Injection/Recovery of Load Fluid

Injection/Recovery of Load Fluid

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Metrix handles the injection/recovery of Oil and/or Water used for various treatments at a well.  This covers data entry, internal reporting, government reporting (for Petrinex submissions Metrix will create LDINJ and LDREC activities) and also the ability to book entries related to injection and recovery of load oil.  (NOTE: Water volumes are tracked down to the well level only, so Load Water does not get booked, but it will still appear on various internal and government reports.)

Within Metrix, injection of fluid into a well is considered a receipt at the wellhead, entered at the battery the well is attached to.  Recovered volume is entered against the receipt that injected the volume resulting in the “inventory” remaining downhole at the well.  Receipts of type Injection indicate volumes that were injected in the month.  For volumes that remain downhole at the end of the month (not fully recovered), Metrix will create a Previous Month receipt for each well with downhole inventory at the end of the month as part of the Month End Close process.  Previous Month receipts generated during the Month End Close will have the Received Volume set based on the downhole inventory, the Recovered Volume will be left as zero.  On system generated Previous Month receipts, the Received Volume CANNOT be modified, but the Recovered Volume can be as the volume downhole is recovered.

Metrix treats the injection of load fluid as a custody-transfer point; the volume injected is considered a “sale” to the well using the load fluid.  This means that when the volume is recovered, it no longer belongs to the owners’ whose volume was injected; it is now owned by the well into which it was injected.  This applies to Oil only since Water volumes are not maintained at the owner level.  The ownership of the oil volume, once recovered and disposed of either through sales, transfers, etc., depends upon various Load Oil options and Market Master settings.  More details on this can be found within Splitting Load Oil.

By default, Metrix will only create sales of recovered load Oil transactions during the Financial Interface processing, however there is an option at the Region level that indicates that the transactions associated with the expense of purchasing load Oil and subsequent recovery should also be created.  More details on this can be found within Booking Load Oil.

Injection Data Entry

As mentioned above, Injection of load fluid is considered a battery receipt, specifying the well that the volume is being injected into.  The well specified MUST be attached to the battery to which the load fluid was sent.  Load fluid can come from the battery’s own production/inventory, an outside receipt (battery that is NOT considered ON production) or from another ON production battery.

Load Fluid from Battery’s Own Production

To inject load fluid (Oil or Water) into a well from fluid previously produced at the same battery, enter a disposition of type Injection “To” the same battery and specifying the well that the volume is to be injected into.  An Injection disposition will automatically create an Injection receipt at the same battery.  The disposition will take care of reducing the available for sale at the battery as the volume will be viewed as having left the battery and will now reside downhole at the well.  The receipt that will be automatically created takes care of showing the volume being received at the well.  The Disposition Volume is the volume being injected into the well.  You can also enter the Volume Recovered This Month, which you may know in this case since the Injection disposition is happening at the same battery as the well being injected.  {If you do not know the recovered volume at the time of entering the injection, it is not a problem as it can be updated on the Injection receipt at a later time. The ability to include a Recovered Volume on the disposition was added as an ease-of-use feature. In the situations where you know both the injected volume and recovered volume at the same time, you can enter both and not have to go back and update the receipt with the recovered volume after it is auto-created.}

An Injection receipt will be auto-created for the injection at this battery.

Load Fluid from Outside Receipt

To inject load fluid (Oil or Water) into a well from fluid that was received from an “outside receipt” (a battery that is not ON production, typically setup specifically to represent a battery that you do not operate but you may receive volumes from), enter a receipt of type Injection from the battery representing the outside receipt and also specifying the well that the volume is to be injected into.   The Received Volume is the volume being injected into the well, the Recovered Volume is the portion of the injected volume that was recovered in the month.

Unlike when Injection receipts are auto-created from an Injection disposition, Injection receipts entered from an outside receipt can have both the Volume and Recovered volume modified.


Load Fluid from Another Battery

If the load fluid is being supplied from another battery that your company is responsible for (a battery that is ON production), then the injection is initiated at the battery that is supplying the fluid.  In essence, this is the same as Battery’s Own Production but the auto-created Injection receipt generated from the Injection Disposition would be created under a different battery.

Enter a disposition of type Injection at the battery supplying the fluid.  Indicate that the disposition is going “To” the battery which the well being injected into is attached.  You must also specify the well that the volume is to be injected into.  An Injection disposition will automatically create an Injection receipt at the battery being sent to.  The disposition will take care of reducing the available for sale at the battery supplying the load fluid, as the volume will be viewed as having left the battery, and will now reside downhole at the well at the receiving battery.  The receipt that will be automatically created takes care of showing the volume being received at the well.  The Disposition Volume is the volume being injected into the well.  You can also enter the Volume Recovered This Month, however since this volume is going to another battery, you may not know that when the disposition is being created.  {This is not a problem, as remember the Recovered Volume can be updated on the auto-created Injection receipt.}

Sample of Market Master showing the Comments added to the dispositions.

