CS Land Cheque Details added to Third Party Cheques

CS Land Cheque Details added to Third Party Cheques

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Enhancement Summary – Release 11.5


Qbyte Financial has added the ability to include detailed lease information from CS Land as invoice descriptions. If the system defaults are set to allow the information to be included on the cheques, it will be included in the third party cheque file that is generated. You will have to work with your third party software provider to ensure the additional lines of detail formatted correctly for your cheques.


Seed Data

New System Defaults - 11 Lease Rentals Interface > 23 Qbyte CS Land




Qbyte Financial table INVOICE_DESCRIPTION column INVC_DESC changed to VARCHAR2 (120) from VARCHAR2 (60) to allow for CS Land table SR_TEXT_DATA column TEXT_DATA VARCHAR2 (72) and LR_TEXT_DATA column TEXT_DATA VARCHAR2 (72).


Maintain Sub-SYSTEMS Menu: Appl_Utilities > Maintain Sub-Systems

New system defaults have been added to allow you to select which lease rental runs to include the additional lease details for the third party cheque file. CS Land must be configured to provide the lease rental details in the interface tables.

  1. Select 11 Lease Rentals Interface

  2. Click on Sub-Sys Comp tab. Select 23 C/S Explorer

  3. To include lease details on payments for mineral lease rentals , set CS_MR_CHEQUE_INFO = Y

  4. To include lease details on payments for surface lease rentals, set CS_SR_CHEQUE_INFO = Y.

Core Maintenance

[Provide details on changes or requirements to chart of accounts, cost centres or other core maintenance screens. Provide the menu path to access with related screens and description on the fields and required information to be entered]


  1. Go to Processing >Interface>Lease Rental >Cs Land Lease Rental Interface

  2. Submit CS Land Lease Rental Interface

3. Go to Process Monitor to review output files. The report will show a count of the TEXT_DATA records processed for invoice descriptions. The report ID will be required to submit the Bach Edit Process in the next step.

4. Go to Transactions>External Interfaces> Actuals Batch Data Correction. Select the Report Id from the report.

5. Click on Temp Invoices tab to display the Land Payables Invoices. Verify the Invoice Descriptions are correctly displayed.

6. Go to Processing>Interface>Actuals Batch Edit Process. Enter the Report Id from the CS Land Lease Rentals Interface. Submit.

7. Go to Process Monitor to view output report and obtain voucher information.

8. Go to Inquiries> Financial > Transaction Data Query. Enter Organization, Acct Date, Type and Number.

9. To view the Invoice Description, select an accounts payable invoice line and click on the Invoice tab to display the invoice.

10. Click on Remarks button to display the Invoice Descriptions.

11. Post voucher.

12. Go to Processing>Payment Process. Submit.

The output report from PAY052 will provide the data file name.

5. If you have access to the Unix directory you will be able to view the text file that is generated. To confirm the cheque details provided.


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