Region Maintenance

Region Maintenance

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RegionĀ Maintenance allows you to perform Region Maintenance activities on Region Settings, Master Owners, Crown Vendors, Financial Configurations, Petrinex Operators, Control Groups, Financial Groups, and Review Close History.


Region Master Maintenance






Production Date

The Production Date is in the format YYYYMM.

Region ID

This cannot be changed once it has been set up and saved.

Region Name

The full region name.

Default Province

This province will be used as a default for all entities set up in this region. Regions can contain entities in any province.

Individual Responsible

This is the User ID.


Three User Defined fields are available for your company's use. Administrators can set this to Field Label within Administration ā†’ System Configuration ā†’ User Defined Labels and can optionally set fields to be mandatory.


See UserDefined 1 above.


See UserDefined 1 above.

Approval of Control Groups Mandatory

This is a Yes/No drop-down to indicate if all control groups must be approved.

Carry Over All Current Month Control Groups

This is a Yes/No drop-down to indicate if the current month can be carried over for this region if it is not ready to be closed without booking financials.

IOGC Royalty Owner

The VendorĀ ID assigned to IOGC payables.

Default Oil Purchaser For Auto-Gen Market Master

The Vendor ID used if market masters are auto-generated.

Injection Owner

The Vendor IDĀ used to generate injection records.


Master Owner





Master Owner

The Vendor IDĀ of the Master Owner of this region.

Province/Government Code

The Government Code of the Master Owner in all provinces is listed (including Federal).







Allow Negative Royalty Obligations

Yes/No drop-down to indicate if calculated royalties can be negative.

Royalty Tax Type Mandatory

Yes/No drop-down to indicate if Royalty Tax Type is mandatory when configuring royalty obligations.

Default Royalty Tax Type

The default tax type to be used for new royalty obligations (can be overridden when setting up the obligation).Ā 

Values include:Ā 

  • Exempt (Default)

  • Production

  • Resource


Crown Vendors






Display all Provinces.

Crown Vendor

Crown Vendor IDĀ in each province.

Owner Name

Display all Owner Names.

Ā Ā 

CO2 Threshold






Display all Provinces.

CO2 Threshold Percentage

Percentage threshold is used in facility charges for certain configurations (by Province). The CO2 Threshold Percentage is used if a plant is toggled onto Yes for CO2 Allocation in the plant production factors. This value rarely changes and comes from the government.Ā CO2 is one of the 12 resident components. There are rules about how much of it the gas pipelines will accept. If you are over this threshold, you get penalized with an invoice by the Pipeline Owner. The charge is allocated to those Owners who are over the threshold.








Vendor IDĀ of the purchaser of Alberta Oil Crown Royalty volumes.


Non Date Effective





Retain Injection (Load) Transactions

Yes/No - Indicates if injection deliveriesĀ should be retained for new production month during the Close process.Ā The default is No.

Setting this to Yes may be useful if you have similar injections each month and you are not getting this information from a Field Data Capture system.

Retain Purchaser Transportation Rate

Yes/No - indicates whether Transportation Rates entered at a Purchaser-level on the Pricing screen (Operated entities) or on the Partner Operated Battery Balance - Pricing screen (Partner Operated entities) should be retained for new production month during the Close process. The default is Yes.

Setting this to No may be useful if you want to ensure that current Transportation Rates are entered each production month instead of assuming the rate is the same as the previous month.

Note: Transportation entered as Total Amount and any Facility Default Transportation Rates will not be copied into the next production month regardless of this option.

Retain Purchaser Deduction Rates

Yes/No - indicates whether Deduction Rates (Quality Adjustment, Tariff, Line Loss, Other#1, Other#2) entered at a Purchaser-level on the Pricing screen (Operated entities) or on the Partner Operated Battery Balance - Pricing screen ( Partner Operated entities) should be retained for new production month during the Close process. The default is Yes.

Setting this to No may be useful if you want to ensure that current Deduction Rates are entered each production month instead of assuming the rate is the same as the previous month.

Note: Deductions entered as Total Amount and any Facility Default Deduction Rates will not be copied into the next production month regardless of this option.

BatteryĀ Oil Proration Variance

Used to indicate the acceptable variance for the OilĀ Proration Factor, for batteries that do not have Measurement Edits enabled.

Battery Gas Proration Variance

Used to indicate the acceptable variance for the Gas Proration Factor, for batteries that do not have Measurement Edits enabled.

BatteryĀ Water Proration Variance

Used to indicate the acceptable variance for the WaterĀ Proration Factor, for batteries that do not have Measurement Edits enabled.

Financial Configuration

Back to How To: Transportation Fee Configuration

Region Financial Configurations control how financial processing is done for all control groups/financial groups in the region. These settings are not date-effective, so they will affect amendments when changes are done.





Allow Transaction Type Selection

Mandatory Yes/No drop-down that defaults to No.Ā 

  • Indicates if users can sub-select certain Transaction Types when submitting Step 7.Ā 

This includes:

  • All

  • Royalty Obligations Only

  • All Except Royalty Obligations

  • IOGC Royalties Only

  • JIBlink

Financial Interface Netting OptionĀ 

Mandatory.Ā Available options include:

  • No Netting - ALL records are in the Financial reports and on the Voucher.