Since the Injection disposition is to another battery the auto-created receipt will be at the receiving battery.  NOTE:  The User Comment contains the information entered on the disposition.


Initial Downhole Inventory

For those wells that are being implemented with load fluid downhole already from a previous month there will not be an Injection disposition as the injection happened prior to the well being implemented within Metrix.  So in these cases you can enter the initial downhole inventory of load Oil and/or Water by entering a receipt of type Previous Month directly.

Unlike system generated Previous Month receipts, receipts entered manually will allow the received Volume to be modified.

By default, Injection dispositions, unlike other dispositions, will not be retained into the following month during a Month End Close.  Each month will start with no Injection dispositions in the Battery Balance.  However, you can choose to have Metrix retain the Injection dispositions (with the volumes zeroed out) by setting an option on the Region.  This may be particularly useful if you have regular treatments at your wells that require load fluid.


Recovered Data Entry

Entering recovered load fluid is as simple as updating the Recovered volume on the various Injection and/or Previous Month receipts.  However, this can be time consuming and tricky if there are multiple Injection/Previous Month receipts for the same well such as when the load fluid came from multiple batteries and/or there was downhole inventory from the previous month and newly injected volumes in the current month.

To help make the entry of recovered volumes easier there is an option on the Battery Maintenance -> Production screen Recovered Load Entry Method that allows you to indicate that you want to enter recovered volumes By Well.  The default setting for this option is By Receipt.

Recovered By Well

When choosing to enter Recovered volumes By Well, the Recovered Volumes on all Injection/Previous Month receipts will be disabled.  You will no longer be able to modify the Recovered volume at the receipt level.

Instead of updating the Recovered Volume on the receipts, you will update new fields on the Battery Balance -> Well Input screen.  For each possible load fluid (Oil and Water), you will see the volume Downhole (this includes volumes that remained downhole from the previous month plus any volumes injected this month) and can enter the “Unrecovered” volume for each load fluid.

When choosing to enter recovered volumes By Well instead of entering recovered volumes, you actually enter unrecovered volume; essentially the volume left downhole at the end of the month.  This was done to make the data entry even easier in those situations where you fully recover the load fluid each month.  The Unrecovered volumes will default to zero at the beginning of each month (part of the Month End Close) so if you fully recover all load fluid each month, the remaining downhole at the end of the month is still zero, so no data entry is required (just leave the Unrecovered volume zero).

Although you have chosen to enter recovered volumes By Well, Metrix still requires the data to be at the receipt level in order for the Step processing to work correctly.  This means that Metrix will calculate the recovered volume (Downhole – Unrecovered) for each well and then it will automatically update the Recovered volume on the appropriate receipts for the well.  If there are multiple Injection/Previous Month receipts for the same well, it will fully recover as many as it can until it runs out of recovered volume.  Metrix will always try to fully recover any Previous Month receipts before Injection receipts.

Using the above example, if you were to change the Unrecovered Oil to be 0.6, save the data and then go into the Oil tab, you will see that the Recovered Volumes were automatically adjusted.

Recovery of load fluid is NOT to be considered “production” and therefore the well production data entry (Test and/or Measured records) must be adjusted to reduce the producing volumes (and maybe producing hours, depending upon the situation) so that the production data entry is NET of recovered volumes.  There are two government approved ways of doing this.  The first is to adjust each impacted test or measured record and reduce the volume produced and/or the producing hours by the amount recovered.  The second is to keep the underlying measured and test records the same but adjust the total estimated theoretical for the well, and potentially changing the producing hours.  By default, Metrix assumes that the well production data entered reflects the first adjustment method.  If you are using a Field Data Capture system that does not do that adjustment for you, then you are responsible for adjusting the production data that they send in order to conform to provincial guidelines.  This adjustment can be done a number of ways: manipulating the actual data file from the Field Data Capture system prior to Importing into Metrix, adjusting the data after Importing into Metrix but before Loading through the use of the Preview screen or finally, modifying the data directly on the Battery Balance after Importing and Loading the data. None of these options are ideal.

