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An Organization or Company is a formal entity within a corporation. An Organization represents a balanced set of books and financial statements are created around an organization.


How to Set Up an Organization

Set up a New Organization

  1. Navigate to the menu and select Master Data > Organizations.

  1. Enter the appropriate organization information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...


User-defined code for the organization. An organization is any type of entity that needs to generate financial statements.

Name of the organization. This may be the legal name of the corporation or an internal name assigned to a division or business unit. 

Free-format text field with a maximum of 40 characters.


Select Company, Division, Joint Venture or Limited Partnership from the drop-down list to indicate the type of organization.

Operating Currency

Enter the operating currency code or select from the Currencies List of Values.

During restatement, Qbyte Financial restates the operating currency to the reporting currency set for your organization. Operating currency will usually be the functional currency for the organization.  Operating currency represents the currency that will be used for joint interest billings.

Reporting Currency

Enter the reporting currency code or select from the Currencies List of Values.

Reporting currency is used to translate the results of a foreign operation into a different presentation currency for consolidation or another reporting requirement. Reporting currency will typically be the GL currency that gets restated and in which Foreign Currency Gains/Losses are recorded.

Profile Group Code

Enter the profile group code or select from the Codes List of Values.

The Profile Group is used to group organizations to open or close accounting periods on the Open/Close Periods screen and to customize accounts for a group of organizations using the Chart of Accounts Customization screen.

Common profile groups:

DOM Domestic

FOR Foreign

MID Midstream

Fiscal Year End

Enter the month of the fiscal year end or select the month from the list of value.

Multi-Tier JIB

Select this checkbox if setting up Multi-Tier JIBs for this organization.

If this field is selected, the DOI button will be highlighted in the bottom right-hand corner. The DOI button will take you to the DOI Links screen where you set up the distribution to other partners.

This DOI will be used:

  1. On the Enter Vouchers screen for any entries to the Multi-Tier Org.

  2. On the Generate JIB Voucher process (JIBU024) at month end to distribute GROSS costs to the other partners.

JIB Invoice Organization

Multi-Tier JIB checkbox must be selected when the JIB Invoice Organization field is populated. The Generate JIB Invoices process (JIBU026) will create the JIB receivable/payable invoices to the JIB Invoice Organization instead of the Processing Organization.

Cash Call Draw-Down

Multi-Tier JIB must be set to Y for this organization when the Cash Call Draw Down checkbox is checked Y. Capital invoices created in this organization are eligible for the Draw Down Organizational Cash Calls process (JIBU112).

Self Sustaining

Select this checkbox to indicate that this organization is self-sustaining.

Note: This checkbox must be selected to restate operating to reporting currency in the Restate Balance Sheet (GELU013) process. 

Non-Standard Volumes

This field is optional.

When the checkbox is left blank, indicates that all volumes will be entered using the standard unit of measure defined in the Product Information
When the checkbox is selected, indicates that this organization should expect volumes in some unit of measure that is different than the unit of measure of the base system. During data entry, Qbyte Financial searches for conversion factors to convert the volumes to a standard unit of measure.

Admin CC Number

Enter a cost centre to be used at the time of posting for a system generated entry or interface when an account requires a Cost Centre, but no cost centre has been entered.

Country for Taxation

This country will be used by the GST/VAT tax calculation routines to find the applicable tax rate from the TAX_RATES table.

This allows Qbyte Financial to handle VAT taxes for more than one country,

Business Number

This is the Organization’s tax registration number. A business number must be entered if the organization wants to validate or calculate GST/HST or VAT in data entry, joint interest billing or GST Recovery processes. 

Tax Number

This field is optional. Tax number is informational only.

  1. Organization processing accounts are used by Qbyte Financial when creating system-generated transactions. These accounts are specific to an organization, and must be set up on the Process Accts tab.

  1. Select the Next icon to highlight the account type you wish to use for this organization.


    Several Account Types must be populated because they are used by system processes.

    1. GST Purchases

    2. GST Sales

    3. JIB Clearing Account

    4. Multi Currency Balance Account

This account type...

Is used in...

This account type...

Is used in...

Bank Fee Account

Not currently used in Qbyte Financial. Consult a Qbyte Financial representative for more information.

Cap. Accrual AP Offset Account

Enter a major/minor account code or select a payable account from the Accounts List of Values.

