Qbyte Optix General Navigation

Qbyte Optix General Navigation

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Qbyte Optix is a Web 2.0 application which utilizes all the current web navigation metaphors.



Only users with valid Qbyte Optix accounts may login to Qbyte Optix. The username and password (case sensitive) must be supplied and will be validated prior to successfully logging in.  If your password has expired or your account has been locked you will receive an error message indicating the nature of the problem. After a successful Qbyte Optix login, multiple browser Tabs may be opened in the same Browser instance without the need to login to Qbyte Optix again. To logout of Qbyte Optix, select the icon in the top right corner of the screen, then select Logout.


When Qbyte Optix is launched there are two tabs visible:  My Home (My is replaced with the user's first name) and Home.  Each tab contains multiple accordions with various menu options.


When Qbyte Optix is launched there are two tabs visible:  My Home (My is replaced with the user's first name) and Reports.  Each tab contains multiple  Accordions  with various menu options.

  • The User’s Home tab – where the user can organize and personalize Metrix Reporting to the way they work and use information

  • The Reports tab – contains all available reports and data extracts


As the reports in the Reports tab are run, a new tab is opened within Qbyte Optix. There is no limit to the number of tabs that may be opened, however, too many tabs may detract from the Qbyte Optix user interface.  Each report tab will be labeled with the report name.  Configuration tabs will be labeled with the functionality they support.  Unsaved changes in a tab will result in an asterisk (*) appearing before the name in the tab.   

Each report tab will be labeled with the report name. Configuration tabs will be labeled with the functionality they support. Multiple reports can be open in their own tab.  Unsaved changes in a tab will result in an asterisk (*) appearing before the name in the tab.  If you close a tab (select the “X” on the tab) and there are unsaved changes, you will get the following message.  You can choose to Close the report without saving or click No to return to the report.



Accordions  are used extensively in Qbyte Optix to organize and streamline access to the extensive functionality available to the user.  Each accordion can be expanded (show) or compressed (hide) by clicking on either the accordion line, the plus (+) / minus (-) icon or the Show / Hide link. By default, the first accordion will always be opened when a tab is first displayed. 



The Reports tab contains reports for those products your company has an Qbyte Optix license.   It has 3 sections:

  1. The Subject areas (the top menu: i.e. Allocation, Interoperability, etc.)

  2. The Report Categories (the left hand categories: i.e. Production, Balance, etc.)

  3. The Report Names (the right hand listing of reports: i.e. Inventory Override Details, Consumption Allocation, etc.)


Parameter Selection 

When in a Report tab, parameter selections with appear.

  • Click the '+' or '-' within the section to show available options.


  • Click the line to open or close the parameter.



All values displayed in blue with an underline are hyperlinks. These links, when invoked, will cause the user to be directed to another functional area of Qbyte Optix.  Only a single mouse click is required to invoke a link.

In Report Results, select the hyperlink to drill-down to master or transactional data.


There are also drill-downs (icon1.png) on entire lines of data.


Search for any Report

Reports can be found by using the menus to find links or the Search for any Report option can be used. By selecting one of the displayed options, the Open Selected Report button will be activated for you to click on. This action will open the desired report.

Enter a keyword, i.e. Balance and all reports with that word anywhere in the title will appear. Highlight and select Open Selected Report to go to the correct report. The list shows the Breadcrumbs i.e. where that report is located.



The Help link is now found by selecting the cog in the top right corner of the screen, then selecting ‘Help’.


If you click on About, you will get the following version information.   This information is helpful to determine the version you are on of various components of Qbyte Optix.

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