Market Master
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Market Master Maintenance
Market Masters are extremely flexible master files that let you define complex product marketing arrangements. The Market Master stores all contract data, derives sales allocations to available volumes, and ties dollars to the allocations.
Market Master functionality lets you identify how all products are to be distributed based on contracts, priorities, and ownership, which reflects how you conduct business.
Many marketing situations revolve around partners taking their share of products in kind, selling lease fuel, load oil or injection volumes, inventory, and transferring products from one facility to another. Production Accountants should understand these scenarios and the policies behind them before creating the Market Master records.
A Market Master is set up whenever you have a delivery where you need to control participation. For example, wherever you are going to start actually booking revenues, or doing a pipeline split or delivering volumes for one gas flow facility to another.
Market Masters are maintained at a facility level. This can be a battery, GGS (if gas flow) or a plant:
1. Highlight a facility in Explorer.
2. Select the Market Master menu option.
Buttons for Mass Maintenance and Close are available at the top of the screen. Mass Maintenance will be covered in a later section.
There are buttons to navigate to Pricing and the Energy Override screens.
There are buttons for Contract Percent and User Input that are active when set up.
If the Freeze Splits functionality is being utilized, the column to the left of the sequence will contain a snowflake icon (
) to indicate that the disposition is frozen.
There are three levels of detail in a Market Master:
Dispositions: Represents the physical point of sales (i.e. pipeline, truck terminal, etc.)
Purchasers: The individual or company who is designated as the Purchaser of the product.
Participants: An individual or company who owns the product for market.
Each section has similar action buttons including Add, Edit, Copy, or Delete.
Setting Up Dispositions
The first step is to set up the delivery system in Market Master.
Dispositions are split into three areas:
Product - This represents the product you are marketing.
Destination - This represents the actual destination that you disposed the volume to. This should match your facility balance.
Allocation Group - This area allows you to split one disposition into multiple groups for allocation purposes.
Add a Disposition
1. Select the Add Disposition button.
A new screen will open.
The Dispositions from each Balance screen will appear in the top grid.
You can highlight a disposition to set up details or enter new data.
Disposition > Delivery System:
Field | Description |
Product | A drop-down list of products applicable to the Facility Type. |
Disposition Type | Options include (for Product OIL when Facility Type is Battery):
Options include (for all other Products):
Destination Type | Options include:
Destination ID | This field corresponds to Destination Type. |
Sequence Number | This is a unique Identifier. |
Priority | This user-defined field determines the order of allocation. |
Disposition > Allocation Groups:
Allocation Groups are used to split one disposition into multiple levels. This determines the order in which the product is allocated to that specific destination. This is an important feature if there are owners who do not want to have inventories held in the facility (such as the APMC for AB oil crown volumes).
Field | Description |
Sequence Number | This user-defined field determines the order of allocation. |
Priority | This sets the order of allocation within disposition and can be used to override the Sequence #. |
Allocation Method | Options include:
Maximum = Available | This is a Yes or No field. This allows allocation to exceed available. |
2. Click Save.
You will be taken back to the main Market Master screen.
Edit a Disposition
1. Click the Edit Disposition button from the main Market Master screen.
A new screen will open.
You can change all fields except the Product and Disposition Type.
2. Click Save.
You will be taken back to the main Market Master screen.
Copy a Disposition
1. Highlight one disposition row and click the Copy Disposition button from the main Market Master screen.
A new window will appear.
2. Click the Paste button.
The system populates disposition details and the paste options are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Allocation Group details must be filled in to differentiate this Market Master disposition from the copied one.
3. Click Save.
Disposition - Paste Options: Paste options can be used to specify whether the purchasers and participants associated with the disposition should be copied as well.
Field | Description |
Include Child Records | This is a drop-down list with options including:
Comments from the Battery Balance
In addition, Qbyte Metrix displays Comments in the Market Master that were entered in the Battery Balance.
This will help you remember what each disposition sequence represents.
The following screenshot shows what the comments look like in the Market Master Add Disposition screen:
This column is collapsed upon entering the Market Master in the main Market Master screen.
Select the Plus icon next to the Comment column heading to expand the field and view the truncated comments.
Select the Minus icon to collapse the column once more.
