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The DOI MassUpdate is typically run when one company takes over another and all the agreements need to be changed to the new partner name. This process can create new agreement IDs, replacing the partner with the new partner, and it can create new DOI links for the requested cost centres and AFEs. DOI decks that contain a partner with a 0% working interest will see the partner removed from the new deck during the mass update.
Two distinct business cases are handled by the DOI Mass Update process:
1 - A partner has been acquired or merged into another company or the partner has changed their name.
There will be a legal date that represents when this change is effective.
This legal date is the date that land is concerned with.
Land must keep their records so that they reflect the correct legal situation by effective dates. However, financial accounting records must be changed by an inception to date basis so that no financial accounting transactions are generated to the old company.
2 - A partner has sold land to another partner.
There will be a date that represents the date of sale.
In this case, both land and financial accounting are concerned with the effective date of the sale and will change their records using the sale date as the effective date of the new DOI links.
Both scenarios will handle the merger or replacement of one partner into one or many different partners. Terminated decks are not processed during the mass update.
The mass DOI update process consists of the following windows:
JIBS099 - DOI Mass Update screen
JIBU096 - DOI Mass Update process
JIBR097 - Mass Ownership Update Details report
JIBR098 - Mass Ownership Update Summary report
The Mass Update Process has many features:
Screens to enter and save the parameters for audit purposes.
Ability to run in preliminary mode
Complete audit trails (reports and database tables)
Ability to allocate share to multiple partners
Ability to allocate the percentage of a partner's interest
Uniqueness check to prevent the creation of duplicate agreement IDs
Running the DOI Mass Update Process
1. To enter parameters for mass updating DOIs, navigate to the menu and select Master Data > DOI Mass Update.
2. Enter the parameters to run the DOI update.
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
Parameter ID
System-generated number that is automatically assigned on commit/save (Ctrl+S).
Used by the system when the process is submitted.
Description of the mass change. Example: Sale of properties to XYZ Oil & Gas Ltd.
The system assigned status.
New - the status until the process has been run.
In Progress - the status as the process is being run.
Preliminary - indicates that the process has been run in preliminary mode.
Final - indicates that the process has been run in final mode. It cannot be run again.
Error - the process was in error. Check report output.
Use this field to further describe the DOI Mass Update.
Effective Date
The system will use this date to create new DOI links.
Update Inception to Date FA Links
If selected as Yes, all Financial Accounting DOI links regardless of the effective date will be updated.
Note: This checkbox should be selected if you are doing a DOI mass update because one company has acquired or merged with another. In that scenario, all DOIs should be changed. When this checkbox is selected the next field (TerminateOldDOIDecks) is automatically selected as well, although this selection can be manually cleared.
Terminate Old DOI Decks
Select this checkbox to terminate the old DOI links.
This checkbox is automatically selected when the UpdateInceptionto DateFALinks checkbox is selected.
All Cost Centres
Select this checkbox to include all cost centres where the FromPartner has an interest.
Note: If this checkbox is not selected, the user must specify the cost centres to be included. These can be entered in the CostCentres tab.
Include Links with Terminated Cost Centres
Select this checkbox if you want to include terminated cost centres in the mass change.
Include AFE Links
Select this checkbox if you want links with AFEs included in the mass change.
Include Links with Terminated AFEs
Select this checkbox if you want links with terminated AFEs included in the mass change.
From Partner
Indicate the partner's interests that are being changed.
Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associate List of Values.
Primary To Partner
The BusinessAssociateID of the new partner who will now be the operator of the property.
Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associate List of Values.
For properties that you are to operate, your BusinessAssociateID is entered. The billing agent will be changed to the PrimaryPartner when creating the new agreementID.
If there is no change to the interest of your organization’s Business Associate, then enter a zero (0) percent interest change in the ToPartners block.
To Partners
Indicate the partners to whom the assets are being distributed, with the percent of the assets they are being allocated.
Enter the business associate ID or select from the Business Associate List of Values.
Note: The total of all rows must equal 100%.
Submit Options
Use these options to submit the process from the parameter form.
If the parameters are submitted via the parameter form, then the process will also produce two reports:
MassOwnershipUpdateDetails report (JIBR097)
Mass Ownership Update Summary report (JIBR098)
The parameter can be run in preliminary mode as often as required.
Note: Once the parameter has been run in final mode, it cannot be run again.
Allows you to add attachments to parameter. Number of attachments will be displayed.
Allows you to add comments to parameter. Number of comments will be displayed.
Allows you to copy an existing parameter.
Submits the process directly from the screen.
3. Click the Exit icon to close the window.
Launching Mass Ownership Update Details Report in Qbyte Optix
Users can launch a Mass Ownership Update Details report in Qbyte Optix by selecting the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.
This will launch the MassOwnership Update Details report in a new Qbyte Optix window.