Cap. Accrual AR Offset Account

Enter a major/minor account code or select a receivable account from the Accounts List of Values.

Default Bank Account

The cash account used to record cash. Enter the major/minor account code or select a bank account from the Accounts List of Values.

Gain on Transfer Account

Not used.

GST Purchases *

GST Paid on Invoices. Enter a major/minor account code or select a GST receivable account from the Accounts List of Values.

Used by the Enter Vouchers screen for Payables and Cash Disbursements.
Qbyte Financial automatically generates a GST line when the account coded is flagged for GST, with a GST factor = 1.0000.

Note: Even if you are not having the system auto-calculate GST, you still need the GST Purchases and Sales accounts populated in order to run month end and Generate JIB Vouchers (JIBU024).

GST Sales *

GST Received on Invoices. Enter a major/minor account code or select a GST payable account from the Accounts List of Values.

Used by the Enter Vouchers screen for Receivables.  Qbyte Financial automatically generates a GST line when the account coded is flagged for GST, with a GST factor = 1.0000.

This account is also used by the GST Flow-through Process and GST Recovery Process (JIBU066).

JIB Clearing Account *

Joint Interest Billing clearing account for partner expenses billed out. Enter a major/minor account code or select a clearing account from the Accounts List of Values.

This account is used for clearing all gross accounts to net accounts and is used by Generate JIB Vouchers (JIBU024).

Loss on Transfer Account

Not used.

Multi Currency Balance Account *

Balancing account used when a voucher is out of balance in a multiple reporting currency. This has to fall within the tolerance of the currency specified in the Balancing Tolerance field in the Currencies screen.

Op Exp. Accrual Offset Account

The default offset account used to offset the operating expense accrual.  Enter the major/minor account or select a operating expense accrual offset account from the Accounts List of Values.

PST Payable Account

Account to be used for invoices requiring PST in the Enter Vouchers screen. Enter a PST payable account or select from the Accounts List of Values.
Qbyte Financial automatically generates a PST line if the system default is set to always calculate PST.

Retained Earnings

The retained earnings account used in the Profit and Loss Close process.

Enter a retained earnings account or select from the Accounts List of Values.

Rev. Accrual Offset Account

The default offset account used to offset the revenue accrual.

Enter a revenue accrual offset account or select from the Accounts List of Values.

Retained Earning - OCI

The account set up to record Other Comprehensive Income

Enter a retained earnings account or select from the Accounts List of Values.

Realized Gain/Loss

This account is used to record the gain or loss on currency exchange in these processes:

  • The Process Payments (PAYS016)

  • The Offset Invoices (ACTS092)

  • The Restate Balance Sheet (GELU013)

This is the balancing account used when a voucher is out of balance in the operating or main reporting currency. This has to fall within the tolerance of the currency specified in the Balancing Tolerance field in the Currencies screen.  It is used mainly in Voucher Entry, the Posting process and Interfaces, including spreadsheet uploads. It is also used by the Payment process, Restatement and Generate Allocations process.

Enter a realized gain/loss account or select from the Accounts List of Values.

Unrealized Gain/Loss

This account is used to record the unrealized gain or loss on currency exchange. 

Enter an unrealized gain/loss account or select from the Accounts List of Values.

Warehouse Handling Account

Not used

Write-off Account

The account used in the Offset Invoices screen for the purpose of recording write-offs that fall within the Write off Threshold specified for the currency.


  1. Select the Multiple Rep Currency tab to set up multiple currencies, such as CAD:USD. Select the Restate flag for each currency you want to restate.

6. Select the Hierarchies tab in the Organizations screen (ACTS035):

7. Enter the reporting entity information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...


The name of an existing major account hierarchy.

Enter the hierarchy code or select from the Organization Reporting Hierarchies List of Values.


This automatically populated field displays the major account level default selection.


This automatically populated field displays the major account level default selection.


This automatically populated field displays the major account level default selection.

Parent Level

This automatically populated field displays the parent level of the MAJ entity of the hierarchy set up in the Reporting Hierarchy Entities screen.

Parent Entity

The appropriate parent entity for the major account.

Enter the reporting entity code or select from the Reporting Entities List of Values.

8. Click the Save icon to save the information.

9. Click the Exit icon to close the screen.


Set up an Organization Business Associate 

  1. Set up the Business Associate (BA) for the new Organization in the Business Associates screen. 

  • Navigate to: Master Data > Business Associates.