To help make the adjustment of well production easier when this is not being done by your Field Data Capture system, you can choose to have Metrix use the second adjustment method.  There is an option on the Battery Maintenance -> Production screen Recovered Load Adjustment Method that allows you to indicate that you want Metrix to Auto Adjust Well Total.  The default setting for this option is Manually adjust Test/Measured.  (NOTE: This option is independent of the Recovered Load Entry Method.  You can choose to have Metrix auto-adjust the production regardless of whether you are entering the recovered load By Well or By Receipt.)

When the Auto Adjust Well Total option is selected, Metrix will automatically adjust the well total estimated theoretical by the recovered volume.

The following screen print shows the data entry for a well in a battery that is set up to enter recovered By Well and to Manually adjust Test/Measured.

If you then change the battery to have Metrix Auto Adjust Well Total and go back into the Battery Balance -> Well Input and click Save (or click the Recalculate button on the Battery Balance -> Summary,) you will see how the well’s estimated Oil production has been adjusted.

If you enter an Unrecovered volume that cannot be supported by the injection and production volumes you have entered, then you will receive a message indicating that there is not enough production to cover the volume you indicate you have recovered.  For example, if you have entered Oil production of 10.0, Oil injection of 20.0 and Unrecovered Oil of 5.0, then you would receive the message.  This is because based on the data entered you have indicated that 15.0 was recovered (20.0 injection – 5.0 unrecovered) but the well only produced 10.0 so there is no way to adjust the production to subtract the 15.0 recovered without generating a negative production volume.

Reminder: You can choose to have Metrix Auto Adjust Well Total while still entering recovered data By Receipt.  In that case, Metrix will accumulate the recovered volumes you entered (on each receipt) and use that volume to adjust the well estimated theoretical total.

If your business practice is to inject load fluid at the beginning of the month and then recover it all and continue producing for the rest of the month, then Metrix has another couple of options at the Well level that can further make the data entry of recovered load fluid as easy as possible.

On the Well Maintenance -> Production screen you may see two new options All Oil to Be Recovered and All Water to Be Recovered.  These options will only appear on wells attached to a battery that is set up to enter recovered By Well and to Auto Adjust Well Total.  The default for these two options is No, in which case the behaviour described above will occur.  You would change one or both of these options to Yes if you wanted Metrix to assume that all load Oil and/or Water injected is recovered each month. Although, Metrix will make that basic assumption, it will still ensure that the volumes entered support that assumption.  For example, if there is more downhole fluid than can be recovered based on the entered production, then Metrix will assume a production of zero and leave the remaining in Unrecovered.

When these options are set to Yes then the corresponding Unrecovered field on the Battery Balance -> Well Input will be disabled.  You will no longer be able to indicate how much load fluid remains downhole at the end of the month, Metrix will calculate that volume for you assuming all injected volume is recovered. 

Using the previous example, if you set the All Oil to Be Recovered to Yes and go back into the Battery Balance -> Well Input and click Save (or click the Recalculate button on the Battery Balance -> Summary) you will see how the well’s Unrecovered Oil has been set to zero and the estimated Oil production has been adjusted.

Also, if you go into the Battery Balance > Oil screen you will see how the Injection receipts have also been updated.

Using the previous example, significantly reduce the Oil production at the well such that there was more injected than recovered.  If you change the Oil production to 0.5, with 0.7 downhole, you can see how Metrix will adjust production such that the well has zero Oil production (all of it was deemed recovered) and there is still 0.2 downhole at the end of the month.

Setting these well level options can also be useful if you have a well that has a lot of downhole fluid that will take a long time to recover, if ever, or for initial drilling fluid recovery.  Metrix would then automatically assume all production is recovered until such time that there is more production than downhole volume.  There would be no data entry required each month in regards to the recovered load fluid or production adjustment.


Splitting Load Oil

Within Metrix, the injection of load Oil is considered a custody-transfer point; the ownership of the oil, once recovered, needs to be determined.  (Reminder: Water volumes are not tracked at the owner level so there is no need for a transfer of ownership for load Water.)  There are two ways in which the ownership of recovered load Oil can be transferred.  The first is that a specified Owner called the Injection Owner (set up on the Region Maintenance screen) becomes the owner of all load Oil volumes recovered.  Typically, this also means that they purchase the oil to be used as load Oil and incur the expense.  This is the default behaviour.  The second way to transfer ownership of load Oil is to indicate that all the Owners in the well being injected into are to purchase their share (based on the injection well’s Division of Interest) and will therefore take ownership of their share of the recovered volumes.  This behaviour is referred to as Splitting Load Oil to Working Interest Owners and is triggered by explicit setup in the Battery and Market Master screens.  Since using this requires setup at the Battery level, this means that it is possible to use a different method of transferring ownership at each battery.


