Consumption Allocation

Consumption Allocation

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This screen is used when more control is required over how the facility-level (Battery, Gathering System or Plant) consumption is reported (location, usage type) and/or how it is allocated down to the producing entities. The screen is basically the same for all facility types, with minor differences due to the type of consumption available at each facility (for example, Acid  Gas is only available at Plants within Qbyte Metrix) and whether the facility is attached to a Gas Flow control group or not.

This screen is used to set up Usage IDs, each of which represents a specific consumption usage. Unlike the facility-level consumption data entry where you enter a total by type (i.e., Lease Fuel, Flared) for the facility, a Usage ID allows you to split the total volume down to specific uses. For example, you may have Lease Fuel being used at multiple compressors within the facility and if those compressors are licensed then you must report the fuel individually on the Petrinex Volumetric report. You could also have different producing entities flowing through the different compressors and you want to allocate the consumption use down to the entities that used the equipment that used the fuel.


In general, facility-level consumption is reported on the Petrinex Volumetric report with the facility as the From/To Facility for the activity. The activity (FUEL, FLARE, VENT) is typically based on the type of consumption (Lease Fuel, Flared, Vent). The exception is Acid Gas. Qbyte Metrix treats Acid Gas as a type of consumption, but in Petrinex, Acid Gas is reported as its own product. This means Acid Gas entered at a Plant is typically reported under the product ACIDGAS with an activity of SHR.

  • You need to use Usage IDs if some of your facility consumption needs to be reported with a From/To Facility representing a sub-facility (i.e. a licensed compressor station).

  • You need to use Usage IDs if you are receiving gas as a generic consumption receipt and consuming that gas as more than just Lease Fuel at the facility.

  • You need to use Usage IDs if you have Acid Gas at your Plant that needs to be reported as FLARE instead of SHR on the Petrinex Volumetric report.



In general, facility-level consumption is not allocated down to producing entities unless Usage IDs are set up. However, even with Usage IDs set up the consumption may still not be allocated down to the producing entities unless the facility is set up to allow the allocation. The Usage IDs may be set up strictly to support Reporting requirements, as mentioned above, and not for allocation purposes. 

The rules for allocating Usage volumes down to producing entities are different depending upon the type of facility and the allocation method being used at the facility.

Gas Flow

Allocation Method


Gas Flow

Allocation Method




Only Usage IDs with wells attached will be allocated down to the well-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No .

Note: Allocated consumption does not impact production allocation, regardless of the Allow Gathered Adjustments option at the plant.



Only Usage IDs with wells attached will be allocated down to the well-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No. The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the gathered when allocating plant production when the plant has Allow Gathered Adjustments = Yes and the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Consumption allocations for Usages are not component-based so the Usages do not require an analysis to be entered. If an analysis is entered, it will be ignored.


Factored Gathered

Only Usage IDs with wells attached will be allocated down to the well-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No . The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the gathered when allocating plant production when the plant has Allow Gathered Adjustments = Yes and the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Consumption allocations for Usages are not component-based so the Usages do not require an analysis to be entered. If an analysis is entered, it will be ignored.



Only Usage IDs with wells attached will be allocated down to the well-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No . The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the gathered when allocating plant production when the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Consumption allocations for Usages are not component-based so the Usages do not require an analysis to be entered. If an analysis is entered, it will be ignored.

Note: Allocated consumption is included in the adjustment of gathered regardless of the Allow Gathered Adjustments option at the plant.


Ideal Product Shrinkage

Usage IDs will be allocated down to the well-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No . The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the gathered when allocating plant production when the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Consumption allocations for Usages at the Plant are component-based so the Usage volumes need to be split to the component-level. An analysis should be entered for each Usage, however, if no analysis is entered the entered Gas Production Analysis will be used, if there is no entered Gas Production Analysis, then the Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used.

Note: No entities attached to a Usage ID means that all entities are allocated. This is different than when using other non-Gas Flow allocation methods.



Usage IDs will be allocated down to the well/tract-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No. The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the theoretical when allocating facility production when the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Note: No entities attached to a Usage ID means that all entities are allocated.

