File Explorer
The File Explorer screen is an interface to access files used for downloads, uploads and integration. It allows users to quickly retrieve files generated from the Metrix Interface and the Payment Process and retrieve the Qbyte spreadsheets available in each release.
For our hosted clients, the File Explorer replaces the “J:/Drive” method of accessing files.
To access the screen navigate to the main menu and select File Explorer.
File Explorer Sections
Server Directories
The Server Directories contain various sub-directories derived from specific system defaults.
NOTE: The User Output directory will be visible once a process, such as a payment run, is completed.
To expand all directories use the expand all button
or click on > next to the directory name.
To collapse all directories us the collapse all button
or click on v next to the directory name.
Navigating to any directory will bring up the individual files visible in the Server Directory Files.
Server Directory Files
The Server Directory Files displays a grid containing all files within a particular directory.
Click on the check box to the left of the file name and use the move button
to move selected files from one directory to another. A popup will ask for more details and confirm the move:
Click on the check box to the left of the file name and use the delete button
to delete selected files. You will be prompted to confirm your delete:
Upload Files To
Files can be quickly uploaded into File Explorer using the Upload Files To section.
From the Server Directories, click on the directory to receive files. The name of the directory to receive files will be populated on the top left.
There are two options available to upload files into a directory:
Use the Select file button to find and open a file.
Drag and drop a file anywhere within the grey box.
Files are visible and can be removed before upload.
Click upload to begin.
Before the files are added to a directory, the upload process will validate for:
Supported file types - view allowable attachment file types.
Maximum file size - 50 MB.
Duplicate file name - Users will need to remove file before re-uploading.
Name does not contain a space or restricted special characters.
When the file is uploaded successfully a popup will confirm the status.
Common Usages of the File Explorer
Metrix Interface Files
The destination of the Metrix interface files are controlled by the REVENUE_HISTORY_DATA_PATH system default and the REVENUE_INTERFACE_DATA_PATH system default, located under System Defaults and Controls:
The directory values for these system defaults will be automatically mapped into the File Explorer. Hosted clients should utilize the File Explorer, instead of the J:/Drive, to access these files.
Payment Process Files
The destination of the Payment Process interface files are controlled by the PAYR052_CHEQUE_DATA_PATH system default located under System Defaults and Controls:
The directory value for this system default will be automatically mapped into the File Explorer. Hosted clients should utilize the File Explorer, instead of the J:/Drive, to access these files.
We recommend you utilize the SFTP process to automatically transfer the files generated by the Payment Process to one of your network directories. This process utilizes standard security protocols to transfer the files generated from the Qbyte Financial payment process to a secure location on your network; where your Third-Party cheque writing software can access.
Spreadsheet Upload Files (Not Qbyte Exchange)
The destination of the spreadsheet upload files (TDEU*, CONU*) is controlled via the installation process.
The spreadsheet upload files will be automatically mapped into the File Explorer under the User Output/Common directory. Hosted clients should utilize the File Explorer, instead of the J:/Drive, to access these files.
File Explorer | Server Directories
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