Injection Owner

Regardless of the approach you choose to transfer ownership of load Oil, you will first have to set up the Injection Owner.  However, the Owner you use as the Injection Owner may depend on the approach you choose. 

If you choose to have a single Owner be responsible for the purchase of the load Oil and incur all expenses (and therefore own the Oil when recovered), then typically you would use your Master Owner as the Injection Owner, but you can choose any Owner you wish. 

If you choose to Split the load Oil down to the working interest owners in the well being injected, then currently your choice of Owner for the Injection Owner is a little more limited.  There is a Known Issue within Metrix that requires that the Injection Owner MUST never be one of the working interest owners encountered in an injection well.  This means that typically the use of the Master Owner as Injection Owner would no longer be feasible, as presumably, the Master Owner would also be a working interest owner in a number of wells.

The approach you choose to use will impact the Sales Split and how the load Oil expense and recovery is booked on the Voucher.  Booking of load Oil will be explained in more detail later on Booking of Load Oil.

When using the default behaviour, where the Injection Owner becomes the owner of the recovered load Oil, you would typically set up the Market Master entry for the Injection disposition to have the Injection Owner as the purchaser.  This means that they are responsible for the expense of purchasing the load Oil and in return they get the proceeds for the sale of the recovered volume.  You can use a different purchaser for the Injection disposition if you wish, but the ownership of the recovered load Oil will still go to the Injection Owner.   In this case, the purchaser will incur the expense for the load Oil purchaser but the Injection Owner would receive the proceeds of any sale of the recovered volume.  (NOTE:  As with any other Market Master entry, you have full control over which entities and/or owners participate in the Injection disposition.)

In the following example, the battery is set up to NOT "Split Load Oil to Working Interest Owners" and it is injecting its own Oil to one of its wells.

When setting up the Market Master for the Injection Disposition, notice that the Injection disposition is disposed of before the actual sales.  Also, note that the Participants are set up to ensure that we only use Working Interest Owner available.  (NOTE: Since the recovery of the load oil is done in Step 1 at a well level, if the Participants were not explicit, it may include recovered load oil available in the Injection disposition.)

Notice on the following report snippet, that the Purchaser on the disposition to Battery RLTME3 (this is the Injection disposition) is Vendor 67756 Alberta and that the recovered load oil (RLO Participant Type) also belongs to Vendor 67756 Alberta and that they then dispose of a portion of that recovered load oil.

When you want to "Split Load Oil to Working Interest Owners" there is a slightly different set up.  There is an option on the Battery Maintenance -> Production called Split Load Oil to Working Interest Owners that must be set to Yes.  Setting this field to Yes indicates that any wells attached to this battery will have the ownership of the load Oil transfer to the owners in the well being injected. 

In addition to having the Battery option set correctly, the Injection disposition entry in the Market Master MUST have the Injection Owner as the purchaser.  This setup will trigger the override of the purchaser on the Injection disposition during the Step 2 calculation process to split out the purchase to each owner in the injection well’s Division of Interest.  Instead of seeing a single sales line to the Injection Owner, there may be multiple sales lines generated, one for each Owner in the injection well.  When the load Oil is recovered, the recovered volume will also be split out to each of the Owners in the injection well. 

In the following example, we are interested in the Injection disposition to Battery RLTME1, this is an example of injecting load fluid from within the same battery.  This Battery is set up to Split Load Oil to Working Interest Owners.

Notice that the purchaser on the Market Master is the Injection Owner.  In addition, the Market Master participant was set up to ensure that only Oil from well RLTMEW2 (the same well being injected into) was used in the disposition.  (NOTE:  This was done to strictly to limit the number of rows on the report required to show how this behaviour works.)

First look at the well that is sending the Load Oil.  Notice that the Purchaser on the disposition to Battery RLTME1 (this is the Injection disposition) is Qbyte Resources even though the Market Master indicated the purchaser was the Injection Owner (Vendor 67756 Alberta).  This is because Qbyte Resources is the Working Interest Owner in the well being injected into.  Notice that the recovered load oil (RLO Participant Type) also belongs to Qbyte Resources and that they then dispose of a portion of that recovered load oil.

If there had been more than one Working Interest Owner in the well, then the Injection disposition would have been split to the multiple owners based on the Division of Interest. Using the same example, if you change the Division of Interest to have two working interest owners, you will see that not only the purchase of the load Oil, but also the recovery, is now split.

Looking at another well (RLTMEW1) within the same battery (remember the battery is splitting load oil to the working interest owners) that has no current month injection but has an entered Previous Month receipt to enter in initial downhole load inventory since this is the first month the well is in Metrix.

