Battery Balance
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You can enter all battery and well data for the current month on the Battery Balance screen.
1. Click the Balance button on this screen.
A preliminary proration calculation is completed.
2. Highlight your Battery and select the Balance option from the menu.
Battery Summary
The Balance screen opens with the Summary tab. There are tabs for Well Input, Oil Balance, Gas Balance, and Water Balance.
The Summary tab will show the current balance prior to proration for each product.
Action buttons include:
Recalculate | Runs a balance formula for all tabs. |
Notes | Pops up a screen to allow you to view/maintain notes for the battery and production date. |
Close | Closes the screen and returns to Schematic. |
Run Process | Submits a Step process for a balanced battery. Note: The button is disabled when the battery is closed, locked, or not balanced. |
The Balanced notation at the top of the screen displays the status of the battery (Balanced or Not Balanced), including all products. If a product is Not Balanced, the battery status is also Not Balanced.
Balance Checks
When the battery is Not Balanced, a Balance Checks link is displayed to the right of Not Balanced at the top left of the screen.
When the Balance Checks link is selected, all battery balance validations are executed again, and a window is displayed with the Balance Check Details.
A green checkmark is shown beside validations that are successful.
A red X is shown beside validations that failed.
A simple box with a dash is shown beside validations that were not run due to a previous validation failing.
The following visual indicators and associated descriptions provide additional information to help to identify why the battery is not balanced:
Battery Validation - Displays all the validations performed related to the battery in general.
Battery Oil Production Validation - Displays all the validations performed when balancing the oil at the battery.
Battery Gas Production Validation - Displays all the validations performed when balancing the gas at the battery.
Battery Water Production Validation - Displays all the validations performed when balancing the water at the battery.
Battery Gas Flow Production Validation - This section appears if the battery is attached to a gas flow control group, and it displays all the gas flow validations performed.
Well Input
The Well Input tab of the Battery Balance is where well level data is entered or viewed. Each well can have data inputted manually and/or loaded by the FDC process.
When you select the Well Input tab, the Well Theoretical Summary grid will appear. The data entered here is considered theoretical until Step 1 is run for the battery.
Well Theoretical Summary
This grid displays the following information:
Wells attached to this battery.
Well production totals (once entered and saved).
By default, wells are displayed in Well ID order, but you can change sorting using the column header options.
There are two sort options available within the UWI column in the grid: one for UWI (default), and one for Petrinex UWI.
Sorting by Petrinex UWI will use the following sort criteria:
DLS Wells are sorted by Survey System, Meridian, Township, Range, Section, LSD, Event Sequence, Location Exception.
NTS Wells are sorted by Survey System, Map, Sub, Sheet, Block, Unit, Quarter, Event Sequence, Location Exception.
Several column filters are available to shrink the well list displayed.
Information is provided below the grid to show both the Number of Wells Attached to the Battery and the Number of Wells Acknowledged. Acknowledging a well means you have either entered monthly data or have shut it in.
To Select Wells to Shut In or to Clear Well Production:
1. Use the Select column to select well(s) using the checkbox on the far left of the grid.
Once wells are selected, the Shut In Well and Clear Well Production buttons are enabled.
Action buttons include:
Select All | All wells in the battery will be selected. |
Deselect All | All selected wells will be cleared. |
Shut In Well | All selected wells will be shut in, if applicable. |
Clear Well Production | The selected wells will be cleared back to No Input status. |
Print Friendly | The system will open a screen with a print-friendly view of all entered data. This screen has a Print button. |
2. To view well production details, select anywhere in the row of the desired well.
Well Production Input
If data has not been entered for the well yet, this grid will automatically add one row for data entry. The Measurement Type of this row will default to the Measurement Type from the Well Master (Test or Measured). This default can be changed by selecting the Measurement Type drop-down.
Note: If the battery is using a Calculated Battery Gas Oil Ratio, then there will be an indication in the well heading (after the Well ID), as to whether the well is Eligible or Exempt.
1. Click the Create New button to add measured and/or test rows as required.
To delete an extra row:
Use the Select box to select the row and then click the Delete button.
You can also Select All and Deselect All rows.
Arrow keys (Up and Down) can be used to move between rows while remaining in the same column.
