Amendment Maintenance

Amendment Maintenance

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To access the Maintain Amendments screen:

1. From the Administration tab, navigate to Work Management Control > Amendment Maintenance.

The screen is split up into two grids.

  • The first grid represents the current logged and scheduled control group amendments. Selecting a record displays all facilities of that control group amendment only.

  • The second grid represents the corresponding facilities.

  • Action buttons include Print Friendly and Edit.

2. Click Edit to open the screen for additional actions.

  • Action buttons include CancelSelect All, Deselect AllCreate NewEditDelete Row(s)Schedule, and Carry Over.

The Maintain Amendments grid can be sorted and filtered.

To find out if a control group has the Reset All Facilities option selected, scroll right and look under the Reset All column.

How to Create an Amendment

There are two ways to create an amendment. You can either:

  • Select the Create New button on the Maintain Amendments screen.


  • Select a closed Control Group for a prior period from the Explorer, and then click the Create Amendment button from the right-hand side menu.

Create an Amendment from the Maintain Amendments Screen 

1. Click the Create New button in the Edit Mode of the Maintain Amendments screen.




Options include Date Range or Single Date. You may specify if you would like to open multiple dates for the same control group to amend, or only a single production date.

From Production Date and To Production Date

A range of production dates can be selected when creating a new amendment. The From Production Date and To Production Date will initially default to the Amendment Date (the System Production Date minus 1).

Amendments can be created for 12 months at a time. If more than 12 months need to be amended, the process needs to be performed multiple times.

Control Group

This is the control group to be amended.

Amendment Reason

This is a brief explanation of the reason for the amendment.

Open From Step Number

This is the process step number that the control group needs to be opened from. 

Note: You cannot open amendments from Step 2, since Steps 1 and 2 should always be run together.

  • STEP01 – Allocations

  • STEP03 – Pricing

  • STEP04 – Facility Charges

  • STEP05 – Crown Royalties

  • STEP06 – Freehold and Overriding Royalties

  • STEP07 – Financial Interface

For example: If changes are to be made to facility charges, this field would be set to Step04 (Default is Step01).

Reset All Facilities

This option is enabled if you are opening an amendment from Step 3 or lower. If you want all facilities in your control group to be reset when you schedule the amendment, set this option to Yes. This option should be used if your amendment data changes will affect many other facilities in the schematic. With this option, all facilities in the control group will be reset to the requested step, and you will then have to reprocess all facilities in the control group for that step(s).

If you do not want all facilities reset, set this option to No. This option should be used if your amendment data changes do not affect many other facilities. With this option, no facilities are reset when the amendment is scheduled. Instead, when you complete your amendment data changes, the facility (and any affected facilities) will be reset. You will then just need to reprocess facilities that have been reset. You can re-process the reset facilities one at a time, or you can run the step process at a control group level and choose a time-saving option to Run Incomplete Facilities Only. If you choose to Run Incomplete Facilities Only, step processing will run only the incomplete facilities in your control group. 

Note: The Reset All Facilities option cannot be changed once the amendment is scheduled.


This determines whether this is a scheduled amendment (the default is No).


  • You cannot change this field to No once you have saved it as Yes.

  • The amendment must be scheduled to amend a control group in the current month.

Carry Over

This option is only enabled if the Scheduled flag is set to YesCarry Over allows you to complete the month-end roll without having to complete this particular amendment. When carried over, the incomplete control group is not put into the history tables, but is kept open for the next month allowing you to complete it at a later time. The control group is not closed, forcing you to schedule another amendment the following month. When a control group is carried over and a month-end roll is done, the Carry Over flag is set back to No, so the amendment will not continue to carry over indefinitely. This flag must be reset back to Yes if you want to carry over the control group another month.

Assigned To

Select the user to assign the amendment to from a drop-down list of all Qbyte Metrix users.

Requested By

 This display-only field shows the user creating the amendment request.

2. Click Save.

The system will take you back to the Edit Mode of the Maintain Amendments screen, and the newly created amendment will be displayed in the first table.

Note: If a System Generated amendment already exists, the screen will display an error message and will not let you create the same amendment. You can search for the System Generated amendment from the Maintain Amendments screen by filtering the System Generated column. If the step number needs to be changed, select the row and click the Edit button.

Create an Amendment from the Explorer

1. Select a prior month Production Date and the Control Group you want to amend, and click the Create New Amendment button from the right-hand side menu.

The same Maintain Amendment screen (from above) is displayed. Follow these steps to create the amendment. 

Edit an Amendment Request

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There are two ways to edit an amendment. You can either:

  • Select the Edit button from the Maintain Amendments screen.


  • Select a Control Group for a prior month from the Explorer and click the Edit Amendment button from the right-hand side menu.

Edit an Amendment from the Maintain Amendments Screen

1. Click Edit in View Mode of the Maintain Amendments screen.

2. In Edit Mode, select the row, then click Edit to make changes to applicable fields.



Production Date

This display-only field displays the production date.

Control Group

This display-only field displays the control group.

Amendment Reason

The previously entered Amendment Reason is displayed. This field can be changed.

Open From Step Number

The previously entered Open from Step Number is displayed. This field can be changed; however you cannot change the Amendment Step to a number higher than the current one.

Reset All Facilities

This field can be changed if the amendment has not been scheduled, the Reset All Facilities flag is set to No, and the amendment is open from Step 3 or less.

If the amendment is scheduled or the open from step number is greater than Step 3, this option cannot be changed.


After an amendment is created, it can only be scheduled from the Maintain Amendments grid. This field is display-only.

Carry Over

This field can be changed if the amendment has been scheduled, and if the control group has not been interfaced.

Assigned To

The previously entered user is displayed, and can be changed.

Requested By

This display-only field shows the user who created the amendment request.

System Generated

Options include Yes or No.

System Generated Reason

This display-only field is created at the same time as a system-generated amendment.

3. Click Save.

The system will take you back to Edit Mode of the Maintain Amendments screen, and the updated amendment will be displayed in the first table. 

Edit an Amendment from the Explorer

1. Select a prior month Production Date and the unlocked Control Group you want to edit.

2. Click the Edit Amendment button from the right-hand menu.

The same Maintain Amendment screen (from above) is displayed. Follow these steps to edit the amendment. 

System Configuration

The Allow users to Schedule their own Amendments option is defaulted to Yes.

To allow users to request and schedule amendments the following rules apply:

  • The Corporate Security Role for the user must have Full Access to the ControlGroupAmendmentEdit Security Component. This setup will allow the user to request as well as schedule amendments.


  • The Control Group Role must have Full Access to the ControlGroupAmendmentEdit  Security Component. The Control Group Role overrides the Corporate Role.

When the Allow users to Schedule their own Amendments option is No, users still have the ability to segregate duties so that some individuals can Request and others can Schedule without requiring Control Group Role Security.

The Reset All Facilities for Scheduled Amendments option is defaulted to Yes.  This option is used to set the default for the Reset All Facilities option when an amendment is scheduled. 




Security Components

To give all users the ability to request and schedule amendments:

  • Set the Allow users to Schedule their own Amendments system configuration option to Yes and the ControlGroupAmendmentEdit control group Security Component to Full Access.

To allow some users to schedule and others to request:

  • Set the Allow users to Schedule their own Amendments system configuration option to No and the corporate Security Component (RequestCorporateAmedments/ScheduleCorporateAmendments) accordingly.

For more information, see:

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