Security Roles
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The following is a list of security roles within Qbyte Financial, and the associated screens and permissions the roles provide access to.
Even though Role 50 Super User provides access to the Qbyte Metrix Interface Process Submission screen, the process will not execute successfully without Role 14 External Interface Master Maintenance, Edits and Processes.
Role 50 Super User does NOT allow certain functions, these roles must be granted separately:
Spreadsheet uploads for Business Associate, AFE, or Cost Centre.
Ability to view vouchers created by Spreadsheet Uploads or Interfaces in the Enter Vouchers screen.
Organization Maintenance
Qbyte Exchange - Business Associate, AFE, Cost Centre, Allocations or Budgets.
Role 50 Super User does not have any direct access to Qbyte Financial tables.
1. Business Associate Master Maintenance | Business Associates | Edit |
3. Cost Centre Master Maintenance | Cost Centres | Edit |
Cost Centre Numbering | Edit | |
Cost Centre Vehicles | Edit | |
4. AFE Master Maintenance and Processes | AFEs | Edit |
Cash Calls and Operating Advances | Edit | |
Copy AFEs | Edit | |
AFE Numbering | Edit | |
AFE Item Override Descriptions | Edit | |
Capital Projects | Edit | |
5. Bank Account Maintenance | Bank Account Controls | Edit |
6. Ownership Master Maintenance | DOI Account Groups | Edit |
DOI Links | Edit | |
DOI Decks | Edit | |
GST Flowthrough Controls | Edit | |
7. Joint Interest Master Maintenance | Overhead Methods | Edit |
Overhead Controls | Edit | |
Allocation Production Volumes | Edit | |
Payout Controls | Edit | |
8. Financial Master Maintenance | Tax Rates | Edit |
Currency Conversion Rules | Edit | |
Currency Conversion Rule Customization | Edit | |
9. Account Structure Maintenance | Chart of Accounts | Edit |
Reporting Account Groups | Edit | |
Intercompany Accounts | Edit | |
Chart of Accounts Customization | Edit | |
Security Account Groups | Edit | |
Specialized Reporting KPI | Edit | |
10. Organization Maintenance | Organizations | Edit |
Organization Invoice Types | Edit | |
11. Hierarchy Maintenance and Processes | Reporting Hierarchy Levels | Edit |
Reporting Hierarchy Entities | Edit | |
Copy Reporting Hierarchies | Edit | |
12. Budget and Forecast Maintenance and Processes | Budgets | Edit |
Budget Volumes and Amounts | Edit | |
Upload Budgets | Process Submission | |
Budget Activities | Edit | |
14. External Interface Master Maintenance, Edits and Processes | Incoming Cross References | Edit |
Outgoing Cross References | Edit | |
Process Interfaced Vouchers | Process Submission | |
Validate Interfaced Vouchers | Process Submission | |
Qbyte Metrix Interface | Process Submission | |
Qbyte PRISM Interface | Process Submission | |
Qbyte CS Land Interface | Process Submission | |
Qbyte Land Interface | Process Submission | |
Edit Interfaced Budgets | Edit | |
15. Fixed Assets Master Maintenance and Processes | WIP Reclassification Rules | Edit |
DD&A Rules | Edit | |
Continuity Code Cross References | Edit | |
Production Reserves | Edit | |
Impairment Rates | Edit | |
Tax Class Rules | Edit | |
DD&A Cost Centres | Edit | |
Generate Depreciation & Amortization | Process Submission | |
Generate Depletion | Process Submission | |
Generate WIP | Process Submission | |
Load Volumes for Depletion | Process Submission | |
17. Transaction Data Entry and Posting | Enter Vouchers | Ability to enter Journal Entries |
Recurring Entry Controls | Edit | |
Add JIB Footnotes | Edit | |
18. Cheque Run Processes | Process Payments | Process Submission |
Process Locks | Edit | |
T5/NR4 Payment Extract | Process Submission | |
19. Bank Reconciliation Processes | Generate Bank Reconciliation | Process Submission |
Correct Bank Reconciliation | Edit | |
Record Cleared Payments | Edit | |
20. Month End Processes and Reports | Post Vouchers | Edit |
Generate Recurring Entries | Process Submission | |
Generate Allocations | Process Submission | |
Generate Overhead | Process Submission | |
Validate DOI Distributions | Process Submission | |
Distribute to DOI Partners | Process Submission | |
Generate JIB Vouchers | Process Submission | |
Generate JIB Invoices | Process Submission | |
Calculate Net | Process Submission | |
Final JV Month End | Process Submission | |
Generate JIB Statements | Process Submission | |
Upload JIBLink XML | Process Submission | |
Generate GST Recovery | Process Submission | |
Calculate Employee Benefits | Process Submission | |
21. Reverse Transaction Processes | Reverse Allocations | Process Submission |
22. Inquiries | Vendor Invoice Balance Inquiry | Inquiry |
Query Vouchers | Inquiry | |
Account Balance Inquiry | Inquiry | |
Cost Centre Balance Inquiry | Inquiry | |
AFE Balance Inquiry | Inquiry | |
Business Associates | Inquiry | |
Cost Centres | Inquiry | |
Cost Centre Type Accounts | Inquiry | |
AFEs | Inquiry | |
AFE Type Accounts | Inquiry | |
AFE Supplements | Inquiry | |
AFE Revisions | Inquiry | |
DOI Links | Inquiry | |
Overhead Methods | Inquiry | |
Allocation Controls | Inquiry | |
Chart of Accounts | Inquiry | |
Reporting Account Groups | Inquiry | |
Reporting Hierarchy Entities | Inquiry | |
