Setting Up DOI Links

Setting Up DOI Links

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Creating a DOI Link

To set up a DOI link, navigate to the main menu and select Master Data > DOI Links.


Enter the DOI link information. 

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...

AFE Number

The AFE used in the DOI link. Enter an AFE or select from the AFEs list of values.

If navigating to this screen from the AFEs screen, this value will default to the number of the AFE queried in the AFEs screen.

CC Number

The cost centre used in the DOI link. Enter a cost centre ID or select from the Cost Centres list of values.

If navigating to this screen from the Cost Centres screen, this value will default to the number of the cost centre queried in the Cost Centres screen.

If an AFE has been entered on the DOI link, and there is only one valid cost centre for that AFE, this value will default.

If an AFE has been entered on the DOI link, and there is more than one valid cost centre for that AFE, this value will have to be entered.

Account Group

The DOI account group used in the DOI link.

Enter the account group or select from the Account Groups list of values.


The major account used in the DOI link.

Enter the major account or select from the Major Accounts list of values.


The minor account used in the DOI link.

Enter the minor account code or select from the Accounts list of values.

Production Revenue Code

The production revenue code used when integrating the DOI link to a production accounting system.

Valid values include:

EXC - For exception DOI's

PRS - For production revenue systems

Reference Better Together - Qbyte Financial DOI Integration to Qbyte Metrix for more information on linking to a production accounting syste,.

Bill Code

No longer used.

Contract ID

No longer used.

Mass Update ID

If the DOI link has been updated via the DOI Mass Update screen, this is the ID of the Mass Update Process that updated this DOI.

This field cannot be modified.

Effective Date

The effective date of the DOI link.

Expiry Date

The expiry date of the DOI link.


Indicates whether the DOI link is terminated.

Terminated On

If the DOI link is terminated, this is the date the DOI link was terminated.

This field cannot be modified.


If the DOI link is terminated, this is the user who terminated the DOI link.

This field cannot be modified.


Creating a DOI Deck 

To create a DOI deck, navigate to the Ownership Agreements block and enter DOI deck and partner information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...

Agreement ID

The ID of the DOI deck. This number is automatically assigned and the agreement ID can be attached (linked) to multiple ownership agreement links.

This field will default when saving the DOI link.


Indicates whether the DOI deck has been terminated.

This field cannot be modified.

Billing Agent

The Business Associate in the DOI deck who is responsible for joint interest billings.

Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associates list of values.


The Business Associate in the DOI deck.

Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associates list of values.


The percent interest that the Business Associate has in the DOI.


Indicates whether the Business Associate is Accountable.

Accountable Partner: A partner who receives a percentage of the gross transaction passed to your company - will receive joint interest billings. This percentage is based on the partner’s ownership percentage. Qbyte Financial calculates the amount owing to the accountable partners based on this formula:

          Gross amount * (partner % / sum of all accountable partners%)

Non-Accountable Partner: A partner that is non-accountable will receive no revenue. This is usually a partner who keeps their revenue portion before it’s sent to your company as a gross transaction (e.g. a non-operated situation).

Silent Partner

Indicates whether the Business Associate is a Silent Partner.

Silent Partner: A silent partner is a partner that is known to your company only. You may or may not be responsible for distributing revenue to this partner based on their ownership percentage. Qbyte Financial calculates the amount owing to the silent partners based on this formula:

          Gross amount * (partner % / agent partners%) * silent partners %


The Business Associate that is the Silent Partner Agent in the DOI deck.

This field is required if the Silent Partner checkbox is selected.

Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associates list of values.

Land Percent

The land percent interest that the Business Associate has in the DOI (used in the legacy Qbyte LM application only).

Qbyte Financial and Qbyte LM represent silent partner interests differently; Qbyte Financial displays the silent partner interest within the agent's interest while Qbyte LM displays the silent partner interest outside of the agent's interest. For example:

In the above example, Business Associates 2 and 888130 have 10% of the agent's (Business Associate 1) 80%; therefore, the Land Percent is displayed as 8% each for them. This leaves Business Associate 1 with 64%; which is 80% of the original 80%.


