How to: Edit Carry Forward Well Tests

How to: Edit Carry Forward Well Tests

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Users can manually edit carry forward tests in the Battery Balance > Well Input tab.  Metrix allows all fields to be edited which will give users more control over modification of the carried forward data in the current month.  This means users are not required to open up a prior month for amendment if they need to modify volumes or hours on the carry forward test.

To Set Up

There is a new flag at the Corporate Level in System Configuration > Function Implementation to allow for the editing of System Generated Carried Forward tests.  Navigate to Administration > System Configuration > Function Implementation.  Select Edit.  

Change the Validation: Edit System Generated Carried Forward Tests to Yes.  Select Save.

Edit Carry Forward Tests

In the Battery Balance Well Input tab, the Well Production Input grid will allow users to modify tests from a prior month.  Select the Edit Test link as shown below to open up a screen that allows the user to edit fields to modify the prior period test.

The user can now change whatever field is required in the Edit Carry Forward Test screen.  Enter a Reason for Change when a modification is made prior to selecting Apply.

The user will be taken back to the Well Input screen where they can save the Edited Carry Forward Test.  Ensure that the Hours are filled out prior to selecting Save. If the carry forward test volumes are not meant to be included in the current month, they can be left as a 0 (as shown below).



The Well Production Details report will now indicate when a System Generated Carried Forward test has been modified along with the reason for the change.

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