How to: Spreadsheet Import Partner Operated Sales Transactions
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The Spreadsheet Update template PARTNEROPSALES can be used to update the Net and/or Gross Volume, Value, GJs, Transportation, Quality Adjustment, Tariff, Line Loss, Other#1, and Other#2 for partner operated sales transactions. This template updates the Partner Operated Sales transactions by matching the Production Date, Battery, Product, Purchaser ID, Purchaser Seq. #, Destination Type and Destination ID.
Partner Operated Sales transactions can be updated in multiple ways:
Manually through the Partner Operated Balance screen (Sales tab).
Imported from the operator-submitted Petrinex data. See Partner Operated Facility Upload for more details.
By using the Allocate button from the Pricing tab of the Partner Operated Balance screen, sales values can be allocated based on the Sales Volume, Plant Facility, Purchase Seq #, Destination ID, etc.
By using the PARTNEROPSALES template.
When using the PARTNEROPSALES template, the data can be generated in one of two ways:
By manually creating data in .CSV format to match the Template format.
By following the steps described below.
Step 1: Create Sales Transactions Within the Partner Operated Battery Balance Screen
Create all sales transactions that need to be updated through the Template Import. Partner Operated Well Sales transactions can be created using the following methods:
Manually using the Create New button located in the Partner Operated Battery Balance Sales tab.
Imported from the operator-submitted Petrinex data. See Partner Operated Facility Upload for more details.
Add default sales lines for products, purchasers, purchaser sequences, destinations, etc. and/or modify and delete existing sale transactions through the Edit Well Transactions screen.
Step 2: Extract Partner Operated Sales Transactions Using the Battery Data Extract or Well Data Extract
1. Login to Qbyte Optix and select the Battery Data Extract or the Well Data Extract.
2. Enter the reporting period and then battery or well criteria.
3. Select the Data Extract Attributes and then Add Commonly Used Attributes.
4. Click on the Partner Operated Sales Transactions commonly used attributes, and the attributes necessary for the Import Data By Template are added as the selected attributes for the data extract.
5. Use the Export to Excel: Unformatted (.xlsx) option to extract the data and edit using Microsoft Excel.
6. Once the Volumes/Values/GJs are updated, Save the spreadsheet as .CSV
Step 3: Import the Spreadsheet Using Spreadsheet Import
Follow the Import by Template process to update the Net/Gross Value, Net/Gross Volume, Net/Gross GJs, Net/Gross Transportation, Net/Gross Quality Adj., Net/Gross Tariff, Net/Gross Line Loss, Net/Gross Other#1, and Net/Gross Other#2 for partner operated sales transactions.
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