Setting Up Purchasers
The next step in Market Masters is to link purchasers to your delivery or allocation groups. For the highlighted row in Dispositions, the Purchasers grid will display the linked purchasers.
1. Click the Add Purchaser button to add a purchaser.
Action buttons include Save and Create New, Save, Paste, Revert and Cancel.
Field | Description |
Purchaser Type | Available options include:
Purchaser ID | Use type-ahead to populate this field. |
Sequence | This is a user-defined field. This value must be unique. |
Revenue Received | This is a Yes or No field. This flag indicates whether you, as the Owning Company, are responsible for marketing and collecting revenue for this delivery. For deliveries other than some sort of transfer, this flag is typically No when the Participant is a taken-in-kind partner and is responsible for the marketing of their own volume. |
Not Received Reason | If No, options include:
Include All Participants | This is a Yes or No field. No requires data entry in the Participant section. |
Included Battery ID | This field is optional. Use type-ahead to populate this field. |
Included Unit ID | This field is optional. Use type-ahead to populate this field. |
Participant Group | This field is optional. Use type-ahead to populate this field. |
Contract Reference | This is a user-defined field. |
Contract Description | This is a user-defined field. |
Shipper Pipeline Contract | This is a user-defined field. |
Displayed only when Product is OIL. Specify a valid owner as the Split Carrier to override the default behavior when generating a Petrotranz Oil Shipper Split. | |
Override BC Shipper | Displayed only when Product is GAS or RAWGAS and BC Petrinex is enabled for the Production Date for Alberta and British Columbia facilities. Specify a valid owner to override the Shipper on the SAF/OAF. |
2. Highlight a purchaser row.
3. Click the Copy Purchaser button from the main Market Master screen.
A new window will appear.
4. Click the Paste button.
The system populates the Purchaser Details.
5. Click the Save button.
Setting Up Participant Details
After you have created your disposition or allocations group and have attached purchasers, you can attach participant details to the purchaser.
1. Select the Add Participant button to add a participant to the highlighted purchaser.
2. Highlight a participant row.
3. Select the Copy Participant button.
A new window will appear.
4. Select the Paste button.
The system populates the Participant Details.
5. Select Save.
Field | Description |
Include All Participant Types | Options include Yes or No. No requires Participant Type. This field allows you to reduce the number of participants required. For example, if All Participant Types = Yes this setting can replace the need for separate CRWN and XCRWN participants. |
Participant Type | Available options include:
Include All Owners | This is a Yes or No field. No requires Owner ID. |
Include Owner ID | Use type ahead |
Include All Wells | For all products: This is a Yes or No field. No requires well/unit. When Product = Oil, two additional options are displayed (Outside Receipts and Bty-to-Bty Transfer). See the Note below for more information. |
Entity Type | Options include Well/Tract |
Entity ID | This field corresponds to Type. Use type ahead to populate this field. |
Shipper Owner Contract | This is a user-defined field. |
Action buttons include Save and Create New, Save, Paste, Revert, and Cancel
Nominations/User Input
The User Input button is enabled when the Allocation Method on the Market Master at the Disposition is set to User Input. This tells Qbyte Metrix that instead of using the calculations available, Qbyte Metrix is to use the user inputs for the contracts. This will become a monthly input requirement for you.
Turning on User Input adds a Force Sales = User Input field to the bottom of the Purchaser section. If set to Yes, it will allow allocation to zero or to negative volumes at an entity or owner level.
Action buttons include Save, Revert, and Cancel.
Edit Allowable Variances will activate when a purchaser is selected (using the checkbox).
Action Buttons include Save, Revert, and Cancel.
Field | Description |
Allow Maximum Volume |
Allow Minimum Volume |
Allow Percent |
Energy Override
Qbyte Metrix allows you to override the sales gigajoules (GJ) by purchaser.
Action buttons include Save, Revert, and Cancel.
The Purchaser Details from Market Master will appear with a data entry field for the GJs that may be overridden.
Contract Percent
Contract Percent provides functionality within the gas sales allocation to utilize percentages to calculate the available for a specific contract. Along with the percentage contract capability, you can also apply a maximum volume to the contract.
Contract split activates when the allocation method on the Market Master at the Disposition is set to Percentage (By purchaser or contract).