Here you can see that the recovered load oil (RLO) is owned by the Injection Owner.  This is because there is no corresponding Injection Disposition for Metrix to check the Purchaser to determine whether to split the load oil to the working interest owners or not.

Known Issues: The above demonstrates the potential for issues when splitting load Oil to the working interest owners.  Since this functionality relies on a combination of sending battery (Market Master setup) and receiving battery (Battery Production setup) it is possible that in some cases Metrix does not have enough information to determine correctly that it should split to the working interest owners. In these cases, it will revert to default behaviour and assume the Injection Owner owns the recovered load Oil.  Another potential issue arises when one or more of the options required to trigger the split to the working interest owner is changed.  You may have to run the Step 1 – 2 calculation process twice in order for the changes to be reflected in your results.  You also need to ensure that you reprocess both sending and receiving batteries as some functionality is done at the sender and some at the receiver.


Booking Load Oil

By default, the sale of recovered load Oil is the only transaction related to load fluid that will be created as part of the Financial Interface process. 

SALE RLO (General Type = SALE, Specific Type = RLO)

A typical booking of this Entry would be to Debit an accounts receivable account and to Credit a clearing account.  (NOTE: Since the sale is from recovered load Oil, it would probably not be booked to the standard oil sales account, which is why typically it is sent to a clearing account.)

However, you can choose to have additional transactions created related to the injection/recovery of the load Oil by setting the Book Oil Load Transaction option on the Region -> Financial Configuration screen.   This may also impact how you book the SALE RLO transaction as well.

SALE INJ (General Type = SALE, Specific Type = INJ)

This Entry Definition is used to book the sale of Oil for load purposes (Injection dispositions). A typical booking of this Entry would be to Debit a clearing account and to Credit an oil sales account.


SALE INJE (General Type = SALE, Specific Type = INJE)

This Entry Definition is used to book the expense associated with purchasing Oil for load purposes. A typical booking of this Entry would be to Debit a load oil expense account and to Credit a clearing account.  The clearing account used here should match the clearing account used in the SALE INJ Entry to ensure that the amounts offset correctly.

SALE RLO (General Type = SALE, Specific Type = RLO)

This Entry Definition is used to book the sale of recovered load Oil.   A typical booking of this Entry would be to Debit an accounts receivable account and to Credit a load oil expense account.  The load oil expense account used here should match the load oil expense account used in SALE INJE to ensure that the amounts offset correctly.

RLO INJ (General Type = RLO, Specific Type = INJ)

This Entry Definition is used to book the sale of recovered load Oil that is subsequently used for load purposes.  The reason this needs its own Entry Definition and is not handled through the standard SALE INJ is because the recovery of the load oil may need to offset the load oil expense (not the typical oil sales account as in a SALE INJ transaction).  A typical booking of this Entry would be to Debit a clearing account and to Credit a load oil expense account

Things to Consider

  • Injection Owner setup.

    • Region level (Master)

    • When not Splitting Load Oil to Working Interest Owners, the Injection Owner can be the Master Owner, otherwise it must be an Owner set up specifically as the Injection Owner and this Owner MUST not appear in any Well Division of Interests.  NOTE:  This specific Owner MUST not be the same as the “Clearing” Owner set up in Qbyte FM.

  • Whether you want Metrix retain Injection dispositions from one month to the next during Month End Close. NOTE: Volumes will be set to zero in the next month, even if the disposition itself is retained.

    • Region level (Master)

  • Whether you want to create financial transactions for load Oil expense/recovery.

    • Region level (Financial Configuration)

  • How you want to enter recovered volumes.  By Receipt (default) or By Well.

    • Battery level (Production)

  • Whether you want Metrix to Auto Adjust well production for recovered volumes or not.

    • Battery level (Production)

  • Whether you want Metrix to assume all production is assumed to be recovery.

    • Well level  (Production)

    • This is only allowed if you already chose to enter recovered volumes By Well and to have Metrix Auto Adjust well production at the battery the well is attached to.

  • How you want to split load Oil down to the owner level.  Whether you want the Injection Owner to purchase load fluid and retain ownership of all recovered volumes or you want to have the owners involved in the well being injected into purchase their own load fluid and therefore retain ownership of the recovered volumes.

    • Battery level (Production & Market Master)

    • This is a battery by battery decision but can become confusing if not all batteries are handling load fluid the same way, especially if you are sending load fluid from one battery to another.

  • If you are booking load oil expense/recovery, which accounts do you want to book them to.

  • Corporate level (Financial Entry and Account Definitions)

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