External Links

External Links

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The external links functionality in Optix allows for integration to other applications through links defined in the Qbyte Optix Logical Model. These links are defined at the logical model object level. It is possible to assign more than one external link to an object.


Examples of External Links

To attach Google search functionality to the Business Associate object set the External Link value to:


The "{{" characters indicate substitution. This particular substitution will substitute the string "IM.BusinessAssociate.name" with the name of the Business Associate being processed. This will result in a Google search of the Business Associate name.

To attach Google mapping functionality to the address of the Business Associate object set the External Link value to:


This functionality is commonly used for linking invoices to imaging systems. In this case the user would attach the imaging system URL to the Invoice object in Optix. The URL must have the appropriate substitution as defined by the imaging software.

To create invoice imaging external links in Optix you need to determine the invoice imaging configuration information from Qbyte FM.  The imaging configuration information in Qbyte FM is stored in the imaging_configs table and can be viewed in the Maintain Imaging Configurations screen located under System Admin.

Invoice Imaging

Qbyte FM uses pre-determined variables to pass information to the imaging system, for example $INVC_NUM$.  In Optix, you must substitute the Qbyte FM variable with the Optix modelobject and attribute information.  The format of the substitution is {{Model.Object.Attribute}}

For example, if the Qbyte FM Invoice imaging information was:

Web Directory:     https://calp201:82

Web Command:     Document=$INVC_NUM$&Index4=$VOUCHER_ID$&ShowFirstDocument=1

The External Link created in Optix will be:

Model:                         Financial Management
Object:                        Invoice
External Name:            View the scanned invoice
Link Address:               https://calp201:82?&Document={{IM.Invoice.invoiceNumber}}&Index4={{IM.Invoice.voucherId}}&ShowFirstDocument=1

Voucher Imaging

Qbyte FM uses pre-determined variables to pass information to the imaging system, for example $VOUCHER_ID$.  In Optix, you must substitute the Qbyte FM variable with the Optix modelobject and attribute information.  The format of the substitution is {{Model.Object.Attribute}}

For example, if the Qbyte FM Voucher imaging information was:

Web Directory:             https://Mainsrv.p2energy.local

Web Command:           ?&Index4=$VOUCHER_ID$&ShowFirstDocument=1

The External Link created in Optix will be:

Model:                         Financial Management
Object:                        Voucher
External Name:            View the scanned voucher
Link Address:               https://Mainsrv.p2energy.local?Index4={{IM.Voucher.voucherId}}&ShowFirstDocument=1

Note:  As of Chrome version 88 and Edge version 85, mixed content downloads are no longer supported. Therefore, the URL setup for the Voucher and Invoice images in Qbyte Financial and Optix must be downloaded over a secure HTTPS connection. For more information, refer to the following links:

Work with your imaging system provider to ensure the imaging links are secure.

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