Carry Forward test entries allow only the Production Hours to be entered or modified. However, the ability to change any/all fields on such a test exists if you have enabled this functionality.
For more information, see How To: Edit Carry Forward Well Tests.
The Edit Test and Modified Reason columns are related to System Generated Carry Forward test entries. The Edit Test column will include a link that will launch a pop-up that will allow you to modify any field in the test. This will only appear when the functionality has been enabled (as per the above link). When a System Carry Forward test has been modified with this functionality, the reason entered for the modification will appear in the Modified Reason column.
2. You can Save or Save and Advance to Next Well once all required data for a well is entered.
Any Measurement Type
Input Gas cannot be greater than zero when the Well has a GOR associated with it.
Input Oil/Condensate, Input Gas, Input Water and Hours cannot all be zero.
Effluent Wells should not have any oil/condensate or water production entered, including Measured Wellhead Oil/Condensate.
Wells attached to a Battery using Prorate Water on Gas = Yes should have no water production entered and no water production being calculated based on a WGR.
Measured Measurement Type
Input Oil/Condensate, Input Gas and Input Water all zero and Hours greater than zero only allowed when the well is Heavy Oil.
Input Oil/Condensate can be greater than zero when Hours are zero under the following circumstances:
Well is Heavy Oil.
Well is attached to a battery that has Prorate Measured Oil = Yes.
Input Gas can be greater than zero when Hours are zero in one of the following circumstances:
Well is Heavy Oil. Note: Alberta and British Columbia do not currently allow Gas production with no Hours even on Heavy wells, so an Alert message will be generated during Step01 - Step02 processing as part of the data generation for the Petrinex Volumetric submission.
Well is attached to a battery that has Prorate Measured Gas = Yes.
Input Water can be greater than zero when Hours are zero in one of the following circumstances:
Well is Heavy Oil.
Well is attached to a battery that has Prorate Measured Water = Yes.
Effluent Wells should not have any Measured production; Test to Test only.
Test To Test Measurement Type
Only allowed when the Well has a Measurement Type = TEST - Test To Test.
Hours cannot be zero unless the record is for a Carry Forward test.
Hours must be greater than Test Hours when not a Carry Forward test.
Input Gas cannot be greater than zero when the Well is attached to a Gas Measurement Exempt battery.
Measured Wellhead Oil/Condensate
Measured Wellhead Oil/Condensate can be entered just beneath the Production grid. This is used when the well is recombining oil/condensate into the gas, but some of the oil/condensate is being measured and disposed of directly.
Injection/Recovery (Optionally Displayed)
An Injection/Recovery section may be displayed under the Measured Wellhead Oil/Condensate field when the battery has been set up with Recovered Load Entry Method = By Well. This will allow for the entry of any unrecovered load oil or water that remains downhole at the end of the month. It is also possible (depending on setup) for the Unrecovered Load Oil/Water fields to be displayed but disabled.
For more information, see Injection/Recovery of Load Fluid.
Consumption Input (Optionally Displayed)
Optionally, another grid will be displayed if any consumption factors requiring monthly input have been set up in the Well Production Master.
Action buttons at the top of the Well Production Input screen include:
Save | Saves data. |
Save and Advance to Next Well | Saves and moves to the next well. |
Revert | Removes all unsaved data. |
View Previous Entry | Opens a window showing previous monthly data. |
Production History | The system opens a new window showing the wells' production history. |
Factors and Consumption Detail
The Factors and Consumption Detail section is an accordion and can be toggled open or closed. This section displays the entered consumption and calculated consumption as well as oil calculated based on oil gas ratio, and water calculation based on water gas ratio or water on gas.
Summary Section
Production and Consumption Summaries appear in the Factors and Consumption Details accordion at the bottom of the screen, displaying details of all well data entered and/or calculated based on well production master settings.
Oil Balance
The battery oil movement data is entered on the Oil Balance tab. This screen will perform a production calculation and will balance the oil for the battery upon Save.
You can enter new and/or update recurring oil receipts in the grid found in the Receipts area. Load oil receipts can be entered in this grid. Receipts resulting from battery-to-battery transfers and battery-to-battery injection will appear in this grid; however, not all fields will be editable as they are sourced from the disposition that created them.
