Gas Flow Balance
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Gas Flow Balance is used for Batteries and Gathering Systems attached to a Gas Flow Control Group as a supplement to their general Balance screens. The screen can be reached from the Explorer when a Gas Flow Battery or Gathering System is selected, or from the Battery Balance - Gas tab or GGS Balance. The products balanced on this screen are determined by the products set up on the Battery Maintenance - Gas Flow or the Gathering System Maintenance - Gas Flow tab, accordingly.
For more information on how to receive or dispose of oil, wellhead condensate, and water at a gathering system, see:
Summary Balance
The Balance area displays the overall balance of the facility across all products: Receipts, Shrinkage, Consumption, Processed Gas and Metering Difference.
Clicking the Notes button will pop-up the Notes window to view/update notes for the facility/production date.
Clicking the Balance button will run a preliminary calculation of by-product equivalent shrinkage etc. to calculate the volumes that appear in the Summary Balance.
Clicking the Market Master button will launch the Market Master screen. Once you are on the Market Master screen, clicking the Cancel button will bring you back to the Gas Flow Balance.
If the facility is out of balance, Not Balanced will be displayed just above the Production Date with a Balance Checks link next to it.
Product Balance
The Product Balance grid displays a summary for each product. To view/update the Receipt and Disposition details for a specific product, highlight the product.
1. Click the Edit button to open the Product Balance grid to edit and update Gains/Losses or Closing Inventory.
The Gains/Losses and Closing Inventory fields allow data entry.
Action buttons include: Save, Revert and Cancel.
2. Click the Show Selected Only button to display the Product Balance section for the selected Product. There may be a large number of products being displayed, and therefore this button allows you to isolate the product that is being balanced.
When the Show Selected Only button is selected, the Product Balance grid only displays the selected product. The button label changes to Show All and two new buttons are displayed on either side called Previous Product and Next Product.
Click the Previous Product and Next Product buttons to balance the products one at a time.
Click Show All to display all the products again.
The Receipts grid will not allow updating, except for updating analyses, when the Automatically Update Gas Flow Disposition = Yes on the Gas Flow tab of the Battery Maintenance or GGS Maintenance, as applicable. The Receipts are automatically kept in-sync with the data on the corresponding general Balance screen.
Create New | Displays the Add Receipt screen where one or more receipts can be added. Note: This is disabled when Automatically Update Gas Flow Disposition = Yes on the Gas Flow tab of the Battery Maintenance or GGS Maintenance, as applicable. |
Delete | Deletes the selected receipt from the Receipts grid. Note: This is disabled when Automatically Update Gas Flow Disposition = Yes on the Gas Flow tab of the Battery Maintenance or GGS Maintenance, as applicable. |
Edit Analysis | Displays the Analysis screen for the selected receipt where the analysis associated with the receipt can be updated. |
To Add a New Receipt:
1. Click the Create New button.
The Add Receipt screen is displayed.
Apply and Add New | Adds the new receipt into the Receipts grid and remain on the Add Receipt screen to allow the adding of another receipt. |
Apply | Adds the new receipt into the Receipts grid and returns to Gas Flow Balance screen. |
Revert | Clears the Add Receipt screen back to the default values. |
Cancel | Closes the Add Receipt screen and returns to Gas Flow Balance screen. |
Receipt Type | Available types include Transfer or Fractionation. Note: Use Fractionation only on a Gas Flow facility or when a non-gas flow facility is using the IPS allocation method. |
Product | This field is display-only and defaults to the highlighted product. |
Sending Facility Type | Available facility types include Delivery System, Plant, GGS or Injection. |
Sending Facility ID/Government Code/Name |
Owner ID | This is the Owner ID/Name.
Source Well Type | Options include Default or Well ID. |
Default Source Well | Default Source Well/Source Well.
Received Volume | This field is optional. |
Receipt Code | This field is display-only. |
Purchased | Options include Yes or No. Enabled only when the Product is RAWGAS or GAS and when the Receipt Type is Transfer or Fractionation. |
Analysis | This field is optional. Use the Edit Analysis link. |
Flow ID/Name | This field is optional.
User Comment | This field is optional. |
2. Select Apply and return to the Gas Flow Balance screen after entering the appropriate data.
3. Select Save.
The Dispositions grid will not allow updating, except for updating analyses, when the Automatically Update Gas Flow Disposition = Yes on the Gas Flow tab of the Battery Maintenance or GGS Maintenance, as applicable. The Dispositions are automatically kept in-sync with the data on the corresponding general Balance screen.
Dispositions without matching Market Masters are displayed in RED (Destination Facility ID and Government Code).
Dispositions to facilities in another Control Group are displayed in BLUE (Destination Facility ID and Government Code).
When a disposition to another Control Group is also missing a matching Market Master then the Destination Facility ID will be in RED, and the Government Code will be in BLUE.
Dispositions that have been Frozen will have a snowflake (
) displayed after the Facility ID.
Update Gas Flow Dispositions and Save | Refresh the Dispositions grid based on the dispositions from the general Balance screen (Battery Balance - Gas or GGS Balance). Note: This will not only update the volume, etc. on matching dispositions but it will also delete any dispositions that may have been entered on the Gas Flow Balance that do not exist on the corresponding general Balance screen. |
Create New | Displays the Add Disposition screen where one or more dispositions can be added. Note: This is disabled when Automatically Update Gas Flow Disposition = Yes on the Gas Flow tab of the Battery Maintenance or GGS Maintenance, as applicable. |
Delete | Deletes the selected receipt from the Dispositions grid. Note: This is disabled when Automatically Update Gas Flow Disposition = Yes on the Gas Flow tab of the Battery Maintenance or GGS Maintenance, as applicable. |
Edit Analysis | Displays the Analysis screen for the selected disposition where the analysis associated with the disposition can be updated. |
To Enter a New Disposition:
1. Click the Create New button.
The Add Disposition screen is displayed.
Apply and Create New | Adds the new disposition into the Dispositions grid and remain on the Add Disposition screen to allow the adding of another disposition. |
Apply | Adds the new disposition into the Dispositions grid and returns to Gas Flow Balance screen. |
Revert | Clears the Add Disposition screen back to the default values. |
Cancel | Closes the Add Disposition screen and returns to Gas Flow Balance screen. |
Disposition Type | When the product is GAS or RAWGAS options include Delivery, Fuel Sale, Injection, Inventory Transfer, Owner to Owner Sale, Owner to Owner Transfer, Purchased Consumption, and Return Consumption. For all other products, the available types include Delivery, Injection, Inventory Transfer, Owner to Owner Sale, and Owner to Owner Transfer. Note: Fuel Sale is only valid for British Columbia facilities. For more information on when to use Gas Flow Disposition Type Delivery versus Inventory Transfer see When To: Use Inventory Transfer instead of Delivery for Gas Flow Dispositions. |
Product | This field defaults to the highlighted by-product. |
Destination Facility Type | Options include Battery, Delivery System, Plant, Battery or GGS. |
Destination Facility ID/Government Code/Name |
Sequence Number | This field will default to 0 but can be entered by the user if there is more than one disposition of the same Disposition Type to the same Destination. |
Delivery Volume | This field is optional. |
Delivery Gigajoules | This field is optional. This field will only appear when the product is GAS or RAWGAS. |
CO2 Volume | This field is optional. This field will only appear when the product is GAS. |
Purchased | This field is display-only.
Analysis | This field is optional. Use the Enter Analysis link. |
User Comments | This field is optional. |
2. Click Apply and return to the Gas Flow Balance screen after entering the appropriate data.
3. Click Save.
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