AFE Type Accounts

AFE Type Accounts

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The AFE Type Accounts screen allows organizations to manage the cost accounts that an AFE of a certain type can book to.

Simple version of the screen looks like this:


When Item Number and GL Sub defaults are set to Y, then the screen will look like this:


Setting Up AFE Type Accounts

Navigate to Configuration > AFE > AFE Type Accounts


In the top section query the AFE type information:

In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...

AFE Type

The type of the AFE.

This value can be selected from the AFE Type Codes List of Values. AFE type codes are set up in the Codes screen.


The AFE type description.

This value will default based on the value entered in the AFE Type Code field.

Navigate to the next section to display the accounts that the AFE type can book to. In this section accounts can be added, edited or deleted.


In this field...

Enter this information...

In this field...

Enter this information...


The major/minor account that the AFE type can book to.

This value can be selected from the Accounts list of values. The Description will default with the account major/minor selected.

Item Number

The item number assigned to this account major/minor.

The USE_AFE_ITEM_NUM must be set to Y in the System Defaults and Controls screen to use this function. Navigate to Sub-Systems = 2 Qbyte FM > Sub-Sys Comp = 16 Core. When item number is set to Y then all AFE type accounts must have an AFE item number assigned.

GL Sub Code

The GL sub code that the AFE type can book to.

If system default USE_GL_SUB_CODE is set to N, this field will not be displayed.

Select Ctrl + S, or the Save icon, to save changes.

Launching AFE Type Details Report in Qbyte Optix

Users can launch an AFE Type Details report in Qbyte Optix by clicking the Qbyte Optix icon in the toolbar.


This will launch the AFE Type Details report in a new Qbyte Optix window.


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