1. Click the Create New button located below the grid.
The Create Oil Receipt screen will pop up.
Action buttons include Apply, Revert, and Cancel.
Receipt Type | Options include Deemed Sale, Injection, Previous Month, or Transfer.
From Battery ID/Government Code/Name | Use type-ahead. |
Receipt Sequence # | This field will default to 0 but can be entered by the user if there is more than one receipt of the same Receipt Type from the same Sender. |
Default Well Id Outside Receipt | From System Configuration/Configuration. |
To Well Id/UWI/Name | This refers to the injected well. Use type-ahead.
Owner Id/Name | Use type-ahead. |
Volume | This field is optional. |
Recovered Volume | This refers to the volume that was recovered and is only displayed when the receipt type is Injection or Previous Month. |
Override Receipt Code | This field is optional. |
Purchased | Options include Yes or No.
Report As | This field is optional. Displayed only when Receipt Type is Deemed Sale or Transfer. Options include WCOND, COND, C2MX, C3MX, C3SP, C4MX, C4SP, C5MX, C5SP, DILUENT or SYNCRD. If left blank it will be reported as OIL.
User Comment | This field is optional. This functionality is especially useful when you have multiple dispositions or receipts to or from the same location. Instead of relying solely on the Delivery Sequence # to distinguish one from the other, you can add a comment that provides additional information and makes it easier to recognize the reason behind the multiples. Note: When there is a battery-to-battery or injection transfer, any comments entered on a disposition row of the sending facility will be auto-generated at the receiving facility, so that you do not have to re-enter the information. In these cases, the comment can only be modified at the sending facility. |
2. Click Apply and return to the Receipts screen after entering the appropriate data.
You can now enter all volumes (if not previously entered).
3. Click Save.
The Recalculate Load Oil button will appear when the battery has Recovered Load Entry Method = By Well. This button allows you to force Qbyte Metrix to update recovered volumes on all injection/previous month receipts. Normally this is done whenever the well is saved on the Battery Balance → Well Input screen; however, since the received volume may be under the control of other batteries (when receiving load fluid from another battery) it is possible that the received volume has been updated since the unrecovered volume was entered.
Clicking the Recalculate Load Oil button forces an update to take any changes that may have occurred into account.
For more information on load oil handling, see:
Show Fewer Columns and Show All Columns buttons:
When a battery has greater than 100 receipts, the Battery Oil Receipts grid is displayed with fewer columns. You are still able to display the grid with all of the columns by clicking the Show All Columns button.
For most batteries (i.e., with 100 receipts or less), all of the columns of the Battery Oil Receipts grid are always displayed, and you can opt to click the Show Fewer Columns button to reduce the number of columns displayed.
The Dispositions area allows you to enter new and/or update recurring oil dispositions.
Dispositions without matching Market Masters are displayed in RED (Destination Delivery ID and Name).
Dispositions to facilities in another control group are displayed in BLUE (Destination Delivery ID and Name) .
When a disposition to another control group is also missing a matching Market Master, the Destination Delivery ID will be in RED and the Name will be in BLUE .
Dispositions that have been Frozen will have a snowflake (
) displayed after the Delivery Name.
1. Click the Create New button at the bottom of the grid.
The Create Oil Disposition screen will pop up.
Action buttons include Apply, R evert, and Cancel.
The following fields are displayed when the Disposition Type is Delivery:
Disposition Type | Options include Blending Shrinkage, Delivery, Fire, Injection, Spill, Theft or Transfer. Note: Blending Shrinkage is displayed only for batteries in provinces using Petrinex (Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia) for a production date greater than or equal to BC Petrinex Implementation date and Manitoba when the production date is greater than or equal to MB Petrinex Implementation date. Fire, Theft, and Spill are displayed for Saskatchewan and Manitoba (when the production date is greater than or equal to MB Petrinex Implementation date) batteries only.
Destination Facility Type | Options include Delivery System or Battery. See Battery-to-Battery Transfers without Dependencies for more information on Destination Facility Type battery. |
To Destination ID/Government Code/Name | Use type-ahead. |
Delivery Sequence | This field will default to 0 but can be entered by the user if there is more than one disposition of the same Disposition Type to the same Destination. |
Disposition Volume | This field is optional. |
Override Delivery Code | This field is optional. |
Purchased | Options include Yes or No.