Once the Allocation Method is flagged to P Percentage (By Purchaser/Contract) in the Market Master, the Contract Percent button will become enabled.
It is recommended to place meaningful descriptions in your purchaser setups. This provides a visual aid to users confirming they are entering the correct information to the correct purchaser in the Contract Split Input window.
Qbyte Metrix does not check to confirm whether the percentages across contracts total 100%, and it is not recommended to have the setups equal 100%. Instead, set up your percent contracts first, and then have the remaining volumes set up as a regular contract not utilizing the contract split feature. This setup would occur in an allocation group that occurs after the allocation group where the contract split is setup. This will result in fewer errors due to rounding.
Contract Split Input Screen
The Contract Split Input window allows you to enter the contract Percent and the Maximum Volume for each contract.
Action buttons include Save, Revert, and Cancel.
You must enter the desired contract percent in the Percent column.
If the contract has a maximum volume, enter this volume in the Maximum Volumes field for the contract. Do not enter anything if there is no maximum volume. This is not a mandatory field if not needed.
1. If using the Percent only and no Maximum Volume: Qbyte Metrix calculates the actual available volume based on the participant setup under the purchaser. Qbyte Metrix will then apply the percent entered against this volume to calculate the actual sales volume to be applied to the contract.
2. If using the Percent and Maximum Volume: Qbyte Metrix calculates the actual available volume based on the participant setup under the purchaser. Qbyte Metrix then applies the percent entered against this volume. This calculated volume is then compared to the entered maximum volume. If the calculated sales volume exceeds the maximum volume, then the sales volume will be reduced to the maximum volume allowed for that contract.
Market Master Mass Maintenance
1. Select the Mass Maintenance button at the facility requiring a Market Master.
Select the Mass Maintenance option from the menu Master > Market Master > Mass Maintenance.
2. Select an action:
Modify Purchaser
Modify Destination
Copy one Product to another
Copy one Destination to another
Copy one Facility to another
3. Enter the Entity that will be modified/copied FROM and other details (I.e. purchaser, destination, product, facility, etc.) and select View Source.
4. Select the applicable purchaser, destination, product, facility or use the Select All button.
5. Click the View Destination button.
6. Select the appropriate destination product or entity or entities.
7. Click the Perform Action button once the Source/Destination selections are complete.
Button | Description |
Reset | This button resets the screen to its original values. |
Cancel | This button brings you back to Market Master. Note: The button is only visible when the Mass Maintenance button is clicked from the Market Master screen. |
View Source | After criteria for Source Disposition is entered use this button to populate the grid. |
Select All | This button selects all rows in the grid. |
Deselect All | This button clears the selection of all rows in the grid. |
View Destination | This button populates the destination grid. |
Perform Action | This button modifies or creates the Market Masters. |
Modify Purchaser
The window will automatically open to this option.
Action buttons include Reset, Cancel, View Source, Select All, Deselect All, View Destination and Perform Action.
Field | Description |
Production Date | This modifiable field defaults to the current system production date. Note: The production date cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Entity Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Note: The Entity Type cannot be edited when you click the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Entity ID | This field should be populated based on what Entity Type has been selected. Note: The Entity ID cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Purchaser ID | This is the Owner ID of the Purchaser you wish to modify. |
1. Enter the Purchaser you are Modifying.
2. Select the View Source button.
The grid will be populated with dispositions as set up in Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Source Dispositions section.
3. Once the grid is populated, select the row or rows that are to be modified by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
4. Once the rows are highlighted, move to the Destination Disposition section.
Field | Description |
Purchaser ID | This is the Owner ID of the Purchaser you wish to replace the Source purchaser. |
5. Enter the Purchaser to be Modified TO in the Destination Dispositions section.
6. Click the View Destination button and the grid will populate with dispositions from Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Destination Dispositions section.
7. Once the grid is populated select the row(s) that are to be modified to by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
8. Once the correct rows are highlighted, click the Perform Action button.
The purchaser for the selected Market Master rows will be modified to the TO Purchaser.
Modify Destination
Action buttons include Reset, Cancel, View Source, Select All, Deselect All, View Destination and Perform Action.