Indicates whether the Business Associate is in Penalty.

Take In Kind

No longer used.


Linking to an Existing DOI Deck

To link to an existing DOI deck, navigate to the Ownership Agreements section and press F4 key, or click the List of Values icon to navigate to the DOI List of Values screen.

To retrieve an existing DOI deck, enter the Business Associate in the Partner field, and navigate to the DOIs section.

  • All valid DOIs containing that partner will be displayed.

Click the Ok button to return to the DOI Links screen, and the DOI deck will be displayed in the Ownership Agreements section.


How are DOI Links selected

There is a specific order to how DOIs are selected in the Enter Vouchers screen. Refer to How are DOI Links selected for more information on DOI selection in transactions.


Using the Search Panel

A search panel is available when opening the screen. The search panel will automatically filter to display only DOI links that are not terminated.



Searching DOI Links

To search for a DOI Link, search for the AFE, cost centre number, or cost centre description in the search box. As the search is entered, search results will be dynamically updated with the records that contain the search criteria.

For example, if entering "Athabasca" in the search box, all records that contain "Athabasca" will be returned.

When retrieving results, the first 100 DOI links will be displayed. If more than 100 DOI links are returned in the search, clicking Load more results will allow the next 100 DOI links to be displayed.


Filtering DOI Links

Below the field to search the AFE, cost centre number, or cost centre description, filters can be added via the Add a filter button. When clicking Add a filter, a drop-down list of available filters will appear. 

The filters available are the following fields from the DOI Links screen:

  • Active

  • AFE

  • Activity Period

  • Partner

  • Account Group 

  • Major Account

  • Account

  • Production Revenue Code

  • Effective Date

  • Expiry Date

Using the Active Filter

The Active filter searches against the Terminated flag on the DOI link. DOI links that are expired are considered active

When the Active filter is set to Yes, the following DOI links are displayed in the search panel:

  • DOI links that are active, and are linked to active DOI decks.

  • DOI links that are active, and are linked to terminated DOI decks.

When the Active filter is set to No, the following DOI links are displayed in the search panel:

  • DOI links that are terminated, and are linked to active DOI decks.

  • DOI links that are terminated, and are linked to terminated DOI decks.

When the Active filter is removed, the following DOI links are displayed in the search panel:

  • DOI links that are active, and are linked to active DOI decks.

  • DOI links that are terminated, and are linked to active DOI decks.

  • DOI links that are active, and are linked to terminated DOI decks.

  • DOI links that are terminated, and are linked to terminated DOI decks.

Using the Activity Period Filter

The Activity Period filter searches against the Effective Date and Expiry Date fields on the DOI link. DOI links that are valid for the activity period entered are returned. For a DOI link to be considered valid for an activity period:

  • The Terminated flag on the DOI link must not be checked.

  • The effective date of the DOI link must be <= the activity period entered in the Activity Period filter.

  • The expiry date of the DOI link must be >= the activity period entered in the Activity Period filter OR the expiry date of the DOI link must be blank.

Using the Partner Filter

The Partner filter searches against the Partner Name, Partner ID or Percent  fields on the DOI deck. Users can search on all values, or on either the Partner Name, Partner ID, or Partner Percent.

  • When searching the Partner Name, all DOI links that have a DOI deck with the partner name will be returned. Partial names are accepted. 

  • When searching the Partner ID, all DOI links that have a DOI deck with a partner ID that begins with the number entered will be returned. 

  • When searching the Partner Percent, choose the Range or Exact button then enter the value. All DOI links that contain a partner with the percent value in the range specified or the exact percent are returned.

If a DOI link contains multiple partner records that match the filter criteria, the DOI link is only returned once.

Launching DOI Details Report in Qbyte Optix

Users can launch a DOI Details report in Qbyte Optix by clicking the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.


This will launch the DOI Details report in a new Qbyte Optix window.




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