Report As | Report As Product. This field is optional.
Options include WCOND, COND, C2MX, C3MX, C3SP, C4MX, C4SP, C5MX, C5SP, DILUENT or SYNCRD. If left blank it will be reported as OIL.
User Comment | This field is optional. This functionality is especially useful when you have multiple dispositions or receipts to or from the same location. Instead of relying solely on the Delivery Sequence # to distinguish one from the other, you can add a comment that provides additional information and makes it easier to recognize the reason behind the multiples. Comments entered appear on the Market Master to help with setting up dispositions and multiple sequences. Note: When there is a battery-to-battery or injection transfer, any comments entered on a disposition row of the sending facility will be auto-generated at the receiving facility, so that you do not have to re-enter the information. In these cases, the comment can only be modified at the disposition facility. |
2. Click Apply after entering the appropriate data.
You will return to the Dispositions area.
You can now enter all volumes (if not previously entered).
3. Click Save.
The Summary area consists of a high-level summary of all the data elements that were previously entered.
Gas Balance
The Gas Balance tab is where the battery gas movement data is entered including Receipts, Consumption, Dispositions, and Inventory. Upon Save, the screen will do a production calculation and balance the gas for the battery.
For Gas Flow batteries, the Gas Flow Balance button will be visible and enabled. Clicking this button will launch the Gas Flow Balance screen directly without having to back to the Explorer menu.
Enter new and/or recurring gas receipts in the grid.
To Add a New Receipt:
1. Click the Create New button located below the grid.
The Create Gas Receipt screen will pop up.
Action buttons include Apply, Revert and Cancel.
Receipt Type | Options include Fuel Receipt, Consumption Receipt, Consumption Receipt for Wells, or Transfer for Market. Note:
Sending Entity Type | Options include Battery, Delivery System, GGS or Plant. |
Sending Facility ID/Government Code/Name | Use type-ahead. |
Received Volume | This field is optional. |
Purchased | Options include Yes or No. |
Receipt Code | This field is optional. |
User Comment | This field is optional. |
2. After entering the appropriate data, click Apply and return to the Receipts screen.
You can now enter all volumes if not entered previously.
3. Click Save.
Consumption information appears in a grid format. Consumption data will appear as set up in the Battery Master. If monthly data entry is required, the Input Volume field will appear open. Gridlines showing the calculations will appear if fuel or flared is calculated.
The action button is Allocate Volumes. Clicking the Allocate Volumes button will launch the Consumption Allocation screen, allowing you to allocate consumption to specific entities or Owners. If allocate volumes are not entered, consumption will be allocated equally to all entities flowing through this battery.
Enter new and/or recurring gas dispositions.
To Add a New Disposition:
1. Click the Create New button at the bottom of the grid.
The Create Gas Disposition screen will pop up.
Action buttons include Apply, Revert, and Cancel.
Disposition Type | Options include Delivery, Transfer for Consumption, Transfer for Fuel or Transfer for Market.
Delivery System Type | Options include GGS, Injection or Plant
Delivery System ID/Government Code/Name | Use type-ahead. |
Metered Gas Volume | This field is optional. When populated it contains the volume of disposed gas. |
Metered Liquid Volume | This field is optional. When populated it contains the volume of disposed liquid. |
Gas Equivalent Factor | This field is optional. It will be enabled only when there is not a battery analysis entered. When populated it contains the GEQ factor to be used to convert the Metered Liquid Volume to gas. |
Total Volume | This is a display-only field that will show the sum of the Metered Gas Volume and the gas equivalent of the Metered Liquid Volume. |
Purchased | Options include Yes or No. The field is disabled for disposition types Purchased Consumption, Return Consumption and Fuel Sale.
Delivery Code | This field is optional. |
User Comment | This field is optional. |
2. Click Apply and return to the Disposition screen after entering the appropriate data.
You can now enter all volumes if not entered previously.
3. Click Save.
Theoretical Summary
The last section is the Theoretical Summary section. This section is a high-level summary of all the data elements entered previously.