Field | Description |
Production Date | This modifiable field defaults to the current system Production Date. Note: The production date cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Entity Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Note: The Entity Type cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Entity ID | This field should be populated based on what entity type has been selected. Note: The Entity ID cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Disposition Type | If Facility Type is Battery options include:
If Facility Type is GGS options include:
If Facility Type is Plant options include:
If Facility Type is Control Group options include:
Destination Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Destination ID | This field should be populated based on what Destination Type has been selected. |
1. Enter the Entity type, Entity ID, Disposition Type, as well as the Destination type and Destination ID that is being Modified.
2. Click the View Source button.
The grid will be populated with dispositions as set up in Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Source Dispositions section.
3. Once the grid is populated, select the row(s) that are to be modified by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
4. Once the rows are highlighted, move to the Destination Disposition section.
Field | Description |
Destination Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Destination ID | This field should be populated based on what Destination Type has been selected. |
5. Enter the Destination Type and Destination ID to be Modified TO in the Destination Dispositions section.
6. Click the View Destination button and the grid will populate with dispositions from Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Destination Dispositions section.
7. Once the grid is populated, select the row(s) that are to be modified by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
8. Once the correct rows are highlighted, click the Perform Action button.
The Destination Type and Destination ID for the selected Market Master rows will be modified to the TO Destination Type/ID.
Copy One Product to Another
This option is most commonly used to set up by-product Market Masters.
Action buttons include Reset, Cancel, View Source, Add, Clear, Select All, Deselect All, View Destination and Perform Action.
Field | Description |
Production Date | This modifiable field defaults to the current system Production Date. Note: The Production Date cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Facility Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Note: The Facility Type cannot be edited when you click the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Facility ID | This field should be populated based on what Facility Type has been selected. Note: The Facility ID cannot be edited when you click the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Product | This is a drop-down field with products applicable to Facility Type. |
1. Select the Product you are copying FROM.
2. Select the View Source button.
The grid will be populated with dispositions as set up in Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Source Dispositions section.
3. Once the grid is populated, select the row(s) that are to be copied by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
4. Once the rows are highlighted, move to the Destination section.
Field | Description |
Product | Select the Add button to select one or multiple products. Options include:
5. Select the Add button to select the Product(s) to Copy TO.
6. Select the View Destination button and the grid will populate with dispositions from Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Destination Dispositions section.
7. Once the grid is populated select the row(s) that are to be copied to by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
8. Once the correct rows are highlighted, click the Perform Action button.
Any existing Market Master matching the Destination Disposition for the TO Product will be deleted first, then the FROM information will be duplicated into the Market Master.
The Override BC Shipper associated with Gas/Raw Gas Purchasers is only copied when copying Products Gas to raw Gas and vice versa.
Copy One Destination to Another
Action buttons include Reset, Cancel, View Source, Select All, Deselect All, View Destination and Perform Action.
Field | Description |
Production Date | This modifiable field defaults to the system Production Date. Note: The Production Date cannot be edited when you click the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Facility Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Note: The Facility Type cannot be edited when you click the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Facility ID | This field should be populated based on what Facility Type has been selected. Note: The Facility ID cannot be edited when you click the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Product | This is a drop-down field containing products applicable to Facility Type. |
Disposition Type | If Facility Type is Battery options include:
If Facility Type is GGS options include:
If Facility Type is Plant options include:
Destination Type | Options include:
Destination ID | This field should be populated based on what Destination Type has been selected. |
Sequence | This field is optional. |
Allocation number | This field is optional. |
Priority | This field is optional. |
Allocation Priority | This field is optional. |
1. Enter the Destination information that is being Copied from.
2. Select the View Source button.
The grid will be populated with Dispositions as set up in Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Source Dispositions section.
3. Once the grid is populated, select the row(s) that are to be copied from by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
4. Move to the Destination section once the rows are highlighted.
Field | Description |
Disposition Type | If Facility Type is Battery, options include:
If Facility Type is GGS, options include:
If Facility Type is Plant, options include:
Destination Type | Options include:
Destination ID | This field should be populated based on what Destination Type has been selected. |
Sequence | This field is optional. |
Allocation number | This field is optional. |
Priority | This field is optional. |
Allocation Priority | This field is optional. |
5. Enter the Destination information.
6. Select the View Destination button.
The grid will populate with dispositions from Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Destination Dispositions section.