Note: For Gas Flow properties, the consumption is allocated to the tract-level for units.


Grouped Component

Usage IDs will be allocated down to the well/tract-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No. The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the theoretical when allocating facility production when the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Allocations are component-based so the Usage volumes need to be split to the component-level. An analysis should be entered for each Usage, however, if no analysis is entered the Generated Production Analysis will be used. For batteries and gathering systems, the Raw Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used. For plants, the Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used (if not found, then the Raw Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used).

Note: No entities attached to a Usage ID means that all entities are allocated.

Note: For Gas Flow properties, the consumption is allocated to the tract-level for units.



Usage IDs will be allocated down to the well/tract-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No. The allocated consumption will be included in the adjustment of the theoretical when allocating facility production when the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Allocations are component-based so the Usage volumes need to be split to the component-level. An analysis should be entered for each Usage, however, if no analysis is entered the Generated Production Analysis will be used. For batteries and gathering systems, the Raw Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used. For plants, the Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used (if not found, then the Raw Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used).

Note: No entities attached to a Usage ID means that all entities are allocated.

Note: For Gas Flow properties, the consumption is allocated to the tract-level for units.


Ideal Product Shrinkage

Usage IDs will be allocated down to the well/tract-level. The allocated consumption will be included in the Gas Shrinkage Summary and Gas Shrinkage Activity Details report unless the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = No. The allocated consumption will be included in the calculations of the remaining theoretical when the Usage ID has Adjust Theoretical = Yes.

Consumption allocations for Usages are component-based so the Usage volumes need to be split to the component-level. An analysis should be entered for each Usage, however, if no analysis is entered on the Usage, then the Production Analysis will be used. For plants, the entered Gas Production Analysis will be used, if there is no entered Gas Production Analysis, then the Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used. For batteries and gathering systems, the entered Raw Gas Production Analysis will be used, if there is no entered Raw Gas Production Analysis, then the Raw Gas Generated Production Analysis will be used.

Note: No entities attached to a Usage ID means that all entities are allocated.

Note: For Gas Flow properties, the consumption is allocated to the tract-level for units.



The Header or Summary section of the screen shows the totals for the facility-level consumption, the sum of the volumes entered at the Usage IDs, and how any generic consumption received volumes were used.




Gathering System







Generic Consumption Received

This field indicates the volume received from a generic consumption receipt (Consumption, Transfer for Consumption).

Used at Well-level

This field indicates the volume from generic consumption receipts that was used at wells with consumption factors using Adjust Production = Receipt (Do Not Adjust Production).

Note: This is only visible for Batteries.

Used for Lease Fuel

This field indicates the volume from generic consumption receipts that was used as Lease Fuel.

Note: Generic consumption volume received that is not used at the well-level (for batteries) are required to cover data entry at Usage IDs is assumed to be Lease Fuel.

Used for Flare

This field indicates the volume from generic consumption receipts that was used as Flare.

Used for Vent

This field indicates the volume from generic consumption receipts that was used as Vent.

Used for Acid Gas

This field indicates the volume from generic consumption receipts that was used as Acid Gas.

Note: This is only visible for Plants.


This field indicates the volume from generic consumption receipts that has not been accounted for.

Note: Since Qbyte Metrix assumes all unaccounted-for volumes are used as Lease Fuel, this field should be 0. It can, however, be negative when the volumes entered at the Usage IDs exceed the volumes entered as facility consumption PLUS any generic consumption volumes received.

Total Lease Fuel

This field indicates the total Lease Fuel entered or explicitly received (Lease Fuel or Fuel Receipt) at the facility.

Note: Batteries allow for calculated consumption (a battery consumption factor that uses a Calculation Basis other than Manual Input). These calculated volumes are not included in this total and are therefore not available for allocation down to producing entities. They will also be reported at the battery only (From/To Facility will always be the battery).

Lease Fuel Allocated

This field indicates the sum of Usage ID Input Volume with Type = Lease Fuel.

Total Flare

This field indicates the total Flare entered or explicitly received ( Flared ) at the facility.

Note: Only Plants can have Flared receipts.