Water Balance
The Water Balance tab is where the battery water movement data is entered. Upon Save, the screen will perform a production calculation and will balance the water for the battery.
You can enter new and/or update recurring oil receipts in the grid found in the Receipts area. Load water receipts can be entered into this grid. Receipts resulting from battery-to-battery transfers and battery-to-battery injection will appear in this grid; however, not all fields will be editable as they are sourced from the disposition that created them.
To Add a New Receipt:
1. Click the Create New button located below the grid.
The Create Water Receipt screen will pop up.
Action buttons include Apply, Revert, and Cancel.
Receipt Type | Options include Deemed Sale, Injection, Previous Month, or Transfer.
Sending Facility Type | Options include Battery, Delivery System, GGS, or Injection. |
Sending Facility ID/Government Code/Name | Use type-ahead to populate this field. |
Sequence Number | This field will default to 0 but can be entered by the user if there is more than one disposition of the same Receipt Type from the same Sender. |
Received Volume | This field is optional. |
Receipt Code | This field is optional. |
Report As | Report As Product. This field is optional. Options include FSHWTR, BRKWTR, or STEAM. If left blank it will be reported as WATER.
User Comment | This field is optional. This functionality is especially useful when you have multiple receipts from the same location. Instead of relying solely on the Sequence # to distinguish one from the other, you can add a comment that provides additional information and makes it easier to recognize the reason behind the multiples. Note: When there is a battery-to-battery or injection transfer, any comments entered on a disposition row of the sending facility will be auto-generated at the receiving facility, so that you do not have to re-enter the information. In these cases, the comment can only be modified at the sending facility. |
2. Click Apply to return to the Receipts screen after entering the appropriate data.
You can now enter all volumes if not entered previously.
3. Click Save.
The Recalculate Load Water button will appear when the battery has Recovered Load Entry Method = By Well. This button forces Qbyte Metrix to update recovered volumes on all injection/previous month receipts. Normally, this is done whenever the well is saved on the Battery Balance → Well Input screen; however, since the received volume may be under the control of other batteries (when receiving load fluid from another battery), it is possible that the received volume has been updated since the unrecovered volume was entered.
By clicking the Recalculate Load Water button, you force the update to take any changes that may have occurred into account.
For more information on load water handling, see:
Show Fewer Columns and Show All Columns buttons:
When a battery has greater than 100 receipts, the Battery Water Receipts grid is displayed with fewer columns. You are still able to display the grid with all of the columns by clicking the Show All Columns button.
For most batteries (i.e., with 100 receipts or less), all of the columns of the Battery Water Receipts grid are always displayed, and you can click the Show Fewer Columns button to reduce the number of columns displayed.
Enter new and/or update recurring dispositions.
To Add a New Disposition:
1. Click the Create New button at the bottom of the grid.
The Create Water Disposition screen will pop up.
Action buttons include Apply, Revert, and Cancel.
Disposition Type | Options include Delivery, Injection, Transfer, or Spill. Note: Spill is displayed for Saskatchewan and Manitoba (when production date is greater than or equal to MB Petrinex Implementation date) batteries only . |
Destination Facility Type | Options include Battery, Delivery System, or Injection.
To Destination ID/Government Code/Name | Use type-ahead to populate this field. |
Sequence Number | This field will default to 0 but can be entered by the user if there is more than one disposition of the same Disposition Type to the same Destination. |
Volume | This field is optional. |
Delivery Rec Code | This field is optional. |
Report As | Report As Product. This field is optional. Options include FSHWTR, BRKWTR, or STEAM. If left blank it will be reported as WATER.
User Comment | This field is optional. This functionality is especially useful when you have multiple dispositions to the same location. Instead of relying solely on the Sequence # to distinguish one from the other, you can add a comment that provides additional information and makes it easier to recognize the reason behind the multiples. Note: When there is a battery-to-battery or injection transfer, any comments entered on a disposition row of the sending facility will be auto-generated at the receiving facility, so that you do not have to re-enter the information. In these cases, the comment can only be modified at the disposition facility. |
2. Click Apply and return to the Receipts screen after entering the appropriate data.
You can now enter all volumes if not entered previously.
3. Click Save.
The last section is the Summary section. This is a high-level summary of all the data elements entered previously.
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