Organizations | Inquiry | |
Track Invoices | Inquiry | |
Codes | Inquiry | |
Product Information | Inquiry | |
Voucher Type Controls | Inquiry | |
Bank Account Controls | Inquiry | |
Invoice Type Controls | Inquiry | |
Currencies | Inquiry | |
Specialized Reporting KPIs | Inquiry | |
23. Reports | Generate JIB Statements | Process Submission |
24. Administration and Codes Maintenance | Control Groups | Edit |
Modules | Edit | |
Printers | Edit | |
External Link Configurations | Edit | |
Batch Queues | Edit | |
Codes | Edit | |
User Defined Codes | Edit | |
Voucher Type Controls | Edit | |
Invoice Type Controls | Edit | |
Code Controls | Edit | |
User Defined Code Controls | Edit | |
Provinces and Countries | Edit | |
Product Information | Edit | |
Survey Systems | Edit | |
Currencies | Edit | |
Process Locks | Edit | |
Payment File Transfer Configurations | Edit | |
25. Financial Processes | Generate Recurring Entries | Process Submission |
Restate Balance Sheet | Process Submission | |
Profit and Loss Close | Process Submission | |
28. Payment Status Maintenance | Override Invoice Payments | Edit |
31. Purchase Orders | Purchase Orders | Edit |
32. Invoice Tracking | Track Invoices | Edit |
33. Line Item Ownership Details Maintenance | Update Voucher DOIs | Edit |
34. Open Periods Maintenance | Open/Close Periods | Edit |
35. CC Type Org Accounts Maintenance | Cost Centre Type Accounts | Edit |
36. AFE Templates Maintenance | AFE Type Accounts | Edit |
37. Cash Calls | Cash Calls and Operating Advances | Edit |
38. Void Cheques | Void Blank Cheques | Edit |
39. AR Invoice Comments Maintenance | Invoice Credit Controls | Edit |
40. Bank Deposits | Record Bank Deposits | Edit |
41. Zap Voucher | Zap Vouchers | Edit |
42. Batch Uploads | Process Interfaced Vouchers | Edit |
Validate Interfaced Vouchers | Edit | |
44. Cancel Cheques | Cancel and Reverse Payments | Edit |
45. Bank Information | Banks | Edit |
46. Business Associate Bank Information Maintenance | Business Associates | Ability to enter Business Associate banking information |
51. View Others Output in Process Monitor Screen | Process Monitor | Ability to select Display All Jobs checkbox |
52. Organization Invoice Types | Organization Invoice Types | Edit |
53. OPS Summary | Summarize External Reporting Hierarchies | Process Submission |
61. TDEU Upload | Spreadsheet Upload (TDEU001) | Edit |
62. Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry | Enter Vouchers | Ability to enter payable invoices |
63. Transaction Data Entry Screen Can View TDEU Vouchers | Enter Vouchers | Ability to edit spreadsheet upload vouchers |
64. Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry | Enter Vouchers | Ability to enter receivable invoices |
65. Transaction Data Entry Screen Can View Ext Int Vouchers | Enter Vouchers | Ability to edit interfaced vouchers |
66. Cash Receipts Data Entry | Enter Vouchers | Ability to enter cash receipts |
68. Cash Disbursement Data Entry | Enter Vouchers | Ability to enter cash disbursements |
70. Manual Cheque Data Entry | Enter Vouchers | Ability to enter manual payments |
71. Allocation Maintenance | Allocation Account Groups | Edit |
Allocation Controls | Edit | |
Allocation Production Volumes | Edit | |
72. Exchange Rate Maintenance | Daily Exchange Rates | Edit |
Special Exchange Rates | Edit | |
73. Generate Hierarchy | Flatten Reporting Hierarchies | Edit |
Summarize Reporting Hierarchies | Edit | |
74. Posting Process | Post Vouchers | Edit |
Remove Voucher Locks | Edit | |
75. Offset Open Invoices | Offset Invoices | Edit |
76. Batch Data Correction | Edit Interfaced Vouchers | Edit |
77. Mass Ownership Update | DOI Mass Update | Process Submission |
78. Short Form Coding Aliases | Short Form Coding Aliases | Edit |
79. Reverse JIBs | Reverse Billed Transactions | Process Submission |
80. Unsuspend Transactions | Unsuspend Transactions | Edit |
81. Capital Accruals | Capital Accruals | Process Submission |
82. Job Stream Maintenance | Process Streams | Edit |
83. Organization Cash Calls | Draw Down Organizational Cash Calls | Process Submission |
84. Application Utilities | System Defaults and Controls | Edit |
85. Multi-Tier JIB | Summarize Multi-Tier Splits | Process Submission |
86. Create Org Net | Create Org Net Voucher | Process Submission |
Export Line Items Summary | Process Submission | |
87. Reverse Processing Vouchers | Reverse Process Vouchers | Process Submission |
88. Unlock Bank Deposits | Record Bank Deposits | Ability to select Unlock checkbox |
89. AFE Approval Users | AFE Approval Users | Edit |
90. Job Stream Admin | Process Streams | Ability to edit streams created by other users |
92. View BA Banking Information | Business Associates | Ability to view bank information |
93. Budget Super User | Budget Super Users | Edit |
Delete Budget | Edit | |
94. Custom | Export Line Items Summary | Process Submission |
95. Attachment Query | Attachments | Query only |
96. Attachment Add | Attachments | Ability to add attachments to any Entity |
97. Attachment Delete | Attachments | Ability to delete attachments from any Entity |
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