Update Voucher DOIs

Update Voucher DOIs

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Once the Validate DOI Distributions JIBU050 process is complete and the exception report has been generated, the report can be used to correct line items that have missing or incorrect DOI's assigned. These transactions can be entered by using the Update Voucher DOIs JIBS057 screen.


Update Voucher DOIs

1. Navigate to the menu and select Joint Interest Processing → Update Voucher DOIs


2. In the Data Entry section, enter information to narrow down the line items to display in the Line Item section

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...


Enter the organization ID or select from the Organizations List of Values.

Curr Code

Enter the currency code or select from the Currencies List of Values.


The voucher number for the voucher that entered the line item in YY/MM format.

Accounting Period

The accounting period of the voucher that entered the line item.

This value will default to the accounting period entered in the User Defaults screen.

Activity Period

The activity period of the line item in YY/MM format


Whether to display line items on posted or unposted vouchers.

This value can be selected from the Status List of Values:

  • Both

  • Posted

  • Unposted


Enter the AFE number or select from the AFEs List of Values.

Cost Centre

Enter the cost centre number or select from the Cost Centres List of Values.


Enter the account major and the account minor or select from the Account List of Values.

3. After entering line item criteria, navigate to the Line Item section. Upon navigating to this section, the line items which meet the criteria entered will be displayed.

4. To override the DOI Type:

  • Highlight the line item to update.

  • Navigate to the OM Type field.

  • Enter the DOI type, or select a DOI type from the Codes List of Values.

5. To override the DOI agreement:

  • Highlight the line item to update.

  • Navigate to the OM Key field.

  • Enter the DOI, or select a DOI from the Ownership Agreements List of Values.

  • If using the list of values, the Ownership Agreements List of Values will display all applicable DOI agreement IDs.


  • To see details of the DOI agreement ID, select the Ownership tab. Data in the Ownership tab cannot be changed.

  • The OM Type, OM Id and OV Checkbox should be updated for the desired record(s). 

Launching Voucher Coding Details Report in Qbyte Optix

Users can launch a Voucher Coding Details report in Qbyte Optix by clicking the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.

This will launch the Voucher Coding Details report in a new Qbyte Optix window.


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