Note: Batteries allow for calculated consumption (a battery consumption factor that uses a Calculation Basis other than Manual Input). These calculated volumes are not included in this total and are therefore not available for allocation down to producing entities. They will also be reported at the battery only ( From/To Facility will always be the battery).

Flare Allocated

This field indicates the sum of Usage ID Input Volume with Type = Flared .

Total Vent

This field indicates the total Vent entered at the facility.

Note: Batteries allow for calculated consumption (a battery consumption factor that uses a Calculation Basis other than Manual Input). These calculated volumes are not included in this total and are therefore not available for allocation down to producing entities. They will also be reported at the battery only ( From/To Facility will always be the battery).

Vent Allocated

This field indicates the sum of Usage ID Input Volume with Type = Vent .

Total Metering Diff.

This field indicates the Metering Difference calculated on the GGS Balance.

Note: Only visible for Gathering Systems.

Metering Diff. Allocated

This field indicates the sum of Usage ID Input Volume with Type = Metering Difference .

Note: Only visible for Gathering Systems.

Total Acid Gas

This field indicates the total Acid Gas entered or explicitly received (Acid Gas) at the facility.

Note: Only visible for Plants.

Acid Gas Allocated

This field indicates the sum of Usage ID Input Volume with Type = Acid Gas .

Note: Only visible for Plants.


The Usages grid shows all the Usage IDs set up for the facility. Usage IDs can be set up manually or they can also be created/updated via the Import By Template using the FACILITYCONSUSAGEGENERAL-Create/Update Facility Consumption Usage IDs template.  






This field is a checkbox to indicate the Usage ID selected. This is used to indicate the Usage ID for deletion, analysis editing or for viewing/updating entity linkages. Only one Usage ID can be selected at a time.

Usage ID

This is a user-defined field. This is an ID unique to the facility used to identify a specific consumption usage. This field is mandatory and has rules typical of any Qbyte Metrix ID field (i.e. maximum 16 alphanumeric characters, etc.)


This is a user-defined field. This field is optional.


This field indicates the type of consumption.

Options include:

  • Lease Fuel

  • Flared

  • Vent

  • Metering Difference (only visible for gathering systems).
    Note: Metering Difference usages impact gathered, if appropriate, however they are not reported on the Gas Shrinkage reports as a specific usage type.

  • Acid Gas (only visible for plants).

Proration Basis

This field indicates how the Input Volume is to be allocated down to the producing entities. Gathered Volume Only is the default and indicates that the allocation should be done on total theoretical/gathered available for the associated entities. The other available options are used when only a portion of the associated entities theoretical/gathered volume is to be used. Note: It is rare that anything other than Gathered Volume Only is used but H2S is sometimes used to allocate Acid Gas type usages.

Options include:

  • Gathered Volume Only (default)

  • N2

  • CO2

  • H2S

  • C1

  • C2

  • C3

  • IC4

  • NC4

  • IC5

  • NC5

  • C6

  • C7

Note: Although the component-based options are available for all facilities, they will only generate accurate results when your data supports them. For example, if the facility is using Gathered as an allocation method and you have not entered in full wellhead analyses, then there will be no component volumes on which to base the allocation of the usage.

Petrinex Province

This is an optional field. It is typically populated when the consumption associated with the Usage ID occurred at a location other than facility (i.e. a licensed compressor station).

Petrinex Type

This is an optional field. It is typically populated when the consumption associated with the Usage ID occurred at a location other than facility (i.e. a licensed compressor station).

Petrinex Government Code

This is an optional field. It is typically populated when the consumption associated with the Usage ID occurred at a location other than facility (i.e. a licensed compressor station).

Petrinex Activity

This is an optional field. This only appears for Plants and is only enabled when the Type = Acid Gas and the production date is greater than or equal to the Start Date of the Implement Acid Gas Flare Reporting 2019 option.

Typically, Acid Gas is reported to Petrinex with the Activity = SHR. However, as of production date January 2020, Alberta requires ACIDGAS to be reported with the activity FLARE in some circumstances. In addition, they made this functionality optional as of May  2019 Production , but for months prior to that only SHR will be accepted. To meet this requirement Qbyte Metrix has a System Configuration Function Implementation option called Implement Acid Gas Flare Reporting 2019 that you can activate as of a specific Start Date.

