Multi-Currency Translation in JIB Processes
Enhancement Summary - Release 11.4
In Release 11.4, Qbyte Financial allows for multiple reporting currencies to be handled during the gross-to-net (JIBU050, JIBU018, JIBU024) and joint venture invoicing (JIBU026) processes.
In prior Qbyte Financial versions, only the operating and main reporting currencies were cleared by the gross-to-net and joint venture invoicing processes, resulting in balances for gross and JIB Clearing accounts for additional currencies.
BILLING_DETAILS_MULTI_CURR and PROCESS_BILLING_DET_MULTI_CURR tables have been created. BILLING_DETAILS_MULTI_CURR is populated by JIBU018 and JIBU024 processes.
JIBU018 – Distribute Gross Transactions
JIBU018 was enhanced to create multi-currency transactions for each line item being distributed. Associated MULTI_REP_CURR_DETAILS records are also distributed and the resulting records will be inserted into the table BILLING_DETAILS_MULTI_CURR.
JIBU024 – Generate JIB Accounting Transactions
JIBU024 was enhanced to generate multi-currency records into table MULTI_REP_CURR_DETAILS. The process has been modified to include the Cost Centre and Account on the partners Share Line Item.
Billing details created by the interfaces will require multi-currency records for successful completion of the JIBU026 process (note, the interface process will not be creating these multicurrency records). It is assumed that if there are only these kinds of transactions, users will know to run JIBU024 even though these transactions are already cleared. If users do not do this before running JIBU026, the multi-currency on the JIBU026 voucher will not be created by JIBU026, instead they will be created when posting the JIBU026 voucher.
JIBU026 – Generate Joint Interest Billings
JIBU026 creates multi-currency records in MULTI_REP_CURR_DETAILS for Line Items in the JIBU026 voucher. The process may create any or all of the following types of line item:
Invoices: Are created when the Invoice KEY changes. Invoice Line Items will use multicurrency values from billing details multi-currency, accumulated along with the billing details.
Cash Call: Offset multi-currency billing details. Line items will use the JIBU026 process from the original Cash Call. If a currency is missing, use daily exchange rates.
JIB Clearing: JIB invoice being cleared. Line Items use the multi-currency values from billing details multi-currency.
Multi-currency values on the Cash Call are used and applied to the multi-currency records associated with the invoice.
ACTU142 – Reverse Processing Vouchers
The reversal process will process the multi-currency Billing Details the same way the Billing Details rows are processed.
Reports and Outputs
JIBU018 – A line is displayed informing when Billing Details Multi-Currency rows are inserted.
A data conversion script will be part of the install process to create the BILLING_DETAILS_MULTI_CURR records for BILLING_DETAILS records with a status of 'D' or 'C' and where corresponding line items have records in MULTI_REP_CURR_DETAILS. This script may take a long time to run depending on the volume of un-invoiced billing details. We recommend scheduling this to occur soon after a month end has been run. However, this script will reduce the impact on performance of the initial execution of the JIBU024 and/or JIBU026 after upgrade.
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