7. Once the grid is populated, select the row(s) that are to be copied to by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
8. Click the Perform Action button once the correct rows are highlighted.
Any existing Market Master matching the Destination Disposition will be deleted first, then the FROM information will be duplicated into the Market Master.
Copy One Facility to Another
Action buttons include Reset, Cancel, View Source, Select All, Deselect All, View Destination and Perform Action.
Production Date | This modifiable field defaults to the current system Production Date. |
Facility Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Note: The facility type cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Facility ID | This field should be populated based on what facility type has been selected. Note: The Facility ID cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
1. Enter the Facility that is being Copied from.
2. Select the View Source button.
The grid will be populated with dispositions as set up in Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Source Dispositions section.
3. Once the grid is populated, select the row(s) that are to be copied from by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
4. Move to the Destination section once the rows are highlighted.
Field | Description |
Start Date | This modifiable field defaults to the source Production Date. |
End Date | This modifiable field defaults to the source Production Date. |
Facility Type | This modifiable field defaults to the source Facility Type. Note: The Facility Type cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
Facility ID | This modifiable field defaults to the source Facility ID. Note: The Facility ID cannot be edited when you select the Mass Maintenance button from the Market Master screen. |
5. Enter the Start Date, End Date, Facility Type, and Facility ID to copy TO.
6. Click the View Destination button.
The grid will populate with dispositions from Market Master based on the criteria entered in the Destination Dispositions section.
7. Once the grid is populated select the row(s) to be copied to by highlighting them (or use the Select All button).
8. Click the Perform Action button once the correct rows are highlighted.
Any existing Market Master matching the Destination Disposition will be deleted first, then the FROM information will be duplicated into the Market Master.
Participant Groups
Back to Participant Group Maintenance
Participant Groups is a flexible tool that creates a user-defined grouping of entities and/or owners. The Market Master can then reference this participant group. This decreases the time for Market Master setup where groupings occur throughout the Market Masters, thus alleviating duplicate cumbersome setups.
Action buttons include Save, Revert, Cancel, Add Entity to Group, Specify Owner to Facility, and Delete Entity.
Field | Description |
Production Date | This field is preset; however, it can be entered. |
Participant Group ID | Enter an ID. |
Participant Group Name | Enter a name for the group. |
Member Entity Type | This is a drop-down field with options including:
Once the Member Entity Type is entered the Add Entity to Group button becomes enabled.
1. Click the Add Entity to Group button.
An Advanced Search window opens.
Action buttons include Search and Clear.
Field | Description |
Production Date | This is a preset field. |
Entity ID | Enter an ID or partial ID. This field is optional. |
Entity Name | Enter a name or partial name. This field is optional. |
Province | This is a drop-down field. |
Government Code | Enter a government code or partial government code. This field is optional. |
Once Search is selected a list of possible entities appears.
Action buttons include Select and Return, Select All and Deselect All.
2. Select the appropriate entities and return to the Participant Group Maintenance screen.
The participant group may now be used in Market Master setups.
When the Member Entity Type is Battery, Tract, Unit or Well the Owner can also be specified.
3. Highlight the entity row(s) and the Specify Owner to Facility button becomes enabled.
4. Click this button and an Owner - Advance Search window appears.
4. Enter or search for an owner(s). Select the owner(s).
The owners appear in a new attached grid.
5. Click Save.
Remove Unmatched Market Master Dispositions
The Remove Unmatched Dispositions button gives you a quick way of deleting Market Masters that no longer match balance dispositions.
An unmatched disposition is one where there is no corresponding disposition in the Facility Balance. This can occur in two ways:
1. If you deleted a Disposition line from the Battery Balance but did not remove the corresponding Market Master.
2. If you create a Market Master Disposition prior to creating a corresponding Delivery in the Balance screen (Battery/GGS/Plant).
Qbyte Metrix will identify the unmatched rows and highlight them in RED . A message in RED will also indicate that there are unmatched dispositions. This message does not prevent you from processing this facility.
The Remove Unmatched Dispositions button will allow you to delete all Market Master Dispositions that do not have a corresponding balance disposition with one click. This button will only appear if there are unmatched dispositions that can be removed.
When the unmatched dispositions are removed, the message in RED and the new Remove Unmatched Dispositions button will no longer be displayed.
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