  • Net Before Reporting - None of the Financial reports will show the net zero records. Therefore, the voucher does not either.

  • Net After Reporting - All financial reports show all records. But the voucher will only contain the non-net zero records. Which means, all net zero records are dropped before the voucher is created.

  • Default is No Netting

Financial CompanyĀ 


  • This company cannot be overridden at submission time.

JIBLink Enabled

Mandatory Yes/No drop-down that defaults to No.

Book Heavy Oil DifferentlyĀ 

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No.

  • Indicates if heavy oil transactions should be booked differently than conventional.Ā 

  • If Yes, entry definitions are required for product OILH.Ā 

Book Royalty Tax Type DifferentlyĀ 

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No.

  • Indicates if production/resource royalties should be booked differently.

  • If Yes, entry definitions are required for Specific Types ROYP and ROYR.

Allow Batch Option Selection

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No.

  • Indicates if users can sub-select certain Batch Options when submitting Step 7.Ā 

  • This includes Previous and Revised, Reversed Transactions only (Previous) or Revised only.

Book Oil Load TransactionsĀ 

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No.

Book Oil Pricing Transportation

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No .

  • Indicates if the transportation Rate/Total Amount entered on the Pricing screen for Oil is booked to financial.

  • Configuration is required for this option. Entry Definitions will need to be set up with a General Type of TRAN.

Book Gas Pricing Transportation

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No .

  • Indicates if the transportation Rate/Total Amount entered on the Pricing screen for Gas or Rawgas is booked to financial.

  • Configuration is required for this option. Entry Definitions will need to be set up with a General Type of TRAN.

Book By-Product Pricing Transportation

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No .

  • Indicates if the transportation Rate/Total Amount entered on the Pricing screen for any Gas By-Product is booked to financial.

  • Configuration is required for this option. Entry Definitions will need to be set up with a General Type of TRAN.

Add File ExtensionĀ 

Mandatory Yes/No drop-down that defaults to Yes.

Qbyte FM One StepĀ 

Mandatory Yes / No drop-down that defaults to No.

  • Configuration is required for this option. Please contact your support representative.

Maintain Petrinex Operators


Maintain Region Control Groups

Current Month Carry Over/Un-Carry Over

This functionality is helpful if you are unable to close the control group, i.e., typically when revenue information is not available by the month-end deadline for partner-operated properties. In the past, you would have to close using estimates and then schedule control group amendments to book actuals. Current monthĀ Carry OverĀ saves you from having to book financials. This means that you do not have to complete the control group to Step 07 or do a preliminary/final interface. Therefore, this control group will not appear on any voucher for the current accounting month. Qbyte Metrix will automatically request and schedule an amendment for each carried over control group for the now previous month.

If prior to the Region Close in the current month it is determined that the control group is no longer required to be carried over, the control group can be changed toĀ Un-Carry Over.

In the Edit screen, it is possible to select a control group(s) and carry/un-carry over Month End processing for the control groups within the region in the current month. This applies if you have security access (see theĀ Security Note below) and the appropriate Function Implementation flag set up. You can select a single or multiple control groups from the Control Groups In RegionĀ grid to be carried over/un-carried over.

If you do not have the Corporate LevelĀ Security Component enabled, then only the control groups you are authorized to (CarryOverAuthCurrentMonthĀ enabled) can be carried over/un-carried over.

For more information about carrying over a current month, see:

Maintain Region.png


Moving Control Groups Between Regions

Once a region has been created, control groups can be associated to it. A control group can only be associated with one region inĀ one Production Date. Control groups are automatically associated with regions when control groups are created (based on the region you are in when the control group was created). However, it is possible to change the control group's association to a region here.

1.Ā ClickĀ  EditĀ  to make changes to the control groups in this region.

2. Select the groups you want to move and click the Add Selected button.

3. Save.


Financial Groups

A Financial Group is essentially a group of control groups that you want to process together. It is mainly used to correctly process financial transactions for units that span more than one control group. It is also recommended to configure financial groups if you are utilizingĀ Intergroup Oil Transfer functionality.

Financial Groups.png


Region Close History

The information on thisĀ tab provides youĀ with basic details of all the control groups (Current Month and Amendments) that were included when the regionĀ was closed for a specific Production/Accounting Date.

  • The AccountingĀ  Date on this screen will always be the accounting date that corresponds to the ProductionĀ  Date displayed above the grid.

  • The original Accounting Date the control group was closed on will always have an Amendment Status of No.

  • For amendments, the Amendment column will be set to Yes.

  • Carry Over columns will be set to Yes/NoĀ (depending on whether the control group/region was carried over or not).

  • To learn more about how to carry over a current month by closing it without completing the financial booking, see:

  • You can then enter your own comments in the Amendment/Carry Over Reason column.

  • The screen is sorted by AccountingĀ  Date in descending order, the amendment in ascending order (shows all current month control groups first), and Production Date in descending order.

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