This new option will control the functionality for plants in all provinces that implement Petrinex reporting. 

  • When this functionality is activated:

    • The Petrinex Activity field will be visible and enabled on Usage records of type Acid Gas. The only valid value for the Activity is FLARE. If the Activity is left blank, the volume will be reported as SHR.

    • The Plant Volumetric will use the Activity entered, if any, on the Usage to report the Acid Gas volumes. For the usages with an Activity of FLARE, the entered Petrinex ID will be reported as the From/To Facility.
      Note: Usages with a blank Activity will be reported as SHR and any entered Petrinex ID will be ignored so there will be no From/To Facility. Acid Gas volumes entered at the plant with no corresponding Usage Volumes entered, will be reported as SHR with no From/To Facility.

Input Volume

This is an optional field.

To load the Input Volume for the various Usage IDs monthly use FDC and the Facility/Usage Consumption CONSUSG  record layout.


This is a display-only field that indicates whether an Analysis has been associated with the Usage ID or not.

  • None - When no analysis associated.

  • Entered - When a manually entered analysis is associated.

  • Analysis ID - when an Analysis ID is associated, the actual ID of the analysis used will be displayed.

Entities Linked

This is a display-only field that indicates whether there are any entities associated with the Usage ID or not.

  • No - When no entities associated.

  • Yes - When at least one entity associated.

Distribution %

This is an optional field. This field is used when the actual volume for the various Usage IDs is not known, and you want Qbyte Metrix to calculate it for you. The Distribution % is used to indicate the portion of the facility total that is to be distributed to the Usage ID. This is done by Type.

For example:

  • The total Lease Fuel for a battery is 100.0.

  • There are three Usage IDs (USAGEA, USAGEB, and USAGEC) set up with Type = Lease Fuel but the Input Volume for each is not known but you are told that USAGEA uses 40% of the total and USAGEB uses 50% with USAGEC using the remaining 10% of the total.

  • Each month, regardless of the total Lease Fuel for the battery, USAGEA will get 40% and USAGEB 50%, etc.

When using this option on a Usage ID, all Usage IDs with the same Type, must use a Distribution %.

You cannot have both a Distribution % and an Input Volume entered for the same Usage ID.

Note: As measurement has become more automated and the measurement requirements have become stricter, this functionality is rarely used.

Adjust Theoretical

This field indicates whether the volume allocated to the entities for the Usage ID is to be subtracted from those entities' theoretical/gathered. This field is a Yes/No field that defaults to Yes. When this field is No, the Usage ID is still allocated down to the entities but the theoretical/gathered volume for the impacted entities is not adjusted.

Setting this field to No may be useful when receiving gas to be used as consumption. Since the gas being consumed is not from the facility's production, instead of reducing the theoretical/gathered volume of the entities consuming the gas it may be more accurate to ignore the consumption volume that came from receipts.

Note: When a facility is using a mixture of its own production and receipt volume for consumption, it may be necessary to split the consumption into multiple Usage IDs in order to better control which volumes impact theoretical /gathered volumes, and which do not.

Note: The value of this field only comes into play when the facility is set up correctly to allocate Usage IDs down to the entities and to have the consumption allocation impact the theoretical/gathered volumes.

Total Entity Input Volume

This is a display-only field that shows the sum of all Input Volume entered at the entities associated with the Usage ID.


This is a display-only field that shows the difference between the Input Volume at the Usage and the sum of the Input Volume at the entities.


Entity Linkages

The main reason to link entities to a specific Usage ID is to control which entities are allocated the consumption volume associated with the Usage ID. It is typically enough to simply link the entities and then let Qbyte Metrix do the allocation of the volume down to the entities (based on the associated Proration Basis). However, there may be some instances where you want to have even more control and enter an Input Volume for one or more of the linked entities to force Qbyte Metrix to allocate specific volumes to those entities.

The Entity Linkages grid shows all the entities that have been attached to the selected Usage ID. Entity Linkages can be set up manually or they can also be created via the Import By Template using the  FACILITYCONSUSAGEENTITY template, and deleted using the FACILITYCONSUSAGEENTITYDELETE template.

