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To view and update the opened and closed accounting periods:
1. Navigate to the menu and select Administration → Open/Close Periods.
2. Enter data in the top block.
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
Period Start
Enter the starting Accounting Period of your range, in the YY/MM format. This field is mandatory in order to execute the search in the lower grid.
Period End
Enter the ending Accounting Period of your range, in the YY/MM format. This field is mandatory in order to execute the search in the lower grid.
Optional, specify which Organization you would like to view the Accounting Periods for.
Enter the Organization or choose from the Organizations List of Values.
Leave blank to select all Organizations.
Profile Group
Optional, specify a Profile Group.
Enter a profile or choose from the Profile Groups List of Values.
Leave blank to select all Profile Groups.
Include Closed Periods
Indicates if closed Accounting Periods are included in the search results. All four Sub-Systems (AP, AR, JIB, Rev) must have a closed status in order for the Accounting Period to be considered closed in it's entirety.
Navigate to the Periods block.
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
The Organization ID and Name is displayed.
The Accounting Period is displayed.
Profile Group
The Profile Group Code and Name are displayed.
The four Sub-Systems are displayed (AP, AR, JIB and Rev) with their current status, either Open or Closed.
AP - Opens all AP functionality, specifically the ability to create AP invoices.
AR - Open all AR functionality, specifically the ability to create AR invoices.
JIB - Open all Joint Interest functionality, specifically the ability to create entries to Gross accounts.
Rev - Open all Revenue functionality, specifically the ability to create entries to Net accounts.
In this block, you can manually open or close each Sub-System for the Organization and Accounting Period combination.
Optionally, if you have Organization Account Security functionality enabled in Qbyte Financial, navigate to the Control Groups block located at the bottom of the screen.
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
Control Group
Specify a Control Group.
Open the Period Control Groups List of Values drop down.
Open / Closed
You can indicate the Open or Closed status for the specific Control Group within the Organization and Accounting Period combination.
For example, you can close an Accounting Period for all Sub-Systems in the Periods block, but then open the Accounting Period only for users within a specific Control Group.
5. Press Ctrl+S or click the Save icon to commit your changes.
6. The Roll Forward functionality updates the user defaults for all users by setting their default Accounting Period to the new value indicated.
Invoking the Roll Forward Period button will display a popup
In this field...
Enter this information..
In this field...
Enter this information..
Source Code
Specify a Source Code.
Open the Voucher Source Code List of Values or press F4 to access a list of values.
Leave blank to select all Source Codes.
For the specific Source Code, specify which Accounting Period you would like to roll forward all user defaults to.
The Open/Close Periods button allows you to mass update the Open/Closed status of many Organizations at once. Invoking the Open/Close Periods button will display a pop-up:
In this field...
Enter this information...
In this field...
Enter this information...
Organization ID
Specify which Organization you would like to Open/Close periods for.
Open the Organization List of Values drop down or press F4 to access the list of values.
Leave blank to select all Organizations.
Profile Group
Specify the Profile Group.
Open the Profile Groups List of Values drop down or press F4 to access the list of values.
Leave blank to select all Profile Groups.
Period End Date
Specify which Accounting Period you would like to open/close.
Specify which Sub-System you would like to Open or Close for the above entered criteria. Leave blank to select all Sub-Systems.
AP - Opens all AP functionality, specifically the ability to create AP invoices.
AR - Open all AR functionality, specifically the ability to create AR invoices.
JIB - Open all Joint Interest functionality, specifically the ability to create entries to Gross accounts.
Rev - Open all Revenue functionality, specifically the ability to create entries to Net accounts.
Click the Open Period or Close Period button.
A message should appear stating that records have been inserted (periodsopened) or records have been deleted (periodsclosed).
10. Press Ctrl+S or click the Save icon to commit your changes.