System Processes and the Tables They Affect

System Processes and the Tables They Affect

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Module ID

Tables Affected During Entry

Tables Affected After Posting or Process


Module ID

Tables Affected During Entry

Tables Affected After Posting or Process

Entering a Journal Entry

Voucher Entry

line_items, vouchers, line_items_supplement

cc_actuals, afe_actuals, account_actuals

Entering an A/P Invoice

Voucher Entry

line_items, vouchers, invoices, line_items_supplement

cc_actuals, afe_actuals, account_actuals

Entering an A/R Invoice

Voucher Entry

line_items, vouchers, invoices, line_items_supplement, invoice_descriptions

cc_actuals, afe_actuals, account_actuals

Entering a Cash Receipt

Voucher Entry - RECS030

line_items, vouchers, invoices, line_items_supplement

cc_actuals, afe_actuals, account_actuals

Entering a Manual Cheque and Cash Disbursement

Voucher Entry

line_items, vouchers, invoices, line_items_supplement, cash_transactions

cc_actuals, afe_actuals, account_actuals

Business Associates


business_associates, ba_addresses, fa_ba_properties, fa_ba_address_properties, la_ba_properties, la_ba_address_properties, pa_fa_properties, pa_fa_address_properties


Chart of Accounts


major_accounts, accounts


Cost Centres


cost_centres, cost_centre_legals, reporting_hierarchies, reporting_levels, reporting_entities, cost_centre_tax_pools


AFE (Authorizations for Expenditure)


authorizations_for_expenditure, afe_legals, cost_estimate_items, afes_cost_centres, operator_afes, afe_approvals (billing_details), reporting_hierarchies, reporting_levels, reporting_entities, afe_project_justifications, afe_revisions, afe_supplements


Payment Process


line_items, vouchers, invoices, cash_transactions, invoices_payable


Joint Interest Overheads


joint_overhead_agreements, joint_overhead_agr_methods, joint_overhead_agr_method_dtls, joint_overhead_agr_controls, joint_overhead_agr_properties, joint_overhead_agreement_wells


AFE Suspended Transactions

afe_approvals, billing_details**the JIB process (Month End) looks at this table to see it the partner is suspended, and then creates enttries in billing_details with a suspense date.

Month End Processes

Module ID

Tables Affected During Entry

Tables Affected After Posting or Process

Validate DOI Distributions


**validates that all line_items have a valid OM agreement attached to it. If no OM agreement, it produces a report. User then attaches valid OM at Master File level, or in Update Line Item Ownership Details, and reruns the JIBU050 process until clean.

Distribute DOI Partners


**inserts records into billing_details where li_id in billInge details record = li_id from line_items, sets billing_detail_stat_code = 'D' (for distributed), uses the OM that has been assigned to the line_item and actually shows the distribution of the original entry. It DOES NOT create the distribution journal, and it updates line_items, sets billed_date = system date

line_items, billing_details

Generate JIB Vouchers


**system creates a journal with src_module_id = 'JIBU024' and updates billing_details, sets billing_detail_stat_code = 'C' (for cleared), sets voucher_id = JIBU024 voucher_id, inserts the voucher_id of the JIBU024 voucher into billing_details**Inserts partner share in JIB Clearing Account as per setup in Organization Processing Accounts

vouchers, line_items, billing_details

Generate JIB Invoices


**this process creates a journal entry with src_module_id = 'JIBU026' and updates billing_details, sets billing_detail_stat_ code = 'I' (for invoiced) where billing_detail_stat_code = 'C', and sets invc_id equal to the joint venture invoice record. Creates AP or AR JVB invoices for clients, inserts new records into temp_jib_statement_details, temp_jib_footnotes, temp_jib_statement_summaries.**clears old records from the above temp tables (depending on the system_defaults JIBU026_save_billing_months)**Clears the JIB Clearing Account

vouchers, line_items, billing_details, invoices, temp_jib_statement_details, temp_jib_footnotes, temp_jib_statement_summaries.

Generate JIB Statements


**Prints out actual Partner Billings

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