factors, use the minus symbol before the term to be excluded. |
Group Search Terms | (royalty OR obligation) AND factors | To search for content that can contain either royalty or obligation but must contain factors as well (with either term in the OR operator). |
Search Page Titles Only
To search for a page that has a certain word in its title, use the Search titles only filter available in the Full Search screen.
Additional Quick Search Tips Using Wildcards
If you are unsure about the spelling of one character, you can replace that character with a question mark to search for terms that are the exact same as you have entered but with a single differing character where the question mark appears.
If you are unsure about the spelling of multiple characters, you can replace those characters with an asterisk to search multiple terms where the asterisk appears.
Please try our Wiki Search Functionality!
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