To add/delete an Entity to the grid or update the entity-level Input Volume click the Edit button.

You add an Entity by selecting the Entity Type and either using the type-ahead to find a valid entity of the selected type and click the Add button. You can also use the Advanced Search which not only helps you find the entity you want to add but allows you to select multiple entities and add them all at once. This makes it easy to add all wells attached to a specific battery, etc. at once instead of adding each well individually.

Valid Entity Types

  • Well - For non-Gas Flow facilities, both unit and non-unit Wells can be linked. For Gas Flow facilities, only non-unit Wells can be linked.

  • Tract - Only valid for Gas Flow facilities. Since  Gas Flow  properties allocate directly to the  Owner  level, and Qbyte Metrix applies ownership for unitized properties at the Tract, any consumption allocation for  unitized entities  at a  Gas Flow  facility  must  be done at the  Tract  level .


Well Advanced Search

The Well Advanced Search on this screen works differently from those on other screens in that it allows you to retrieve more than the maximum number of rows typically allowed in a Qbyte Metrix Advanced Search. This ability to retrieve more wells allows for Batteries with a very large number of wells while still taking into account performance when retrieving large number of wells.

When the number of Wells retrieved exceeds the maximum allowed (currently 500), a Find Next button will be displayed. Clicking the Find Next button will retrieve more Wells within the same search criteria. The Find Next button will only be displayed when the maximum number of Wells is retrieved. Once the number of results retrieved is less than the maximum, the Find Next button will no longer be displayed. Note: Well selections can be made across multiple retrievals within the same search criteria. This means that you can select one, many, or all wells from the first retrieval and then click the Find Next button and select wells from that retrieval, etc. Once you have selected all the wells you need, you can click the Select and Return button.

In the following example, we left the search criteria wide open and clicked the Search button. The screen shows that the results were capped at 500, but the Find Next button is now visible beside the Search button.

We then clicked the Select All button to select all 500 wells retrieved. Next we clicked the Find Next button to retrieve more wells within the same criteria.

In this example, the Find Next retrieved another 500 wells so the Find Next button remains visible. We chose to Select none of these wells and clicked the Find Next button to retrieve even more wells within the same criteria.

Once fewer than 500 wells are retrieved, we know we are at the end of the list and the Find Next button will no longer be visible.

We chose to Select a few wells from this list and then clicked the Select and Return button. Note: Because of the large number of wells being Selected, it may take a while to link all the wells to the Usage. Also, there may be errors associated with some of the wells, preventing them from being linked. These errors will be displayed on the screen, and those wells will not be attached to the Usage.






This field is a checkbox to indicate the Entity selected. This is used to indicate the Entity for deletion .

Well/Tract ID

This is a display-only field.

Well/Tract UWI/Legal Presentation

This is a display-only field.

Battery ID

This is a display-only field. It is populated when the Entity selected is a Well and it displays the ID of the Battery the well is attached to.

Battery Name

This is a display-only field. It is populated when the Entity selected is a Well and it displays the Name of the Battery the well is attached to.

Battery Gov't Code

This is a display-only field. It is populated when the Entity selected is a Well and it displays the Government Code of the Battery the well is attached to.

Unit ID

This is a display-only field. It is populated when the Entity is unitized, and it displays the ID of the Unit the entity is attached to.

Unit Gov't Code

This is a display-only field. It is populated when the Entity is unitized, and it displays the Government Code of the Unit the entity is attached to.

Input Volume

This is an optional field.

Note: When entering non-zero volumes for a specific entity you have two options:

  • You enter volumes on the entities such that the sum of the entity-level volume matches the usage-level volume exactly.

    • Over-allocating the usage will result in an error.

  • You can enter only part of the usage volume at the entity-level if there is at least one linked entity with 0 volume entered that Qbyte Metrix can then allocate the remainder to.

    • Under-allocating the usage volume will result in an error if there are no entities with 0 volume.

    • Under-allocating the usage volume with at least one entity with 0 volume will result in Qbyte Metrix allocating the remainder to all linked wells with 0 volume (based on the Proration Basis of the usage).


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