Cost Centre - Tax Streams

Cost Centre - Tax Streams

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A Tax Streams tab is available in the Cost Centres screen of Qbyte Financial to record information for tax reporting purposes. This provides you with a quick way to define the tax pool the asset belongs to.

Qbyte Financial

Steps to Set up the Tax Pool Code:

A Pool Code must reside in the Codes table.

1. Navigate to Administration > Codes.


2. Search for TAX POOL CODE.

3. Add codes as required.

Enter tax pool information.

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...

Code Type Description

This automatically-populated field displays the Code Type Name.


This automatically-populated field displays:

  • A checkmark in the checkbox to indicate that this Code Type is user-defined and the System Administrator can change the code information.

  • A blank checkbox indicating that this Code Type is system-defined and cannot be changed.


The user-defined code value for this Code Type. This is the value you enter into the fields during data entry.

Your system administrator assigns the Code Name and description.


The user-defined code value description


Steps to set up Tax Streams:

1. Navigate to Master Data > Cost Centres.


2. Query the Cost Centre requiring Tax Stream Information and navigate to the Tax Streams tab.

3. In the Tax Streams block, add rows for each Pool Code and Percentage required. Total percent must come to 100%.

Qbyte Optix Cost Centre Details Report

Reports are available in Qbyte Optix to pull tax stream information that can be exported to Excel for ease of analysis and reporting.

1. The Cost Centre Details report is located under Masters > Cost Centres.


2.  Set Cost Centre Selection Method to Enter a List of Cost Centres to narrow down your search criteria.


3. The Cost Centre Details report includes Tax Pools information.


4. Information can be printed to PDF.



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