  1. Cross-reference the Organization and new BA in the Organization field of the Business Associates screen. When a BA is linked with an organization and is used in an ownership master, the transactions will be distributed from the gross account to the net account for that organization.

  2. If the business associate is associated with an organization that is different than the gross transaction’s Organization, the Generate JIB Vouchers JIBU024 process will create the necessary intercompany transactions. 


Set up Voucher Types 

  • Set up required Voucher Types for the new Organization in the Voucher Type Controls screen.  

    • Navigate to: Configuration > Voucher > Voucher Type Controls.




Open Periods for the Organization

  • Open the required Accounting Period for the new Organization(s) in the Open/Close Periods screen.  

    • Navigate to: Administration > Open/Close Periods.




Add Organization to Control Groups

  • Ensure the new Organization is added to the Group Security section of the Control Groups screen, if required.  

    • Navigate to: Configuration > Voucher > Control Groups.




Set up Organization Specific Accounts

  • Set up any required accounts for the new Organizations in the Chart of Accounts screen.  

    • Navigate to: Master Data > Chart of Accounts.

  • The following Accounts are examples of accounts that may be required:

    • Intercompany Accounts - to record Intercompany transactions between the new Organization and old Organization(s).

    • Cash  Accounts - to record any Bank Accounts for the new Organization if required; petty cash accounts; etc.

    • Invoice  Accounts - to record any new AR or AP accounts for the new Organization if required.


Set up Organization Intercompany Accounts

  • Set up the required cross-reference between the new Organization and old Organization(s) for Intercompany Accounts in the Intercompany Accounts screen.  

    • Navigate to: Configuration > Account > Intercompany Accounts.




Set up Organization Bank Accounts

  • Set up any required Bank Accounts for the new Organization in the Bank Account Controls screen.  

    • Navigate to: Configuration > Treasury > Bank Account Controls.




Invoice Types Specific to an Organization

  • If you created new AR or AP accounts specific for the new Organization, set up any required Invoice Types in the Invoice Type Controls screen.   

    • Navigate to: Configuration > Treasury > Invoice Type Controls.


Organization Account Customizations

  • Attributes for certain accounts can be modified for the new Organization in the Chart of Account Customization screen.

  • Typically, certain accounts will be inactivated for certain Organizations; other account attributes may be modified on an Organization-by-Organization basis in this screen.  

    • Navigate to: Configuration > Account > Chart of Accounts Customization.


Organizations on Cost Centres and AFEs Specific

  • Cost Centres and AFEs can include additions and changes in the following screens that are specific to an Organization:

Cost Centre Type Accounts

Cost Centre Numbering

AFE Numbering

Cost Centres and AFEs – Changes to the Managing Org, Ownership Org, Operator, etc. (if required).


Foreign Currency Specific to an Organization




Month End Considerations

  • Gross Entries to new Organizations – If you record Gross entries to the new Organizations, ensure you run all necessary month-end processes.

  • Overhead - If you change the Managing Org Id on existing Cost Centres or Operator Client Id on existing AFEs, overhead calculations may be affected.

  • If you create JIB statements for this new organization, ensure the invoice type(s) that Generate JIB Invoices JIBU026 will use have the correct currency. If the invoice type(s) in the modules table are not the correct currency, the invoice type(s) should be set up in Organization Invoice Types.


Reports/Processing/Process Streams for Specific Organization

  • Users may have default settings setup to run reports and processes either from the menus or through scheduled jobs run via Process Streams. The new Organization may need to be added to these default settings.



Terminating an Organization

It may be necessary to terminate an organization. Use the following steps:

1. Inactivate the Organization BA ID.

  • Navigate to: Master Data > Business Associates.

2. Close all the accounting periods for the inactive organization.

  • Navigate to: Administration > Open/Close Periods.

3. Remove the Intercompany Cross Reference from the remaining active organizations.

  • Navigate to: Configuration > Account > Intercompany Accounts.

4. Ensure that no active AFEs/Projects have the inactive organization as the managing or ownership organization.

5. Ensure that the inactive Organization BA is not linked to any active ownership masters.


Launching Organization Details report in Qbyte Optix

Users can launch an Organization Details report in Qbyte Optix by selecting the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.

This will launch the Organization Details report for the voucher selected in a new Qbyte Optix window.


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